"A high reward is offered to the red-named player for playing music in the middle of the night!"

"Protect the game environment and resist murderous players!"


"I’ll increase the price and step up the promotion!"

"Damn it, I was killing monsters there and he attacked me from behind!"

"Who isn’t?!"

"I am really impressed by this Lao Liu!"

"If his mother buys vegetables, the price will go up; if his grandfather plays chess, people will point fingers at him; if her grandmother dances in the square, it will rain!"

"He will not get any money if he draws ten times in a row, he will not have any toilet paper if he goes to the toilet, he will not have any battery if he pays with his mobile phone, and he will buy fake goods if he shops online!"

"Damn, brother, your curse is so vicious!"

"Haha, the red-named players will have a bad death!"


Listening to the noise outside, Fly couldn't help smacking his lips,"Why do I feel like everyone is talking about that red-named player recently, and no one is talking about our first kill."

Zhang Qingyan shrugged,"Because you haven't been stabbed in the back by the red-named player, otherwise you would be like them now."

Fly was speechless,"Are you kidding? The number one 'Assassin' in the server could be backstabbed by him?"

Zhang Qingyan laughed,"You?"

Fly stood up immediately,"What's wrong with me, do you underestimate me? Believe it or not, I will take the bounty of that red-named player directly for him?"

"Let me show you how I assassinate him."

At this moment, Du Yuan suddenly stretched and walked over,"You two are really energetic. Aren't you tired after running around the map all day?"

"How about practicing with me tonight?"

Hearing this, Cangying collapsed on the chair,"I can't do it, I can't do it. If I move one more step, my bones will fall apart."

Zhang Qingyan smiled,"Didn't you just say you were going to assassinate that red-named player?"

Cangying's mouth twitched,"No, let's go back to the house and sleep."


At this time, on the second floor of the guild.

Yes, in the past few days, they built a second floor.

At this time, Fang Ze and Ye Qiu were standing on the balcony on the second floor, enjoying the breeze.

"The clues to the snake master are still vague."

Today during the day, Fang Ze and others searched the area near the volcano, but found nothing.

Ye Qiu was also confused. If he remembered correctly, the second clue should be at the volcano...

How could it be missing?

Could it be that……

""Inside the volcano?"

Ye Qiu muttered to himself, which made Fang Ze suddenly think of something,"By the way, we haven't searched the inside of the volcano yet!"


Ye Qiu's mouth twitched,"You can search the volcano however you want, I'm just talking casually, don't take it seriously."

Fang Ze shook his head,"No, maybe you are right this time, other players have already searched the area near the volcano."

"They dug what they should dig, turned over what they should turn over, but no one had ever looked inside the volcano."

"Therefore, there is a high possibility that the Snake Lord's palace is inside the volcano!"

"And maybe, just like the Wolf Lord, the palace will only appear under certain circumstances."

"For example, during the day."

That makes sense...

Ye Qiu thought so, and suddenly saw a large group of players coming from the woods in the distance.

Over there, it seems to be near the respawn point?

"Something big happened!"

"The boss is spawning in the tower!!"

"Damn, what big eyes!"

"I died without seeing anything. What happened?"

"I don't know. I just saw a beam of light."

"I saw it, silly kids, run, it’s water drops!"


"Hundreds of us are dead?"

"Is there anyone else in the tower?"

"There should be a few more……"

"Aren’t you guys going to hunt down that red-named player?"

"Yeah, but before we could find the red-named player, a big-eyed guy came out and crushed us all!"

"Oh shit, is it so exciting?"

"Anyone want to go into the tower with me?"

"Enter the tower plus one!"

"I haven't seen the boss yet, I'm going to go and see it even if I die!"


Seeing the situation below, Ye Qiu suddenly realized something. Could it be that the Chaos Watcher has awakened?!

""President, it's time to come."

Ye Qiu said with a sudden smile,"Do you want to get the first kill of another boss?"

Fang Ze also heard what these players said,"The boss that spawns directly in the tower, is it a wandering boss?"

"Let's take a look first."

Fang Ze turned around and came to the first floor hall."Lao Du, Lao Zhang, Fly, Watermelon, don't stay here. Something special is happening!"

Du Yuan and the others had heard it a long time ago. After all, the voices of those people outside were getting louder and louder.

"Got it, get ready to enter the tower!"

Just then, the architect and the rich boss of the union also came out.

"The boss is being fought, no, I want to see it too!"

Fang Ze nodded,"Okay, but we don't know the specific situation. If there is any danger, remember to report back to the zero floor as soon as possible."

""Let's go, enter the tower!"

The army of players set off in a mighty manner. More than 2,000 people online, both new and old players, all rushed into the sealed tower!

The last time Fang Ze and his team fought the boss, no one saw what the boss looked like.

As a result, they still don't know where the boss is and how to fight it.

But this time, the boss spawned directly in the wild!

This is a rare opportunity! It would be even better if we can grab the first kill!

For players, the first kill is just a title, but it has endless appeal!

No matter what the cost, as long as you can get the first kill, it is worth it!


On the other side.

In the sealed tower.

Nocturne looked at the monster he had summoned and fell to his knees."Where is God... This is not what we agreed on.……"

Nocturne thought the summoned eye was just a small monster, at most an elite monster!

But when the Chaos Watcher really woke up, he was stunned!

The name with a golden frame!

This is actually a Boss unit!

It is a huge blood-colored eyeball, with countless black gelatinous flesh and blood wrapped around the back half of the eyeball, and many tentacles extending out!

The front half is a huge pupil, evil and deep, indescribable!

Looking directly into its pupil is like looking directly into an endless abyss!

And the size of this eyeball is even larger, with a diameter of nearly ten meters!

He is rushing in the sky like a meteorite!

The good news is that the Chaos Watcher did not attack Nocturne after waking up.

The bad news is that the Chaos Watcher is killing all the players in the tower, and it will be his turn soon!

Nocturne's pupils gradually twisted,"What should I do, how can I beat this thing?!"

"Damn it, let's just run it."

Nocturne thought so, and was about to go to the teleportation array on the first floor.

But at this moment, a large number of players suddenly emerged in the teleportation array, and they swarmed in like locusts!

"Kill the boss!"

"For the first kill!"

"Kill kill kill!!"

"Brothers, charge!"

"Tonight, one of me and Big Eyes must die!"

"Brothers at a distance, please spread out, or the eyes will swoop down!"

"Hurry up and form a team of ten. We will follow the command of the Holy Light Boss in a while!"


Good news, the author will post pictures in the article!

Bad news, well... there is no bad news at the moment.

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