I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 995: Wonderful in the field of creation

This painting style is really different from what I think!

Anlin is caught in self-blame. His communication with the clown may be really too little. He can't keep up with the clown's thoughts.

Is this special, and if this continues, is it going to evolve into the rhythm of marriage?

Bai Yao is obviously a friend of the clown. Marrying to the black fox is not allowed to be a sympathy.

The clown is going to stir up the game. If he discovers the truth, is he going to collapse?

Seriously, may it be directly killed by the fox's power?

No, you have to stop him!

Anlin looked at the clown and saw him sitting on the rock. The light bulb-like eyes looked at the west, and the pupil reflected the stars, so he looked at it quietly.

At that moment, Anlin felt lonely and lonely.

A kind of emotional high-rise building that was carefully built, but suddenly collapsed and lonely.

Anlin swallowed back to the mouth.

Silence for a long time.

"The clown, really decided? Tomorrow to the field of creation?"

"Decision, Ang, I want to take a vacation with you."

"I approved it."

"Then, I will go with you." Anlin suddenly said.

"Hey?" The clown snorted and looked away from the night sky, looking at Anlin beside him.

An Lin smiled and said: "My monkey brother is going to engage in such a thrilling job of getting married. As a brother, how can I not come for an assist?"

The clown trembled fiercely, staring at An Lin, and his eyes were red again.

"Ang, thank you!"

The clown opened his arms and gave Anlin a bear hug.

"I thought you would take me a meal, I really didn't think that you actually supported me..."

The more excited the clown is, the teardrops of the beans fall down like this.

An Lin said that if he used it, he would have been jealous, and he would accompany you to die there.

"Well, how big is the person, crying when you can't move."

Anlin patted the back of the clown and comforted.

Under the moonlight, the two figures of the hug are so harmonious.

This night is calm after all.

The next day, Anlin walked out of the door with a clear breath.

Other things he also explained in advance.

The clown took time off to do something big, and the lord followed to join in the fun.

Xiao Ze continued to stay in Zongmen to cope with unexpected situations.

Dina chose to continue to follow Anlin and go all the way to see.

After learning about Xiao Ze’s affairs, Dabai ran to the forty-nine sects. He wanted to visit Xiao Ze. Now that he heard about the clown, he immediately excitedly asked Anlin to bring it.

How can this kind of stimulating thing be less white?

Anlin thought for a moment, and with his supreme mount seemed to have more facets, he agreed.

The Creation Hall is located in the southwestern part of the mainland.

At the same time, it is also close to the northwestern part of the southernmost part of the mainland.

Kyushu and the creation hall have friendly diplomatic relations, so Anlin and others can directly transmit to the core area of ​​the creation hall by means of a transmission array.

In this way, An Lin, Dina, Clown, and Dabai set foot on the trip to the west.

Hey! Oh la la!

After a dizzying space was taught.

The four came to the Green Fox City, one of the ten main cities in the field of creation.

Ok, the terminal of the westbound trip arrives.

The first main city in the field of creation is naturally a city of creation, where is the base of the creation hall.

However, Anlin and others went directly to the Green Fox City.

Nothing else, because this is the base camp of the Fox family!

Anlin and others appeared in the big squad of the Green Fox City.

When Anlin appeared, he took a deep breath and was relieved.

"It’s so cool!!" he couldn’t help but feel.

The big white nose is more sensitive, and it keeps sucking the air. It can't stop, and even forgets to talk.

Dina is also intoxicated with the same face: "Curious feeling, I feel even the air is sweet here!"

This is not a singularity, but the air here really has a strange sense of coolness.

The clown also said with emotion: "They say that the aura of the creation of the gods is the first in the mainland. Now it seems that the name is not lost, even the air is full of charm."

Anlin, Dabai, and Dina strongly agreed to nod.

Take a deep breath of air. When the air flows into the lungs, it will spread to other parts of the body, and then dredge the meridians, which is like a massage, and it is extremely refreshing.

The field of creation can be summarized in one sentence, that is:

Make up the clock show!

Here is the place that is taken care of by the heavens. The greatest blessed land on the mainland, the abundance is enough to make most things fine, all kinds of animals become fine, plants become fine, even stones, fire, water, thunder and the like. , can also become fine!

Now they feel that even the air here is going to be fine.

Yes, one thing can be a fine area, this is the field of creation!

The fox family is a very agile race. They have developed and expanded in the field of creation. They have become one of the top ten forces in the field of creation, occupying a main city, the Green Fox City.

The first thing that An Lin and others appeared in the Green Fox City was to **** in the air. The second thing was that the eyes were round and mad, and the creatures passing by were madly seen.

"My mom! This place... is heaven!!" Ann Lin looked shocked.

Big white hates not many long eyes, spit tongue, eyes are all green: "Heaven, this is heaven and earth!!"

A woman who is charming and charming, is traveling around.

Their chests are choppy, their waists are as fine as a wicker, a pair of long legs are sexy, and the fox's tail swings behind them, seemingly swaying, and the dress is extremely bright and charming.

Anlin and Dabai felt that they had fallen into the flowers for a moment, and they were completely attracted by the sights in front of them.

The clown does not squint, he likes to watch the cute little white fox.

Dina even turned her eyes and scolded: "The wolf!"

A white fox passing by Anlin and others noticed the eyes of An Lin and the white-hot, chuckle, and a very big chest. The eyes contained spring waves, and the eyes were gently glimpsed. It sounds like a bone-stricken voice: "Well?"


Anlin is awe-inspiring.

If the white is severely damaged, the nose will have a slow blood flow.

The white fox spit out a small tongue, as if the general who was victorious generally smiled and twisted and left.

"A good and powerful lethality is that I lost, Wang!"

"Clown, isn't your Bai Yao also a white fox? Is she so powerful?" An Lin couldn't help but ask ~www.readwn.com~ The clown said coldly: "My Bai Yao is the one who is enchanting." What is her? The hair is white as snow, the eyes are clear and the body is impeccable, and it is the perfect!"

Anlin rolled his eyes and the lover’s eyes showed him. He shouldn’t ask the clown such a stupid question.

"An Lin Giant, let's go to the business." Dina saw that Anlin's mouth water was flowing out. Dabai was even a nosebleed. I felt so embarrassed that I wanted to escape.

Then, Anlin actually refused with a straight face: "No!"

"We came here early, and I propose to go here first and observe it in detail for a while."

“Through all aspects of this race are thoroughly understood, after the potential hazard analysis is completed, make the next choice, which is safer!”

Big white holding the dog's claws, loudly said: "Ang is too right, I agree! Wang!"

Dina: "..."


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