I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 991: Save the virtual family plan

"Dinna, why didn't the virtual spirits come?"

Anlin asked curiously that the Linguin was officially renamed the virtual spirit, and it was the same anyway.

Dina sat on the shoulder of An Lin, gently swaying the white legs like jade, and sympathetically said: "Because no one wants to play with them. It used to be a big villain, even if wisdom is born now, The remaining ten races are still very hostile to them, and no living beings are willing to get close to them."

An Lin's old face can't help but red, this situation seems to have something to do with them?

He said with a sigh of relief: "It's okay, I believe that as time goes by, the rest of the race will accept them."

"In the early days of the mainland, for so many years, is there any race that likes the virtual spirits?" Dina was somewhat curious.

An Lin: "..."

He racked his brains to think, and finally got a very pessimistic fact: "It seems that there are really no other creatures who like the virtual spirits, they are so special!"

If you don't move, you will not only be nervous, but also crazy. Just like your brain is pumping, no one really likes it unless they are of the same class.

"The imaginary spirit of our world of mirrors, as well as the dark history of sinfulness, feels that it is a little difficult to wash white." Dina sighed.

"It's better to let the wiki go try!" An Lin is very optimistic about the real demon talent.

Dina turned her head: "How do you try?"

"You let him publicize that the imaginary spirit is the living being that the world exists to test the top ten races. It is not a representative of sin, but a representative of progress!" Anlin said.

Dina: "..., I always feel very sloppy."

An Linzheng said: "Believe me, just let the wiki go and say, can make the world believe."

Dina thought about what the wiki had done in the world of mirrors during this time. I felt that Anlin said it was very reasonable. He made a loud voice: "Well, let the wiki open it!"

The virtual spirits are not accepted by the rest of the tribes, and they cannot mobilize the emotions of the war. This is a big problem. If this continues, I am afraid that the virtual spirits will really become the virtual spirits of the early mainland.

The reason why they pay attention to the virtual spirits is that the virtual spirits exist in the world and can perform many special tasks. For example, tracking and exploration, mineral exploration, or crossing certain special barriers, and even looking for the natural formation of the secret, they have great advantages.

This is a very strategic race.

The creatures of the early mainland also knew their power, but it was difficult for them to cooperate.

Anlin and Dina want to try, let the virtual spirits of the mirror world use them for them!

"Let's go, let's go to the mirror world and see the virtual spirits." Anlin began.

"Okay." Dina nodded, and her eyes flashed over the white mans.

The space community has enveloped both Anlin and Lina.

After a moment of whirl, Anlin came to an area where the energy was like a tidal surge.

"Here is..." Annlin looked at the scene in front of him with amazement.

His eyes were gray, and the earth was grotesquely twisted and swaying like a kelp. The sky is colorful, the air is ringing, it seems to be crying, and it seems to be laughing.

"How does this virtual spirit live in this ghost place?" An Lin looked black.

Beside him, a woman with a graceful appearance and perfect appearance pouted a small mouth: "How do I know that the virtual spirits themselves have transformed the tribe into this kind of environment, and they have a good time. Maybe... The aesthetic of the body, but our aesthetic is not the same?"

Anlin thought about it, it seems that this is true.

"Hey, la la la la, la la la la la..."

A imaginary spirit with a big head and a face is passing through the ground with a big belly. It also sings unseen sings, brainwashing and magic.

"Let's talk about this big dead metamorphosis." An Lin's eyes brightened and opened.

"Hey, let's say that the cute virtual spirits are really good?" Dina was dissatisfied.

"Do you think it's cute?" An Lin pointed to the blue-eyed human figure who was fascinated by the electric light.

Dina: "..."

Ok, this can't be answered.

This humanoid fat body is not only a big belly, but also a big head.

An Lin called it a big head and died, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, it also sings and sings the magic song of "呜啦啦, 呜啦啦......", really can't make any relationship with cute.

An Lin flew in front of the fat man: "The friend of the virtual spirit..."

"Wow! Good and fresh soul, I want it!"

Anlin’s words have not been finished yet, and the fat man’s eyes are shining, turning into a blue thunder and flashing close, while the huge head opens his serrated mouth and bites to Anlin!

An Lin: "..."

What is the style of doing this without saying it?

Anlin silently released his soul.


Extremely horrible majesty, like the nine days of the gods with anger and impact, endlessly crushed.

"Ah...! Forgive, forgive me!"

The fat man screamed in shock and fell to the ground and shivered.

The virtual spirits like to eat the soul, but this also scores the level, like the horrible spirit, they can only squat on the ground to call the hegemony.

"Don't be nervous, I am not here to bully you." An Lin converges on the power of the spirit, and smiles kindly, "What is your name?"

The fat man replied: "I am Quinma."

An Lin’s eyes were round and round, and immediately a big bus was pasted.


"Oh ah..."

The fat man screamed, and his body was almost smashed by this palm.

Anlin said with great anger: "I asked you questions, are you still swearing?!"

The fat tears are falling down quickly: "I am Qunyma, I don't change my name or sit..."


Anlin was once again slamming the fat man, sneer: "Give you the last chance to answer the question! Not the next time."

Qunyma: "..."

An Lin is very angry. The virtual spirits in front of him are the strongest people in the spiritual environment. They can basically represent the views of the virtual spirits and the group of souls on the whole world.

However, he never imagined that the virtual spirits were so violent and mad, and they were not given a face! Are the virtual spirits so bad?

Quinma explained his name word by word after considering it.

This time, Anlin finally understood, and blamed: "Is it a good time to live?~www.readwn.com~ Take the name of this hate!"

Quinima is so tired, he still wants to wait for an apology. I didn't expect Anlin to be a counterattack and continue to smash.

An Lin cleared his throat: "Tenima Dao friends, I am here, I am even curious about the customs and customs of the virtual spirits. Can you accept the interview?"

Quinima is so tired, can he refuse? Obviously not!

"Predecessors, my Quinima, I am very happy to be interviewed! This is my pleasure!" Quinma said very seriously and happily.

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped, even if he knew the name of Quinma, listening to the sentence is still weird, and wants to beat people.

Even if he took this name, isn’t it true that his mother’s life is too long? ! However, even if Anlin doesn't like it anymore, he can't change it, so he has to endure it.

Ever since, in this strange atmosphere, the two officially began an interview.

Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Mobile version reading URL: m.

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