I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 972: Ocean overlord

On the boundless sea, a man walks on the waves.

"Oh, really, I don't want to take a break."

"Ang, like this kind of scenery, there is a holiday, it is a real holiday, Wang!" A mini white dog opened behind him.

"An Lin Giant, we have a vacation, we can save so many people, it really makes sense." The blonde **** the side also followed the opening and sighed.

The man stunned his eyebrows and felt that he was speechless.

Yes, the mysterious man who retreats from the tsunami is Anlin.

They originally wanted to bask in the sun on the sunny beach, but they met the tsunami. They also thought about keeping some of them low, but they had to shoot.

"This tsunami is not like a natural disaster. The environmental drastic changes caused by the elevation of the earth have also become calm. It is unreasonable that such disasters will occur." Anlin said.

"An Lin Giant, you mean that there are other creatures in the demon?" Dina was curious.

Anlin nodded. "Yes, I am using God to find the strangeness of this ocean."

Not long after, An Lin’s face changed.


He looked in a direction in the west.

Dina was very close to tearing the space apart, and the two jumped into the space channel.

The next moment, they appeared in the depths of the ocean.

The horrible water pressure is coming, and the horror of power can even squash an iron block.

The physical strength of Anlin and others has long been strong enough to be an unbelievable situation, and naturally it will not worry about this water pressure. Their faces did not change and they continued to move forward.

In the sea floor where the light cannot reach, it is dark and dull.

But there is a place, but there is a strange red mang, it is a twisted trench, from a distance, like the devil's claws.

"An Lin Giant, why are the creatures here so ugly?" Dina looked at the strange fishes that swam around, and said with some fear.

In terms of strength, she naturally wins these strange fish.

However, these fish are very scary.

In terms of value, these strange fish did win, and she was shocked by her success.

"Why is it so ugly?" An Lin heard a glimpse, and then said, "There is so dark in the deep sea, no one can see anyone, of course, it is long."

Dina: "..."

Dabai seems to be enlightened, and patted his paw: "It seems that the deepest sea is the place where the most faceless, it is a clear stream of this evil-looking world!"

"It's a mudslide."

Anlin casually flew a jagged fish, and said nothing.

The two people and a dog are getting closer and closer, and finally they see the true face of red light.

It was a pair of blood-colored pupils, like a lantern that led the way, releasing a bright red glow in the dark space.

The mountains that stretched for dozens of miles in darkness are its body, and the tail is gently swaying, as if every movement can change the movement of the current.

The dragon head is as thick as a mountain, looking at Anlin and others with no expression.

"Have we met the Dragon King of the East China Sea? Wang!" Dabai was a little nervous.

"No, no, this is the Pacific Dragon King." Anlin denied, his face was indifferent.

The dragon did not say a word, and there was a scorn in his eyes. He spit out a sigh of relief, and the sea water gathered into a violent whirlpool, enveloping Anlin and others.

Perhaps in its eyes, these creatures can only be sent out with their hands.

Anlin slammed into the whirlpool, the sea water burst and surged, and the vortex was shaken by a very terrifying force. The palm of the hand also carried the water of the dragon to the dragon head and squashed the huge face of the dragon head.

"Hey!" The dragon screamed, his face seemed to be slap in the face, deflecting a position, and the red blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, what about me?" An Lin snorted and continued to move toward the dragon head.

The face of the dragon head has finally changed, and the sound is like a thunder: "Who are you?"

Dina licked her confused eyes: "What does it say?"

"This is English, it is asking who we are." Anlin explained patiently.

"Hey! My name is Dina!" Dina smiled politely and said hello to the dragon. After the end, she did not forget to remind Anlin. "An Lin Giant, help me translate."

An Lin looked at the black line: "Where is this special friend coming here to make friends, but also to introduce yourself? Is it so friendly? I can't translate it anyway."

When he said that he ignored the gracefulness, he stepped forward to the dragon head: "I am the one you can't afford."

The voice just fell, facing the dragon head is a haircut.

The face of the dragon was changed again. The mouth vomited and the hot lava spurted out like a red water column. The horrible temperature caused the sea to boil, and countless strange fish screamed to mature in the sea.

The lava breath collides with the golden light fist, and the bursting energy discharges the seawater into a vacuum.

Then, in the stunned eyes of the dragon, Jin Guang’s fist broke through its breath.



The huge dragon head was flying by the golden light of the mountain, and the dragon's body like a mountain also tumbling.

Anlin stepped forward and tore the sea and rushed to the dragon at a very fast speed.

The face of the dragon changed greatly, and he said: "You...hey!"

It has not yet been spoken, and the horrible golden light fist has fallen like a raindrop. Every punch can smother its body that is harder than steel, and it hurts and screams. Dozens of miles of body bombs on the bottom of the sea, causing a violent stream of water that smashes the surrounding life.

After a quarter of an hour, the dragon was hammered to death and was soft on the bottom of the sea.

In the meantime, no matter how it resisted, it did not hurt Anlin even a thousand.

It is finally desperate, and the human strength in front of it is much higher than it!

"Predecessors spared! I and my predecessors have no enmity, there must be some misunderstandings!" The dragon looked down and looked at him with grievances.

Anlin stood on the head of the dragon and sneered: "Misundering? Isn't the tsunami on the sunny beach not made by you?"

The dragon heard a glimpse and hurriedly explained: "You heard from my predecessors that there is a reason for this. Because the earth's crust has changed, there is a mysterious ball on the bottom of the sea. I want to knock the ball out and use it too hard. It’s not intentional to accidentally trigger a tsunami!"

Anlin does not eat this set: "Not intentionally ~www.readwn.com~ don't have to take responsibility? If I am not there, it is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people!"

The dragon opened his mouth, and at this time, a golden fist fell on it.



The screams of the dragon are heartbreaking and echoing on the bottom of the sea.

After a quarter of an hour, the dragon lie on the bottom of the sea, except for breathing, and no longer want to do any more.

"I was wrong, I apologize, I am wrong, I apologize..."

It kept repeating this sentence and succumbed to Anlin’s arrogance.

An Lin snorted: "Don't think that you have broken through to the virtual world, no one can cure you. If you dare to make mistakes next time, you will become my pan food!"

"Yes, yes... the seniors said that I didn't make such a low-level mistake when I killed him!" The dragon was so moved that he was about to cry, and finally he had a little life!

I wondered if it was a maritime overlord. When was this grievance?

It is the most powerful existence of the earth. When the earth changes, it is the time to break through to the virtual world. It is the most time of the moment.

Looking at the world, except the one in the East, there is no rival. I didn’t expect it to be hanged by a mysterious man for a few days...

Anlin was quite satisfied with the attitude of the dragon. He smiled and said: "Below, you should tell me, what happened to the ball?"

The dragon has a hesitant color on his face. The ball is a very precious secret for it, even the secret that has to be solved in the human world.

Then, he felt the golden light on his head, and he was trembled again. He said, "I said! I will say it now!"

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