I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 969: Angry black snake

The black spirit snake came in an imposing manner, although there was no killing, but Anlin was not a bag that he would not be able to fight back if he was bullied. An can destroy the eyebrows and lose weight, so that I am not happy, and that is what he is now!

An Lin glanced at the black spirit snake.

I want you to pull the technique, and you want to cry at the same time!

The black snake that was holding the artifact, suddenly changed his face, stopped, and smothered his stomach, tears burst out.

"An Lin, you... what did you do to me?" The black snake snakeed his lower abdomen, and the crystal clear tears flowed into the delicate cheeks of the white, crying that it was called a pear with rain.

An Lin was shocked in the heart, and the black snake was not the super power of the road. He could resist the bombing, which was greatly unexpected.

However... when the Black Spirit snakes hard to endure such pains, it is time for him to fight back.


The black qi is emitted from his body.

Anlin’s breath has soared, and it has been a short-lived atmosphere.

He leaped into the sky, his fists flashed, and the power of the earth's power was completely motivated, blending on the top of the mountain.

Jin Xulei is the core, flickering in the golden boxing, and it is more and more horrible in the promotion of lightning. At the same time, the original darkness of the dark night king began to merge, and the power of dark destruction was pervasive.

This is not the end, the six great fires, a big holy fire also began to fuse in the fist.

This is the power of the first reincarnation of the fire of the Yangshen!

The golden fist and the horrible fire of the sacred fire are further merged, and the power of destruction instantly smashes the surrounding void.

The black snake raised his head and saw the terrible fist that had fallen toward himself.

"Look at my original super technique, increase the thunder and flames of the mountain!!"

The golden fist fell.

At that moment, a sun appeared again on the prairie.

Countless cattle and sheep were second scared and rioted again.

Many people looked at the sun in the distance, and the miraculous phenomenon left an indelible impression on their hearts.

Some people kept praying in their hearts. Some people's legs were soft and they were so scared that they hid in the quilt and shivered.

The power of the earth is vast and endless. The power of gold and thunder destroys all things. The original darkness truly engulfs everything, and the sacred flame burns out all beings. The power of these four is combined, and the power of the eruption is hard to estimate.

Fortunately, the black snake released space isolation, otherwise this move, the vast Mongolia may no longer exist! That is to destroy the power of the entire country!

"Black sister!" The white spirit snake looked at the black snake that was engulfed by the power of the heart, and the object of concern was finally the transfer.

Intuition tells her that if she hardly picks up the punch of Anlin, she is absolutely pill!

Xuanyuan Cheng looked at the scene in front of him with enthusiasm, and the inspiration in his heart continued to explode.

The earth trembles constantly, the dazzling energy fills the space, and it constantly impacts the space barrier under the black snake, and the seemingly indestructible barrier has a tiny crack.

That is the technique of the power of the road!

Even if it is laid out, it proves the horror of the explosion center.

"They are not learning? How do I feel that Anlin seems to be killing the black master?" The Ziyang war emperor looked at the energy that destroyed everything in the range, and some swallowed with fear.

"This..." Biqiong female emperor also looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

At first, she thought that it was a discussion. After all, the black snake did not use all its strength, and it was slowly eroding Anlin. It was estimated that Anlin wanted to remember the pain tonight.

Then... is this a hit?

How can you explode when you learn, and then throw out the destroyer?

"Hey, the black spirit snake is playing off, my Angkor is so good, Wang!" Dabai is a big feeling of dispelling, why can only black snakes abuse Ange, can not let Ange violently resist?

If you want to marry others, you must be prepared to be strong and not to be shackled.

The energy of destruction gradually dissipated.

Anlin stood up in the air, and the big move just cost him a lot of power. Not only that, but he was also affected by the horrific explosion.

However, he stood on the periphery of the explosion, and the energy did not break his body.

This is the benefit of the body of the **** of war. He used to be too weak in defense. He used a nuclear bomb and said that he would have to lie for ten days and a half. However, with the body of God, the probability of being seriously injured by his own method is much smaller. After all, the skin is thick...

Anlin looked at the center of the explosion, and the center of the deep and large pit, a woman's figure slowly emerged.

The black snake had a black waist and became ruined. The white face had a little black, and a pair of dark black eyes like a deep pool stared at An Lin.

Anlin’s heart is happy, and you have it today.

Then he was stared at by the scorpion.

Because the black snake did not speak, there was no other action, and he did not show his anger. He stared at him with no expression.

Anlin knows that this is the worst situation.

Because this represents, the black snake has reached the edge of anger...

Eggs! Really playing off.

Anlin feels his pills.

The atmosphere has become more and more dignified and tense.

The breath of the black snake slowly reveals ~www.readwn.com~ It is a kind of deep and emptiness of isolation, as if the gods overlook the world, everything in the heavens and the earth is as dusty in her eyes.

This is the real strength of the black snake. Before she was just playing, she was surprised by An Lin’s fist. At this moment, she has to be serious! !

Anlin couldn't help but turn to the white spirit snake.

The white spirit snake shouted that the black sister should be calm and restrained, but the black snake was turned a deaf ear, and his eyes remained on Anlin's body.

Anlin didn't dare to move. Now that he moves, the black snake is likely to follow.

The final result must be that he was tyrannical.

The two were nervous and groaning.

Suddenly, the sound of a bell rang broke the silence.

The black snake snake flashed, and a mirror appeared in her palm.

A very gentle and nice voice began to appear.

"Little black, when the earth's things are done, come back with the detector and obey."

The black snake looked at the mirror with a grievance, and he did not cry.

Later, she turned her gaze to Anlin, and her tone of voice seemed to suppress a certain emotion: "An Lin... You remember it for me!"

After talking about the black snake, the space was torn open and the head did not go back.

An Lin: "..."

He looked at the direction of the black snake leaving, and he felt cold.

It seems that there is a bomb hanging overhead and it will explode the next time you meet.

No! He has to improve his strength as soon as possible! As soon as possible, rise to the virtual environment, and encounter the black snake.

When you are at least violent, you will not be killed accidentally!

Anlin’s heart ignited a raging fight, and the desire to break back into the virtual world was even stronger!

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