I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 968: Black snake reward

Tianting, the strongest force in the Kyushu world.

Here is a place of utmost sacredness, looking at the entire mainland, and no mainland dare to face these giants.

But at this moment, Nantianmen, as the transmission channel of the two circles, suddenly exploded and was opened by other creatures in an extremely violent way.

This incident alarmed the top of the entire heaven.

Only they have recalled the mortal ambassadors from the South Gate, where they will encounter the mortal creatures who have broken into the heavens.

At the same time, the five great emperors and the Emperor Ziwei came to the place where the Nantianmen burst. They turned their eyes to the ruptured Nantianmen, looking at the dark and deep passages inside. The look was dignified and silent.

The two gods who guarded Nantianmen had already scared the six gods. Why have they ever encountered a situation in which Nantianmen was exploded? It’s a shame to do it!

The Ziwei Emperor and the Emperor of Heaven saw a man with a restrained red man, and after a step by step from the chaos, his face changed again.

"Cyril, it turned out to be you!" The Emperor of Heaven was in charge of Tianwei, staring at the coming.

"Long time no see, two emperors." Cyril smiled, even if he went deep into the hinterland of the heavens, he still looked indifferent. "You don't have to be nervous. I just borrowed your passage back, and I left your place."

After that, he inserted the void with one hand, and the space stirred up. One million pieces of Lingshi were drawn by him, and then he was thrown into the front of the Emperor: "This is my maintenance fee for Nantianmen. I don't have to find it."

Seeing Cyril, who was suddenly so reasonable, the Emperor’s mouth was slightly pumped and he didn’t say much. As for those who are very domineering, such as "the heavens are you want to come, you want to go and leave", you can't say anything.

Because, for Cyril, Heaven is really the place where he wants to come, want to go and go...

No way, the smashing of the gang of help, is so embarrassing!

As for the Tiantian gang, the Emperor is only the second-in-command, and the son-in-law is the scorpion.

Ziwei Emperor moved his mouth and wanted to say that one million Lingshi maintenance costs were not enough. Hey! But he thought about what Cyril had done before, or he couldn't hold back.

This is a god, it is better to send it away as soon as possible!

"Since there is nothing, then I will go first." Cyril smiled and left.

"Not far away." The Emperor nodded.

Although they all fight for the future of this world, they have very different ideas. Different ways are different, not to mention, even under certain circumstances, they are still opponents. So the Emperor was too lazy to do so much superficial work, let Cyril rush to get right.

In this way, Cyril swayed away from heaven.

The other end of Nantianmen.

Just upgraded successfully on the earth.

Anlin once again met the black snake.

After seeing the white spirit snake, the black snake turned his eyes to An Lin and Dina, and suddenly revealed an unidentified smile.

It is clearly the appearance of a beautiful fairy, but the smile is very infiltrating, at least Anlin feels like this, he feels that the back is a bit cold.

"Congratulations to the seniors of the Black Snake successfully lead the earth to a new glory!" An Lin congratulated the black snake snake respectfully.

He decided to preemptively, shift the topic, and highlight the word "predecessor", so that the black snake recognizes his identity, and must rely on bullying and bullying!

The black snake shook the artifact in the handshake, and the smile on his face did not decrease: "You are welcome, these are all I should do, but it is hard work for you, so try your best to help us kill the snake demon."

When Anlin heard it, he suddenly felt that this was stable. He straightened his chest and said: "The world is in charge of the rise and fall of the world. For the sake of peace, stability and prosperity in the world, I will stand up!"

The black snake nodded: "The mind is very high, so I decided to give you some small rewards."

"What reward?" An Lin looked forward.

Then, he saw the golden sword in the hands of the black snake, and he grew up in the field of vision!

That is the artifact created by the evil sword!

Even a simple attack, the power is terrible to be unimaginable.

Under the oppression of the horrible artifacts, An Lin shuddered, instinctively clenching the sword of victory, a sword stabbed to the golden sword.

The two swords collided, and the heavens and the earth were one of them!


The sound of the resounding sound of the world rang, and the terrible energy exploded in an instant.

Dabai, Xuanyuancheng, Bailing Snake and others have exploded and avoided the scope of the explosion.

"Black sister, stop!" Bai Ling snake anxiously shouted.

The strength of Anlin’s sword was shaken back a few steps, but his eyes were bright.

He actually blocked the attack of the black snake!

"Oh? It's a little better than before." The black spirit snake's mouth slammed and rushed to Anlin. The golden sword gas spurted out of the artifact and continued to fall toward Anlin.

Anlin’s heart was shocked, and he made all the stops against the black snake.

However, the attack of the Black Snake is extremely horrible, the power is constantly enhanced, and the swordsmanship is becoming more and more subtle, so that Anlin can't see the hope of winning!


An Lin kept flying by the artifacts, and the black snakes pressed hard.

"God of War Six Swords, Wind Sword!"

Anlin shouted, and Jianguang turned into a white line, and cut it toward the head of the black snake.

The black spirit snake twisted his waist and escaped the sword. The golden sword was shot to the chest of Anlin with a majestic momentum~www.readwn.com~ Yes, it was shot with a sword!

"Oh..." An Lin was photographed with visceral tremors, and a blood could not help but spurt out.

At this time, the black snake had already plucked his sword to Anlin again with a happy face.

Anlin can only resist the attack of the black snake.

"This is the reward you said?" He couldn't help but roar.

"Is it not particularly precious to have a chance to play with the power of the road?" The black snake gradually revealed her militant nature. The more she chopped Anlin, the more excited she was.

"Don't force me!" Anlin bit his teeth.

The black spirit snake holds the sword in both hands, and a pair of mediastinum, the golden sword mans are like a heavenly cut from the sky, and Anlin is slammed to the ground. The terrible power kept hitting An Lin’s body, and he was spit out of blood.

"How do I force you, how, do you still have the power to resist?" The black snake took the creation of the evil spirits step by step to Anlin, and the face was happy. "You resist hard! The more you resist, the more I resist The more excited you are, the more you will break your throat and there will be no one to save you!"

An Lin: "..."

This is a hot ear!

Is this black snake not a metamorphosis?

However, she has a correct statement, and no one will rescue Anlin when she screams her throat.

This side of the world has been isolated by the Black Spirit Snake, and neither the Dina nor the White Spirit Snake breaks open and can only look outside.

"I am a snake that speaks out. When I see you, I will violently slap you once. There will be no exceptions." The black snake rushed to Anlin again.

"So, don't blame me!"

Anlin heard the words sinking and slammed the black snake.

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