I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 994: Clown's emotional experience

"Ang, I am in the domain of Wanshan, when I was a little monkey, I was not so ugly at that time. On the contrary, there was a little cute." The clown said.

Anlin asked: "Is it like you become smaller?"

The clown heard a glimpse and then nodded.

Anlin understood, in fact, the clown was also ugly at that time, but it was too small, so the ugly is not obvious.

This is the same as that of a human being, and it is basically cute, but the more you grow up, the more you will fly yourself. Then the difference will come out.

"And then?" Anlin asked.

The clown slowly said: "One day, when I was picking fruit on the mountain, I encountered a black panther attack. Although I was born with a spiritual body, I was still young, where is the opponent of the Panther, and soon The black panther's claws were severely torn. Just when I thought I was going to become a black panther belly, a white figure came out!"

Anlin looked at it and knew that the heroine was going to play.

The clown reveals the color of remembrance: "She is so holy, so beautiful and beautiful, with six white and smart tails, the twins of the stars, the swallows are swallowed in just one bite."

An Lin: "..."

In other words, how does this style of painting differ from what I think?

Anlin tried to slow down the gods: "And then, how do you love each other?"

"Love?" The clown blinked. "Why should I love her?"

An Lin: "..., what do you say about her?"

The clown smiled: "Because she is the mother of my favorite little white fox."

An Lin opened his mouth.

This... This Nima is the mother-in-law? !

Originally thought to be the drama of the beauty to save the hero, the result is the drama of the wife's mother to save the son-in-law? !

How does this style of painting differ from what I think?

"And then?" An Lin slowed down and asked.

The clown continued: "My little white fox's mother, Bai Yuyu, saw me seriously injured and took me to their place to treat. She also asked if I saw a blue ice flower burning with flames."

"The reason why they will appear there is to find the strange blue ice flower. I naturally don't know the ice flower. When I was healing, I became a friend with Xiaobaihu Baiyao."

"Bai Yao is very curious about everything in the domain of Wanshan. He has been asking for non-stop. For the savior, I am naturally happy to tell her everything she knows."

"Maybe my fate with her is starting in the story."

"She is cute and cute, and she is very kind. I and she are looking for fruit in the woods. When she picks up the fruit, she will split me half and meet the little beast. She is better than me and will stay in front of me."

"I swear silently at the time, and when it is strong, I must protect her."

The clown sighed and looked at the starry sky, and still seemed to see the smile of the little white fox.

An Lin snorted: "My childhood, then."

He has been enchanted, how Bai Yao and the clown are in love, and what they have experienced, so that the clown is now sitting alone on the rock, looking up at the stars in a heart.

"Later." The clown sighed: "Later her mother found the flame blue ice flower, and she took Bai Yao away from the domain of Wanshan. I separated her from her..."

An Lin’s eyes widened: “This... Did you miss something, didn’t you say that?”

"Yeah, this is probably the case." The clown nodded and grinned, revealing a ugly smile: "How, is it particularly simple, especially pure and beautiful?"

An Lin: "..."

simple? Beautiful? What are you talking about in love stories?

This kind of experience, I found out that I heard the same as I did not listen!

How does this style of painting differ from what I think?

Although Anlin’s heart was mad and spit, his face still looked with the expression of his intimate brother. He said softly: “Well... you and Bai Yao are in love? You have not played any role in getting the flame blue ice flower? Didn't do something special with her, increase feelings, how do you confirm each other's feelings?"

The clown is lost and lost: "The flame blue ice is obviously not a thing. Where can I get in touch or meet the grade?"

Anlin thought about it, and it is indeed the case. This is the most realistic development. Wherever there are adventures, it is not the pro-son of this god.

"My experience with Bai Yao is very simple and pure. As for how you can confirm each other's feelings, she gave me a fox fur before she left, and I sent her a monkey hair..."

"As long as we are within ten miles of each other, we can sense each other. Isn't this an exchange of sentimental tokens? Our love is so subtle and restrained and restrained."

The clown was sad and his eyes were tearful.

An Lin can't help but **** a big sigh of coolness, reserved and restrained, and restrained? What is the brain of the clown?

Is this really falling in love? Not like it!

Is this a bit like a clown in the brain?

Little white fox may only regard him as a better friend?

Anlin has some sympathy for the clown. He never imagined that the clown is such a brain-like and self-raising. At this point, he should have discovered it earlier. After a few years ago, when the clown was collected, the clown seemed to have a lot of emotions.

The clown can be said to be a very emotional monkey.

Anlin did not dare to supplement the emotional experience of the clown.

Because he feels his brain is filled, it seems that he has never been right.

He was curious: "What happened later? What happened to you?"

Clown: "Later, Bai Yao returned to her hometown of creation, this is until recently."

An Lin: "..."

This is what it means after nothing happened?

The clown is also true. I have been thinking about it until now. Is it not possible to find a mother monkey? Why do you want to love a fox?

The clown continued: "I became the elder of the Forty-nine Immortals. With the expansion of the reputation of the Forty-nine Immortals, my existence is also known to many people, including Bai Yao."

An Lin’s eyes are bright. This is the rhythm of the woman’s discovery that the man is flying and becoming a man with a successful career.

"and then?"

"Later, Bai Yao sent me a letter. She said that after ten days, she would marry the Fox fox's Black Fox Emperor. I hope I have time to go to her wedding..." The clown said tears. It fell again.

An Lin opened his mouth.

This Nima... How does this style of painting differ from what I think? !

But think about it, this is also reasonable, the first love object and another person to marry, and only in this way, can make the clown so sad.

Anlin’s heart is not worth the clown.

Little white fox may not have liked you, why are you so sad? Looking for sin?

He can't express his thoughts and clowns~www.readwn.com~ Most of the clowns don't believe. Even if you believe, will you be more sad? Like a stupid, like a girl who doesn't like herself for so long, the blow is not bigger.

"It's okay, the clown, lost a fox, you have a large forest!" Annlin comforted.

"But I don't like the forest!" The clown smashed the railroad.

An Lin: "..."

"I have already decided, I will go to the field of creation tomorrow and participate in the wedding of Baiyao!" The clown took a deep breath and opened his eyes firmly.

An Lin stunned for a moment, and finally nodded hard and said: "Alright, bless them, and then say goodbye to the past, so that they can grow up better."

"Who said that I want to bless them? Bai Yao must be forced, I am going to save her!!" The clown ignited the turbulent war, and smashed the railroad.

An Lin: "..."

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