I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 993: 1 very good news

An Lin floated away, and the heart was a bit cool.

He felt that his last performance was ok, coming and going like the wind, unpredictable, and definitely impressed in the heart of Quinma.

"Hey, this virtual spirit is really troublesome." Yana frowned and sighed.

"To come to Japan, we are not in a hurry." An Lin did not care.

He suddenly remembered something: "Right, Xiaona, how are the major races now?"

"Hey..." Dina clicked on her chin and thought for a moment. "The development of all the big tribes is still normal. The holy martial arts still like to study fighting skills. The dragons still like to look around the world for the baby, the Suzaku is still so Living with you... is the difference within the Terran internal group."

"What differences?" Anlin curious.

"Humans have now established five countries. The top level of the country has tilted the resources toward Xiu Xian, or tilted toward science. It has caused great disagreement and caused a wide-ranging debate." Dina explained.

"This is where humans and other races are different." Ann Lin smiled.

If other races, they will definitely not hesitate to choose, and focus their resources on cultivation, because this can really improve their own realm.

Is there anything more real than being stronger?

But human beings are different. They realize the importance of science and focus resources on science. Although they can't directly act on themselves, they can benefit the future human beings!

"Let them worry about it, let's not interfere." Ann Lin smiled.

Dina nodded. "I am very much looking forward to the human civilization here. It can be as prosperous as the human civilization of Anlin Giant's hometown. It must be fun."

"Soon, from ten years to more than a hundred years, you can also see the magnificent scenery on the earth here." Anlin said.

Yan Na flattened her mouth: "It’s been a long time, ten years... even if I use time to accelerate, I have to spend a lot of time."

"Let's take it slowly." An Lin took a shot of Dina's head. "Go, let's go to the human territory."

Yanna’s fiery jade’s hand is holding Anlin’s footsteps, and the space changes instantly. It takes less than a second to reach the most prosperous main city of mankind.

Anlin looked at the scene below, and he said: "Good prosperity!"

At the bottom, there are many high-rise buildings, and the vehicles are constantly flowing.

Although most of them are relatively simple reinforced concrete high-rises, they are also hundreds of meters high-rise buildings, and the top is shining with dazzling light.

The vehicle is a warm-up car with a longer life.

Here, ordinary humans and monks live in harmony, and even many of them become good friends. They obey the decree issued by Adam and Eve. The spirits are equal under God. The monks must not harm mortals by force.

There are similar laws and regulations in the Kyushu border, but the monks basically do not play with the mortal, and they have calculated some of the prosperous places, and they are also on the high.

Here, the atmosphere is completely different. Many monks are really making friends with mortals, eating and chatting together, playing together and playing games together.

Perhaps their pursuit is different, but in their spare time, they can still play together.

"It looks pretty good, but how do I feel that these monks are a bit degraded?" An Lin said without a word.

There are too many monk entertainment projects, don’t you have to cultivate them?

He released the gods to cover the whole city, and he perceives that there are a total of 50,000 monks in this main city, but there is only one monk in the realm of the gods.

"There are too few top monks." Anlin was somewhat puzzled.

Even the human powerhouses who go to the Forty-nine Xianzong are all monks in the spiritual world. In the top monks, the gap between humans and the rest of the high-skilled race seems to be a bit large.

"Well, there may be too many things to play, distracting their enthusiasm for cultivation." Dina was a little embarrassed to spit out the tongue.

Anlin said without words: "Is this fun of play? Really no problem?"

"It should be no problem..."

An Lin’s face is dark: “Hey, Xiaona, you are a **** of creation. What is the uncertainty of this tone? It’s good to rely on it.”

"Ah, let's do it first, I don't think the problem is big."

Dina obviously doesn't know how to do this, but she can't force the monks to play other things. This is not easy to interfere.

After visiting the world of mirrors, the two returned to the mainland.

Anlin found the wiki and gave the new quest to the wiki as a god.

The wiki has been full of tasks, and as long as he can serve the goddess of the gods, he will have no complaints about what to do.

If the strong mirrors who come here are fanatics, then the wiki is the super fanatic who is more than a few times more fanatical than the fanatics.

If there is no such enthusiasm and appeal, how to touch other people.

This is like some high-level liar. Before you deceive people, you have to deceive yourself before, so that you are real enough and have enough appeal.

all the same.

The only difference is the wiki, and the creation of the gods...

Late at night, Anlin returned to his residence.

He strolled past the Bluestone Trail, but noticed a black shadow sitting on the rock.

Even in the bleak night, there is no way to ignore the shadow, no way, the shadow of the shadow is too bright, and it seems that the light is shining.

Anlin walked up to him and patted his shoulder. He was curious: "What about clowns, thinking about monkeys?"

Yes, the one sitting on the rock is the clown.

Anlin often saw the clown sitting on the stone in a daze, but never saw the clown sitting in such a melancholy look, looking up at the starry sky.

The freckled face was slightly wrinkled, facing the sky with the nose, and the sly mouth twitched slightly, as if it were wronged and seemed to be on the mind.

Anlin looked at the strange appearance of the clown. Although the child was not ugly, the Lord was not too ugly, but he still felt that his eyes were a bit sour, and he silently turned his eyes to the distant starry sky~www.readwn.com~ for contemplation.

"Ang, I, I am falling out of love..."

Perhaps someone finally cares, the clown's eyes suddenly red, with a hint of crying.

"Oh..." An Lin’s eyes widened, is this news so exciting?

He looked at the clown fiercely, and then seemed to be crit, silently moving his eyes away: "Cough, clown, tell me what is going on."

When did the clown talk about love?

Anlin really doesn't know!

Instead, when someone else fell in love, they came to ask. When they thought of it, Anlin was the master, and he couldn’t help but be red-faced and somewhat ashamed.

The clown cast his gaze on the starry sky, with grief and disappointment in his eyes.

"Things are like this..."

Genius one second to remember the address of this station: . Mobile version reading URL: m.

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