"It seems that you need my help."

While speaking, the King of Hell suddenly stretched out his right hand and showed a bird-head gold ring on his pale palm! At this moment, the gold rings on Ye Qiu and Zhang Qingyan's hands suddenly made a buzzing sound!

They seemed to have received some kind of summons, and they kept responding to the summoner with their own trembling!

Fang Ze narrowed his eyes when he saw this. Obviously, there must be some invisible connection between the three rings.

No, anyone who is not a fool should be able to see it.

These three rings should be the key to open the door in front of them.

If all three keys are with them, it would be fine, but now one key has fallen into the hands of others.

In this way, they have to cooperate with the King of Hell.

Ye Qiu glanced at the people behind the King of Hell,"Why is Nocturne not here?"

The King of Hell laughed twice when he heard this,"He may not be able to come for something, but what does it matter, anyway, the ring is with me."

"You don't have to look at me like that. I'm an easy-going person and I don't like to make things difficult for others."

"In this way, we will open the treasure house together. I will only take one third of the things inside, and the rest will belong to you."

"How about we just treat it as making friends?

Fang Ze thought about it and realized that this was beneficial to them. The King of Hell's proposal seemed reasonable.

He thought that the King of Hell would ask for half of the profit.

It seemed that the King of Hell was not unreasonable, so he could save himself from the trouble.

"I have no objection."

Fang Ze said and looked directly at Ye Qiu. Ever since he met the King of Hell, Ye Qiu's expression has been very strange.

It's like... he has some concerns.

Because Ye Qiu knows the King of Hell's character.

This guy is really smiling but hiding a knife. Sometimes he does keep his promises, but sometimes he completely ignores his promises.

Simply put, the person in front of him changes his face faster than turning a page of a book.

Ye Qiu really couldn't figure out his character, but there was one thing he was sure of, cooperating with the King of Hell was undoubtedly courting death.

Looking at the ten people behind him, Ye Qiu could understand that the King of Hell had already started looking for people to enter the game.

The eyes of these people were very sharp, and there seemed to be a chill in their backs.

If Ye Qiu guessed correctly, most of these people were mercenaries who obeyed the King of Hell.

But now they have no choice, unless they give up the treasure in front of them.

Ye Qiu gritted his teeth. Anyway, the worst case scenario is a fight.

He didn't think he would lose to these mercenaries in terms of hard power.

"Then open it."

Yan Wang smiled,"I hope this is not the last time we work together."

As he said that, Ye Qiu, Yan Wang, and Zhang Qingyan came to the golden door together.

There was a mural on the door, which was a woman with three hands. The woman was beautiful and covered with various gold ornaments.

Under her, there were three grooves.

Ye Qiu and the other two slowly raised their right hands, looked at each other, and inserted the three rings into the grooves together!

""Here it comes!"


With a loud noise, the golden door in front of them began to shrink to the left and right!

In an instant!

The dazzling golden light shot directly into everyone's eyes from the other side of the door!

On the other side of the door was a statue of a man holding a staff and wearing gorgeous robes.

In front of the statue, there were three platforms.

On each platform was a glass bottle, each containing three different liquids.

One bottle was scarlet like blood, one bottle was green like poison, and one bottle was black like gas.

But this is not the point!

The point is the several mountains of gold piled up in this treasure house!

At a glance, both sides of the treasure house were full of mountains of gold coins!

"Oh shit!"

"This... is all gold coins?!"

"1 gold coin is equal to 10,000 copper coins. How many copper coins are there?!"

"It's rich, this time it's really rich!"

The King of Hell's eyes lit up, and he strode in directly,"It seems that my one-third is not too little."

Ye Qiu sneered when he heard it, and then suddenly took out a copper coin from his backpack and threw it into the Jinshan

"Yes, it's a pity that they are all fake."


As the copper coins fell into the golden mountain, the golden mountain collapsed directly in the next second, and all the gold coins disappeared in an instant!

Instead, there were only more than ten gold coins.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked speechless,"This... gold coins, gone?"

Ye Qiu was not surprised at all. As the temple of the God of Mischief, two fake gold mountains were nothing.


What a boring prank.

The King of Hell's face also became ugly for a moment, but he quickly recovered,"Well, it seems that we thought too simply."

"Then let's calculate the income, a total of twelve gold coins, plus these three bottles of unknown liquid……"

Without waiting for Yan Wang to finish, Ye Qiu walked directly to the stone statue and pulled off the staff from it!


【Cunning Flame Wand]

Type: Weapon/Wand.

Quality: Epic.

Description: A wand forged by a dwarf. The magic core of the wand is engraved with high-level flame inscriptions, which can transform magic power into corresponding flame magic.


Ye Qiu took the staff,"This staff belongs to us."

Seeing this, the King of Hell still smiled,"Okay, but I want the bottle of black and green liquid, plus four gold coins. Is this distribution reasonable?"

Ye Qiu thought about it. The bottle of red liquid was Fenrir's blood.

It is an indispensable material for all magic potions.

The green liquid should be the venom of the Atrium Serpent.

If he remembered correctly, this thing should be an indispensable material for the School of Undead.

And the bottle of black gas must be the breath of death.

That is, a breath of turbid air from the Queen of the Underworld Hela, which is the material for the transfer of the School of the Underworld.

The latter two are really useless to Ye Qiu and his friends, but it is okay to give them to the King of Hell.

Ye Qiu and Fang Ze exchanged privately for a moment, and then nodded one after another,"We agree with this distribution."

A total of 12 gold coins, the King of Hell took 4, and the rest belonged to Ye Qiu and his friends. Of the three bottles of materials, Ye Qiu and his friends only took Fenrir's blood.

But the above is not the point.

The key point is this cunning wand that can be on par with Ye Qiu's violet gold sword!

This wand and Ye Qiu's sword are the only two epic weapons that can be directly obtained on the first floor.

Ye Qiu handed the wand to Fang Ze, who was a little puzzled,"Why give it to me?"

Ye Qiu smiled,"I feel that you may be more suitable to play a mage, President."

He was telling the truth. Fang Ze's name as the god of magic in his previous life was not for nothing.

Fang Ze thought about it and finally accepted the wand,"Okay."

After distributing the supplies, everyone planned to evacuate.

But Ye Qiu suddenly sent a message to Fang Ze and others through the private chat channel!

"Stare into the eyes of the statue. If nothing happens after 30 seconds, we'll just leave!"


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