
""Why did Big Eyes wake up at this time? Who summoned him?"

Chen Ye, who was enjoying the sea breeze on the island, suddenly felt a little surprised.

Because the hidden boss he buried in the early stage of the game was actually summoned by the player?

In Chen Ye's design, this boss is the boss from the second floor onwards.

The summoning method is written in the remaining pages of the Book of the Dead.

The text written in the Book of the Dead is a new text generated by the system.

It is called Hermes.

Of course, Chen Ye did not only let the system create this kind of text.

He also created Green Dragon Language, Elf Language, Orc Language and other languages.

Among them, there are four languages that have substantial effects.

One of them is the ancient god language, also called the origin of the truth, all magic All characters originated from the Origin Words.

The second is Dream Language, which is the language used by half-dragons to talk in dreams, and has the ability to interfere with dreams.

The third is the Old Code, which originated from the whispers of unknown gods in the void. It contains endless knowledge and buries crazy spells.

The fourth is the Creation Words. In the setting, each Creation Word has the ability to create a thing.

Chen Ye wants to make this ability into a hidden school.

He has even thought of a name.

It's called the School of Creation, and its ability is to use the Creation Words to combine skills and various weapons.

In the later stage, this profession can even have the ability to create holy artifacts and even pseudo-artifacts!

"This hidden profession will be placed on the fifth floor. As for how to balance it... you can figure it out yourself."

System: 6.

Chen Ye came back to his senses,"No, I almost went off topic. If players want to unlock the Hermes text, they must find the forbidden scholar Zayk on the second floor."

"Only he can unlock the secrets of the Necronomicon"

"Then why... did the big eyes appear at this time?"

Suddenly, Chen Ye seemed to think of something,"Oh, why did I forget about that man-made time traveler?"

"He has the Eye of Truth, so it's normal that he can see through Hermes. I haven't seen him for a few days and almost forgot about him."

"So what did I ask him to do?"

"Oh, yes, role playing."

"You really know how to play, you dug out all the hidden bosses I buried."

Chen Ye couldn't help shaking his head and had no intention of interfering with this matter.

With the current level of players, it is impossible for them to defeat Big Eyes.

In front of Big Eyes, the number of people itself has no meaning.

No matter how many people rush up, they will just die.

In Chen Ye's words, this is not the boss you should fight at this time!

Isn't it better to fight the three lock beasts honestly?

That boss is so friendly, with few abilities and low damage. It has only two forms, and it also drops legendary accessories. Do n't you think this is good?

On the other hand, Big Eyes also has two forms. Not only is it huge in size, it has explosive damage, it is fast, and it has many skills!

The most important thing is that Big Eyes doesn't drop anything.

Even if you get the Demon Mine now, what can you do?

Chen Ye thought and shook his head. That's it. It's not a day or two that players like to die.

At most, all the players in the server will regress a few decades of soul life.

Now they may not know the preciousness of soul life.

But Chen Ye can I can tell them responsibly that soul life is actually the only level in this game!

If the player does not even have one year of soul life, unfortunately, you are not even qualified for the first turn.

There is a limit for all schools to take potions to change jobs, and that is soul life!

Start with a one-year residual soul.

As long as you have one year of soul life, you can take the most basic first-turn potion.

The second turn is ten years, the third turn is a hundred years, the fourth turn is a thousand years, and so on.

Similarly, the soul life deducted when the player dies will continue to increase!

From the initial one year, to ten years, a hundred years, and a thousand years, the later the death, the heavier the price.

Even if the player's soul life drops too much, the corresponding school ability will also decline!

Although it will not drop from the fifth turn to the fourth turn, it can also make your fifth turn skills only deal the damage of the fourth turn!

This is what it means to not know the value of life when you are young, and to shed tears in vain when you are old.

Chen Ye has already thought about it. It is estimated that this group of players will start to complain in the forum during the day.


Someone planted a tree, and then someone fell from the tree and broke his leg.

Then the person who fell from the tree would say, if you hadn't planted this tree, I wouldn't have broken my leg.

But think about it from another angle, as long as you don't have time to climb a tree, you won't break your leg?

The reason is very simple, anyone who is not a fool can understand this.

But what if we say it another way?

I buried a hidden boss in the game, and the player summoned this boss and was killed dozens of times.

So what would you think as a player?

This stupid game official deliberately made fun of the players, right? They specially made a boss that the players couldn't beat to disgust the players!

Also change the angle.

Did I ask you to beat this boss?

If you didn't beat it, wouldn't there be so many things?

"What is the difference between a fool and a wise man?"

"A fool does not understand the truth, he just does not understand the truth in a different skin."

"But the wise think that everything in the world can be explained by the same principle, but the surface forms are different."


So, who is Ye Qiu?

In the game, a team of 2,000 players was instantly defeated by the Chaos Watcher's attack!

But they still didn't give up, resurrected and entered the tower again, as if they were determined to fight the boss to the death!

But as time went by,���More and more players withdrew from the battle.

There is no doubt that this is to die.

Judging from the value of this boss, they have no chance of winning at all!

Is it necessary to fight a battle without suspense?

Everyone's soul lifespan is not much, if it continues like this, it will really be back to the pre-liberation era overnight.

More and more people thought so, and gradually, everyone dispersed.

But only one team still chose to enter the tower and fight the Chaos Monitor after more than a dozen deaths!

This is Fang Ze's team.

But to be honest, Fang Ze has actually given up.

Continuing to fight will only maximize their losses.

But there is one person who refuses to give up no matter what he says.

That person is Ye Qiu.

Countless players advised Ye Qiu not to enter the tower again, saying that it is not worth it to die like this.

Fang Ze and others also advised Ye Qiu in this way, but it was useless.

Some players secretly laughed at him for being a fool, and some said that Ye Qiu was angry and must chop the Chaos Monitor today.

But what is the truth?

Why is Ye Qiu so obsessed with the Chaos Monitor? There are two reasons.

The first reason was that he remembered the ridicule of an ancient god in his previous life!

"The lambs at least have faith, but you don't, oh, you are not even as good as a group of animals"

"Species without faith, what is the meaning of your existence?"

"I see greed, selfishness, arrogance, stupidity, laziness, conceit, and arrogance in your eyes. What a pathetic life this is."

Yes, what a pathetic life this is?

Looking at the players who were laughing at him, Ye Qiu simply smiled and said,"A long time ago, I heard an old man say this:"

"You ask me why I climb mountains?"

"Because the mountain is there."


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