I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 988: The family has a child

Beilian took a sip of cool air, and Mei Lan glared at An Lin.

Although Master’s Master is right, it’s true that she is still unable to accept Anlin’s master.

This change in identity has dealt a big blow to her young mind.

Anlin saw that Beilian’s ears were red, and immediately explained: “Just kidding, little dragon girl don’t mind!”

Beilian licked his mouth and held his fists in his hands: "Welcome to Anlin Zongmen."

"There are no outsiders here, don't hesitate." An Lin took a shot of Beilian's shoulder.

Beilian’s face is red, and she thinks that there is no outsider, meaning that he does not treat me as an outsider?

"Right, little dragon girl, I took you and your five brothers a violent meal, you wouldn't mind?" Anlin said again.

"Good job! Who told them to be such a difficult master." Bei Lian did not want to say.

Xiao Zewen was very moved: "Then I accidentally killed your second brother, wouldn't you mind?"

Beilian: "..."

An Lin: "..."

"I don't need to pretend to cry very sadly, and then forgive you very sadly?" Beilian Ming Xiaowei, a look of thought.

"You...you can tell the truth." Xiao Ze said with some difficulty.

"To tell the truth, some little sad, but things have passed, so there is no special feeling now." Beilian replied truthfully.

Xiao Ze sighed with relief, and he was really afraid that because of this incident, it affected the relationship between the master and the apprentice.

An Lin looked at Beilian with a blank voice. This Nizi’s arm was completely turned away.

"Since I was given up by the father like a tool because of blood problems, I was forced to marry the big commander. My feelings about Long Ting came to an end. As long as you don't hurt the silverfish princess, the other doesn't matter." Beilian once again opened his mouth. Road.

This is what Anlin knows. At the time, except for the silverfish, Beilian was still in a hug. The rest of the brothers and sisters were watching the things of Beilian. The scene had already broken the heart of Beilian.

The lonely man who flashed in the eyes of An Lin, could not help but comfortably said: "Little dragon girl, don't think about it, the four nine sages will always be your home."

Bei Lian couldn't help but glance at the man beside him. He saw the gentle smile on the man's face, and silently turned his eyes to other places, and a certain string in his heart was touched.

"Of course, this is also my home in Kyushu." An Lin added.

"Yeah." Beilian responded softly.

In a position in the heart of the little dragon girl, silently added a "family" label to Anlin.

Everyone chatted a little, and Anlin also said that he had a battle with the Dragon Master.

"The strongest person in Longting is indeed Yu Qingyu. The strength of my father Yimeng can rank third. The two of them have already vowed to devote their hearts to the troubles of the Forty-nine Emperors. This is indeed a good thing." After Beilian listened to the whole thing, the whole person relaxed a lot.

Anlin is also a relaxed look. He won the Qingyu jade. It is a coincidence. He is fighting in the righteousness. He really can’t win the 敖 玉 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这 这

What are the threats to Long Ting when the two enemies are removed?

"Wait... you said your father is third?" Annlin was surprised.

Beilian nodded: "My big sister, Xiaoxiao dance is also the power of returning to the late stage. Her realm has already surpassed her father, but she does not like fighting, so the dragons will rank her strength behind the fifth brother."

"She is currently the most threatening presence for our forty-nine sects, but she is ignorant of the character of the secular struggle, but it makes our sects safe."

Anlin couldn't help but nod. "This kind of person, I like it the most!"

Beilian squinted at Anlin.

Anlin hurriedly explained: "I like this character who is too lazy to find us trouble!"

Beilian smiled and said: "Isn't that really interesting? My big sister is white and beautiful."

Anlin looked at justice and said: "I am a man of festivals, don't tell me this!"

"Oh." Beilian did not agree. "The threat of Long Ting is basically gone, and the rest of the dynasty can't kill you later, but you should never go to the Long Ting headquarters. There is a big horror there, even if it is If you go to the super power, you will be in danger."

Anlin waved his hand: "An, I have nothing to do in that place, robbery?"

The two walked and talked, not long after they came to a field of enlightenment.

The sun has gradually fallen into the horizon, and the sunset gives the dojo a layer of dusk.

A girl with a watery appearance is waving a wooden sword on the dojo. The crystal sweat is soaked in plain clothes. It is obviously tired, but she still insists.

"There are still three thousand, today's mission can be completed, come on, Ye Ling, you can!"

The girl silently encouraged herself to sway her sword in her hands, and even when someone came to her side, she was not aware of it.

"Linger, your posture of swinging your sword is still too deliberate."

A gentle and familiar voice suddenly appeared.

The girl’s movement of the sword gave birth to a meal, and some of them stunned their heads and looked to their side.

A pair of bright eyes widened, and the pink face was covered with crystal sweat.

Soon, the confused eyes gradually became clear, and the face raised a happy smile.

"Master!" The girl hugged the man in front of her.

Anlin happily picked up the little girl, and her body was still light and full, but it didn't look so soft and it became a lot stronger.

He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on the girl's face in front of him. He praised: "Linger is really good. Now it's already two paragraphs!"

"Oh... it’s good for Master." Ye Ling smiled happily. A pair of bright eyes, can not help but look at the man in front of him, as if how to look is not enough.

"Come, I teach you to practice the sword." An Lin put the girl back to the ground.

He gently held Ye Ling's little hand and guided them one by one.

"The sword can't be held too dead, you have to use smart, like this..."

"Look, do you feel that you have achieved less of the same effect with less effort?"

"Well, Master is amazing!"

Under the glory of the setting sun, both the mentor and the teacher carefully waved the wooden sword in their hands.

Again and again, repeating simple actions without bothering.

Beilian stood quietly and looked at the scene in front of him, suddenly feeling a little warm.

Soon, the night is coming.

Anlin saw Ye Ling also tired, took her little hand to eat in the cafeteria ~www.readwn.com~ Master, I heard that you have beaten the bad guys in Longting! ”

"Yeah, for the teacher to throw a ball, the East China Sea Dragon King is suppressed. Standing in the same place, without hands-on, the first master of the Dragon Court, Yu Qingyu."


Ye Ling was exposed to the stars and exclaimed.

In her mind, Master is a great hero who is invincible and stands on the ground.

This point is deeply rooted in their minds when they first met.

An Lin saw Ye Ling, who was worshipped, and his heart was dark.

Sure enough, it’s best to accept a cute little Loli as an apprentice, at least Ye Ling asks him to be.

Unlike Xiao Ze, no matter what he asks, he will not teach...

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