I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 992: Send proposition

"So, seniors, what are you asking?"

There was a kind smile on the face of Quinma, floating around An Lin.

Anlin thought for a moment and asked, "Are you happy?"

Quinma snorted and replied: "My name is a song."

"I know that the life of your virtual spirits is very tortuous and not recognized by the creatures of this world. This is very troublesome..." An Lin sighed with a sigh of relief and some sympathy.

"Ah? Twists and turns? Why do we have to be recognized by the creatures of this world, isn't the world's living being our high-quality ingredients? Let the ingredients recognize us?" Qunyma looked puzzled.

An Lin: "..."

Dina: "..."

Nima! Can you talk well? !

An Lin lightly coughed and said: "Everyone is a senior intelligent life living in this world. You should love each other, isn't it?"

Quinma looked at Ann Lin with a blank look and seemed to be wondering.

"Yes! We should love each other and build a beautiful and happy home!" Quinima held his chubby hands and nodded.

An Lin: "..."

What a special thing!

"I need to listen to the truth, listen to the truth! If you lie, I will kill you! Do you think that the virtual spirits are necessary, and have a good relationship with the world's high-smart creatures?" An Lin burst into a strong murderousness. Word by word.

He added: "I have tools to detect if you are lying, so you want to be honest."

Quinima was forced to cry by the terrible murderousness.

In front of this is obviously human power, this special... He lied to be killed, but to tell the truth, he seems to be cut by a sword!

Send propositions, this is definitely a proposition! !

"I...because I don't think there is a need to have a good relationship with the ingredients..."

Quinima secretly observed the look of Anlin and found that Anlin seemed to be indifferent, and then continued to speak:

"We and the other top ten races are both highly intelligent races, but since the creation of the world, we have served the mission of eating the world's high-smart life. This has been continued and passed down. We must not forget our ancestors. This fine tradition, we have to inherit!"

"Besides, we are the souls of the spirits, but the other ten races are not. Doesn't this prove that we and they are not all the way? Our mission is obvious, that is, sweeping the remaining top ten!"

Quinma revive has a word.

An Lin and Dina face each other.

It seems that this problem is more difficult than imagined. This is a legacy of history.

They must be allowed to change their minds.

"Tunima, the times are different, and the concept has to be changed appropriately!" Anlin said with a strong heart. "You have evolved and become different from the past. This evolution may be God's gift to you." A revelation?"

"Hey revelation?" Quinma looked confused.

"Let you abandon the old identity, start over, and reintegrate into the world." Dina said in a very crisp and sweet voice.

Quinima turned his eyes to Dina: "Who are you? You said that this is the revelation that God gave us, that is the revelation that God gave us? You count, you can represent God."

I am so angry that I have a bite of silver teeth. Is this big head dead and metamorphosis alive? The old lady is the **** who created this world, and it is still the old lady who pinched you. How old are you?

Anlin was also shocked.

This Quinima is completely a crime in the wind. In the face of creating the gods in this world, if it is so arrogant, is this not lighting in the toilet?

An Lin took a look at the **** that was about to attack, and smiled and shifted the topic: "So what do you think of God's coming to the world to call the strong to conquer the outside world? Why do you have no virtual spirits at all?" Responding to the call of God?"

Qunyma shook his arms and shouted: "Before you must be inside, we are determined to clear all the higher living beings, and then respond to the call of God to make Anlin!"

An Lin’s face was black, and the gods must be outside.

The virtual spirits really succeeded in Anne, and their soldiers were gone!

"If so, the **** of this world, asks you to coexist harmoniously with the remaining ten major groups, and send troops to the outside world?" An Lin said again.

Quinma looked a glimpse, apparently did not expect this problem.

He was struggling with the color and hugged his head: "God's request, we have to go. But, but we can't violate the legacy of our ancestors... Ah! It's hard to choose!"

Trinima held his head in both hands, and the blue body kept expanding and contracting, and he tried to collapse.

"Hey! Don't be nervous, just ask me!"

Anlin hurriedly comforted the big fat man in front of him.

"What to do, should we follow God's instructions, or do we carry out the ancestors' legacy?" Quinma was on the ground for a long time, and his mind was obviously extremely unstable.

Dina whispered on the side: "This is the conflict of my instructions, which makes the virtual spirits into a dilemma. The virtual spirits are the high-intelligence life that I created together with this world. If I forcibly intervene, I will intervene on them extensively. Consciousness, I am afraid it will ruin this race."

Anlin nodded. "It seems that I can only give it to the wiki and let him guide the mind."

Dina nodded and agreed: "You can only let him brainwash."

To change the deep-rooted concept of the virtual spirits, apart from brainwashing, they can't think of other ways.

An Lin took a shot of Nima's shoulder, infused with the mind, let it calm down.

"My Quinma, I understand your thoughts, and our interview ends here."

"End... is it over?"

Quinime looked at Ann Lin with a faint look, and he didn't know why he was so excited, as if he had entered a certain level of choice.

"Yes." Annlin nodded.

Quinma trembled. He just seemed to be referring to the human face in the face of this human being.

Quinma, who returned to God, cried: "Predecessors, what I just said, does not represent my real thoughts, I just want to..."

An Lin took a picture of Nima's body and smiled. "Don't say it, I know what you want to say. Now, you just have to stick to your heart. Maybe in the future, you will meet someone, one. Those who really change your destiny. At that time, you can make your own choices."

"This..." Quinma looked at the white man in front of him~www.readwn.com~ Suddenly, he felt that the man in front of him was very unpredictable, as if he was a big man who was detached from the world, even the mysterious The future can be insightful!

Yes, it’s definitely not an ordinary person who can say this!

An Lin took Dina’s little hand and went to the clouds and disappeared into this world.

Only leaving the big head dead metamorphosis Quinima, stupidly standing in the same place, looking at the direction of Anlin's departure, do not know what he realized.


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