The 100,000 new players have come online, but this time there are not many old players to greet them.

Because the old players are all crowded in the core area to search for treasures.

To be honest, this temple is not what they imagined.

There is nothing inside!

Not to mention money, they didn't even see anything valuable!

There is not even a monster. What is the meaning of this temple?

Is it just to show the story on the mural?

Although the story on this mural looks quite interesting.

But it can't be eaten!

Ye Qiu looked at the mural in front of him and couldn't help feeling a little touched.

Because in the near future, the myths recorded in the mural will no longer be myths.

Even these stories are really regarded as myths of their own country by those foreigners.

In their words, no matter how they look at it, it looks like the lost myths of their country!

In the end, the game was full of archaeological team members, who surrounded the mural every day, crying and nodding.

Although China also participated in this matter.

At that time, the countries were arguing red-faced, saying that a certain myth was their country, not yours. Anyway,

Ye Qiu didn't pay much attention to the above blah blah.

The meaning of the murals in front of him was also very simple, because there were text descriptions on the side.

Although they couldn't understand the text, the system could automatically translate the Green Dragon Language.

Of course, the system could only translate Green Dragon Language.

Ye Qiu had a deep understanding of this.

The NPCs in the early stage basically spoke Green Dragon Language, but the languages of the NPCs in the later stage were really varied.

Because the players couldn't understand what the NPCs said, they could only learn the NPC's language.

Ye Qiu was no exception. He once signed up for a remedial class.

Specialized in learning the languages of some special species.

For example, the language of half-dragons.

Because the race of half-dragons is very special, they have a special ability, that is, to communicate in dreams.

But not all half-dragons have this ability.

Half-dragons who have the ability to communicate in dreams are called dream talkers.

They spend most of their time sleeping. If you want to communicate with them, you can only connect to their channels in dreams.

Then communicate with them in the language of half-dragons.

There are many wise men among them.

For example, the patriarch of the half-dragons.

If the player can master the language of the half-dragon and communicate with him in a dream, he can find out the secret of turning into a half-dragon from him.

That's right, the races that players can use in this game are not just humans!

Players can also become elves, half-dragons, mermaids, and demons!

To give a simple example, the elves have a huge ancient tree of life.

As long as the player eats the fruit of the ancient tree of life, he will enter the embryonic state.

After the embryonic development is complete, the player can be reborn!

Reincarnate as an elf!

Enjoy the elves' thousands of years of long life and the characteristics of natural affinity with plants, and you can easily control natural magic and blood magic!

Don't be confused.

The elves in this world are not as beautiful as they seem on the surface!

The elves are actually a group of cannibals!

What they eat is not plants, but the flesh and blood of living things!

Because the elves have a special ability!

They can get the memory and ability of a person by eating the flesh and blood of that person!

All this originated from the god of the elves, Tyr Sandreus!

He was born in blood and feeds on the flesh and blood of humans. This characteristic was naturally passed on to his people.

Therefore, to the humans of the Green Dragon Continent, elves represent evil, bloody, tall and thin ugly species with long pointed ears!

Other races also hide unknown secrets to a greater or lesser extent.

Even the dwarves are the same.

The most advanced craftsmanship of the dwarves is flesh and blood forging!

Only by injecting a person's soul and flesh and blood into the forge can a weapon with a soul be forged!

But dwarves will not inject themselves into the forge.

In their eyes, any life can be a material for forging!

Just like what Ye Qiu once said, the legendary weapon that exists on the fifth floor!

The Dusk of the Dragon Emperor!

That is a weapon forged with the flesh and blood and soul of the Dragon Emperor!

That weapon was legendary when it was first made!

And as the player further liberates the power in it, that weapon can be continuously upgraded!

From Legend to Ancient, and then from Ancient to Sanctuary!

But the highest can only be promoted to the Sanctuary level.

At best, it is only on par with the Spear of Longinus.

If it is higher, it is the realm of God.

Above the holy weapon is the divine weapon. Only gods can control weapons of that level. Ordinary players can't drive them at all.

For example, Thor's hammer.

If it's not a god, mortals can't pick it up no matter how strong they are!

Therefore, the holy weapon is the top weapon that players can touch.

Unless you become a god.

But becoming a god seems very beautiful, but the price you pay is unimaginable.

The test of becoming a god will make your soul suffer and your body endure endless pain!

One mistake means death!

Ye Qiu failed to become a god in his previous life.

But it's not just him. No player in his previous life could become a god!

Whether in the game or in reality!

There are many reasons for this.

But in the final analysis, there is only one reason, that is, the test of the god is too difficult.

And this time, Ye Qiu already has a plan to become a god!

But he doesn't plan to achieve Loki's position as a god.

Because Loki is the weakest of all gods, and his ability is only deception and trickery.

And this palace on the first floor is Loki's temple.

Ye Qiu knows this very well.

On the murals of this temple, there are records about the evil god Loki.

There is a mural among them.

It is a mural of Loki stroking a giant wolf, with an owl standing on its shoulder and a snake wrapped around its wrist.

Obviously, this mural corresponds to the three locked beasts.

If this mural is connected into a story, it is that Loki was defeated by an ancient wise man.

And his children were also sealed on the first floor of this sealed tower!

There are a total of three sealed people recorded in the story, but only one is in the open.

That is the original beast Fenrir!

If the player can defeat Fenrir and get Fenrir's heart, he can summon the remaining two through his heart!

They are the goddess of death, Hela, and the worldly python, Jörmungandr!

In Ye Qiu's memory, Jörmungandr can be summoned.

But Hela, absolutely cannot be summoned!

Because summoning Hela is equivalent to summoning the entire army of the underworld!

Retracting his thoughts, Ye Qiu looked up directly at a door in front of him.

On this door, there are three very small grooves.

The first groove is a wolf's head, the second groove is a snake's head, and the third groove is a bird's head.

This is the door to the treasure house that requires three rings to open.

But at the moment, Ye Qiu and others only have two rings.

They still lack the ring of the owl master.

Just as everyone was discussing around the door, suddenly, a group of people in black robes appeared in front of everyone's vision!

The player leading the way was none other than the King of Hell!

"It seems that you may need my help"


Today is the third update. The author drank a little too much with his friends and his mind is a little confused.


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