I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 987: Look back at the gate to see 1

After the people explored the Lingshi vein, they were stationed in place.

Not long after, a silver-white circular aircraft flew from the sky and landed on the high ground where everyone was stationed. The hatch opened and there were many monks wearing purple robes.

Headed by a beautiful, tall, beautiful woman.

"An Lin, I really didn't expect it, there are two things, so one big thing has been fixed by you." The woman came over and there was appreciation in the beauty.

An Lin snorted, and some dissatisfied: "White sister, Zongmen live and die, you are engaged in technology, what do you mean?"

Yes, the people who are now appearing are the most powerful Bai Ling of the Forty-nine Xianzong.

Behind her, naturally it is everyone in the Purple Star Pavilion.

"Oh, I am not listening to you rushing over, I am relieved. Now it seems that I am not bad, Yimeng and Qi Qingyu have been suppressed by you alone, really amazing!"

I don't know why, after seeing Anlin so arrogant, Bai Ling's mood is particularly high, and his eyes are flying and dancing, and the words are more.

Anlin whispered slightly, didn't say anything more, turned his eyes to a strange round artifact carried by the purple robe monk, curiously said: "What are these?"

"The Telford Micro-Magnetic Hadron's life-killing squad is the protective array I intend to place in this mountain range. The power can even kill the power of the early return. There are dangerous warnings, notifications, and climate and vitality adjustments. The effect." Bai Ling explained.

Ann Lin gave a thumbs up: "Stable!"

Although I don't know what it is, the effect is very good, this is enough!

This time, the mining of this Lingshi vein has a guarantee.

"Right, Miss Bai Ling, what do you study in the small world of Phoenix all day long?" An Lin heard that Bai Ling was recently obsessed with scientific research, and the five inner core disciples under his command are completely in stocking status. Can not help but ask questions.

Bai Ling mysterious smile: "You guess."

"You guess you are studying how to protect world peace!" Anlin didn't have a good air.

Bai Ling sighed and sighed: "It's amazing, you guessed it!"

Anlin rolled his eyes and said: "Then, then a few inner disciples, don't you teach?"

He has some sympathy for the five little guys.

It’s hard to stand out among the thousands of horses and horses. I thought that I could go to the peak of my life. Who knows that Master is so addicted to research and too lazy to teach? What a desperate thing!

"Teach! Now I have sent them the materials." Bai Ling didn't think so.

"Teach... textbooks?" Anlin was surprised, how strange and familiar the noun.

Bai Ling nodded: "Yeah, let me first learn "Introduction to the Mathematics of the Purple Star", "Introduction to Microcosm of the Big Universe", "The Theory of Energy Sudden Superstrings", "Modeling of the Environment"...

She said eighteen textbooks in one breath.

An Lin’s eyes widened and he took a big breath.

He recalled the fear of being dominated by the textbook: "This... Is the Purple Star Pavilion learning these?"

Bai Ling’s face is: “Or is it? These are the foundations of the foundation, and then they will combine knowledge and practice. Anyway, learning these will be of great use in the future.”

An Lin opened his mouth, but did not know what to say, but suddenly the heart suddenly joined the Zixing Pavilion disciples.

Bai Ling said with a smile: "Knowledge is the ladder of human progress. If even some basic knowledge is not understood, what is the difference between animals and animals? My most urgent task now is to let the disciples of Zixingge as soon as possible. Minzhi."

Anlin felt that his chest was tied with a sword, revealing the shock and stunned chimpanzees.

God specializes in the wisdom of the people! Then he is not being cultured?

"You can send so many advanced textbooks, can they really understand?" Anlin asked with some concern.

Bai Ling raised a beautiful smile: "I pick people to see IQ, and those disciples have good IQs, especially Chu Ming and Zhou Yu. They will be flexible and creative."

"Listen to the name, it is very smart." Anlin nodded.

After visiting the Lingshi vein, I arranged the personnel mining and defensive matters.

An Lin, Dina, Xiao Ze and others began to return to the Zongmen.

Anlin has not returned to the Zongmen for a long time, and he wants to take this opportunity to return to Zongmen.

They went to Bailing's silver spaceship, which is very spacious. The background is pure white and beige. It is full of science and technology. There are no dense operating instruments, some are sofas, snacks, tea rooms and observation decks.

Bai Ling pulled out a light curtain in the void and set the coordinates to enter the fully automatic flight mode.

These are all products of high intelligence technology, and do not need to be operated by hand in some movies. After all, under normal circumstances, after the analysis of high-tech computers, the manipulation is much more precise than humans.

"The flying speed of this space white elf is only a little slower than the space transmission, but it is comfortable to save money, so I usually use it to hurry." Bai Ling poured himself a cup of fruit, sitting on the sofa, slender The legs stretched slightly and said with a smile.

"It's quite good." An Lin looked at the ground that had been passing underneath and nodded.

The space white elf is the title of this round aircraft, but from the speed point of view, the highest speed after the acceleration is smooth, much faster than the full flight of Anlin.

Dina has a big blue eye and curiously looks at everything around her. Everything here is very novel to her.

Forty-nine sects.

On the edge of a clear lake.

A woman with a delicate dragon horn, gentle and dusty, raised her head.

On the blue sky, an invisible wave swept through, instantly scatter the white clouds of the sky.

Then, the silver-white light wheel appeared, and a circular flying object appeared in the center and slowly landed.

"Master is back safely." Beilian had a happy look on his face.

She knew that Xiao Ze had lost the dragon king's second son and was asked by Yong Ting to be a slave to the world. She really scared her and desperately wanted to rush to save Xiao Ze.

She is also a daughter of Yimeng. She was abandoned because of her blood. Now the purity of blood has returned to the peak, and her potential is unlimited. Perhaps she can let Xiaoze go as long as she agrees to return to Longting.

However, she was stopped by Bai Ling and said that Anlin would handle this matter well.

Beilian could not go to the territory of the flying ball family and was in a hurry.

Anlin face is the power of the entire Dragon Court~www.readwn.com~ How can she not worry.

But later, An Linli turned the tide, and the news that the strong ones of Long Ting could not lift their heads came, which made Beilian's whole people seem like a dream.

It turns out... has Anlin grown to this point?

Beilian was awkward, some happy, and a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, they also killed the enemy side by side. Now Anlin has already entered the cloud, and even his father is not his opponent.

At this time, the door of the aircraft is opened.

"Master!" she screamed, happy to run over, went to meet Xiao Ze, but saw an unexpected figure.

After Beilian’s slight glimpse, Meilu has a little more radiance: “Anlin, you are back!”

Anlin was angry and said: "Call the teacher!"

Beilian: "..."

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