I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 973: Mysterious ball

Anlin saw the dragon's surrender, and the golden light in his hand finally dissipated, and his mouth rose slightly: "Let you know each other and say what you know."

The dragon is wondering if the man wants to get justice for humanity, or does he want to take the opportunity to rob? However, no matter what his motives are, the dragon can only do one choice.

Oh, I am still too weak...

It felt a sigh in the heart, dragging the scarred body and swimming in a certain direction.

Not long after, they came to a ball.

This ball is bronzed. It is not clear what material it is made of. It is hundreds of meters in diameter and lies quietly in a huge circular pit.

"I can feel the power of the ocean inside this sphere, but I can't use this ball. Whether it is blood refining, or various techniques and physical bombardment, I can't unearth the secret of this ball." The dragon opened the explanation.

It is now in a state of being discovered, but not usable.

Before the tsunami was caused, it was actually the dragon who tried to knock on the ball and used a big move to make it unsuccessful.

"Oh, this proves that you have no fate with this ball." Anlin saw the ball, his eyes bright and bright, he said cheerfully.

God has no fate!

The dragon’s heart was boring, and he wanted to say something, but he was in his throat and couldn’t say it.

No way, this Anlin strength is too scary, the situation is stronger than the dragon, the dragon is not easy to break through to the virtual environment, but also want to live more time, this time still do not anger the Buddha.

Anlin can feel the power of the ocean inside the ball, its fluctuations even have the level of fairy, the quality is absolutely extraordinary.

Dina flew around the sphere and said: "This big ball is a natural thing formed by the creation of heaven and earth. It should be the associated treasure born after the ascension of the earth's level. It is a very powerful treasure."

"Oh! Dragon brother, I met this ball here. If I know how to use this ball, I should be able to prove my fate with this ball. Are you right?" Anlin asked with a smile.

"You...predecessors, what do you mean?" The dragon asked with some grievances.

"I mean, this is the thing of the Lord. If I can use it, then it is mine! I am right?" Anlin asked happily.

Where did the dragon dare to say no, tears filled with tears: "Predecessors are right! It makes sense!"

The big fist is the hegemony, the hegemony talks, can’t help it!

Anlin nodded in a satisfactory position, flew to the side of the mysterious sphere and slowly studied it.

The dragon looks at the back of Anlin, and there is still expectation in the heart. This mysterious giant ball is like a seamless shell. It is difficult to find a way to crack. This man may be able to retreat...

An Lin drums for a while, and she looks at the big ball with some confusion.

The dragon sneered in the heart, but this ball has been studied for a few days, and still has nothing to gain. Even the space implement can not be done. If the man can easily break open, there will be ghosts.

Anlin thought for a moment, forget it, don't be tempted, or open it!

Shen Jianshu!

He stroked the ball, his eyes flashed over white, and huge amounts of information began to emerge.

A large water polo: a world-class fairy, condensed by the force of the ocean as the earth level rises. After the water is filled with the ball, combined with the user's water power, it can exert a terrible weight kinetic energy impact and gravity suppression.

The specific refining and irrigation methods are as follows: use the blood of the creation **** level, describe the following image, then use your own blood refining, and then add water, water, water, water, water, water and water to the white circle that appears in the big water polo. Water, water, water, water, water and water, until the white circle disappears, irrigation is successful.

An Lin: "..."

No wonder the dragon will not be able to refine the sphere. The original threshold for refining and chemicalization is so high. Even asking for the blood of the **** of creation, is it difficult to call the son-in-law to help? Obviously impossible!

The way of watering is also peculiar, just add water, water, water and water... just fine.

The only thing that puzzles him is, what is the world-class fairy? Can the fairy be divided into world-class, non-world-class? Regardless of this level, it sounds very good.

"Sure enough, it's fate..." Ann Lin smiled. "Other people come here, maybe they will be helpless, but I am here, but it is just right..."

He turned his eyes to Dina: "Xiao Na, use your blood."

Yes, the creation **** is rare in the whole continent, but there is just one person around him, that is, Dina!

"Well." Why didn't she ask why she didn't ask, and she pointed her hand to the wrist, letting the bright blood drift to Anlin.

The dragon's pupils shrank and looked at Anlin very confused.

What does this man do, why use the blond woman's blood? Even if you try to refine your blood, shouldn't you use your own blood?

Then, it saw the human man on the sphere, using the blond woman's blood to portray an extremely complex array, and used his golden blood to drip in the center of the array.

"Okay! Refining and chemical success!" Anlin nodded happily.


The ball suddenly trembled fiercely, and the waters of a hundred miles were surging.

The dragon has widened his eyes and looked at Anlin in disbelief. "Is it so simple to refine? This is not scientific! Why is it so simple?!"

No one answered its question. Anlin gently shot a large brass ball, and a white aperture began to appear. Then a huge amount of sea water began to pour into the interior of the sphere like a whirlpool.

The dragon saw this scene and was completely desperate.

Anlin can use this sphere to prove that he has really refining the sphere.

The scope of the vortex is very large, and the dragon has to use the technique to stabilize the mountain-like body in order to keep it from being sucked.

However, the big ball is like a bottomless hole~www.readwn.com~ keeps consuming this sea water, 100 tons, tons, million tons, 100 million tons...

The dragon looked so aggressive.

The end of the ball is endless. Is this the rhythm of drying the water in the Pacific Ocean?

I don't know how long it took, the brass-colored water polo suddenly hit a full.

An Lin has a heart and soul, no longer watering, and his hands are smashing the law, and the big ball is included in the ring.

The dragon looked at Enlin very enviously, and said nothing else. This artifact alone can absorb so much water, far beyond its imagination, knowing that the item is extremely extraordinary.

However, knowing that it is arrogant, and what is the use, it is not eyeing to see others use...

"Haha, the dragon brother, it seems that this ball really has a relationship with me." An Lin happily patted the dragon's dragon's horn, looks gratified and satisfied.

But this look, in the eyes of the dragon, you are so embarrassed.

The dragon wanted to call Anlin to grab something, and it quickly rolled, but it turned into a mouth: "Hey, congratulations to the seniors for mentioning the mysterious ball..."

"This is still thanks to the help of the dragon brother." Anlin glanced glanced at the dragon. "It is not a mysterious ball. After all, you find it first. Let you know it. It is called world class." Fairy big water polo!"

The dragon heard the trembling, and a bit of blood suffocated in the chest and wanted to spit it out.

This time it was really crit, the fairy, it turned out to be a fairy!

It even passed the legendary fairy!

"Dragon brother, then I will go first, you must remember not to endanger humans."

Anlin said very goodbye to the dragon, waved his sleeves, took a cloud, but took a water polo.

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