I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 998: Sneak in and peep

An Lin actually thought of a very good method.

The best way to confirm Bai Yao’s mind is to observe it in secret.

Look at how she feels when she is about to marry.

If you are full of joy and look forward to the day of marriage, then I am afraid that it is a wedding of mutual affection. If she is grimacing and very sad, then the estimate is forced.

The clown listened to the method that Anlin said, and after a fierce struggle of thought, he still nodded hard and agreed with Anlin's method.

Even if he is very confident about his relationship with Bai Yao, the confirmation is still to confirm, at least to allow An Lin to accept the approval, which is very important for the next action.

An Lin’s eyes flashed through the white mans, and a very large array appeared in front of him. It was the enemy of the White Fox family palace and the inspection array.

He gave a shot to somewhere in the formation, and the formation broke a gap.

A circular gap that only allows a few people to pass.

"Go, let's go in!"

Anlin rode into the white and first entered from the gap of the array, and the clown of Dina followed at the rear.

Dina used the magical technique to display a hidden atmosphere to the people and conceal the body shape.

Her magic is a technique created in the world of mirrors, and the level is too high.

This invisible method alone, as long as it is not the power of the late return to the full force of the investigation, the rest of the soul did not have the strength to find them.

As for the power of the late return to the virtual period, there are a total of six foxes, and two of the white foxes. The two white foxes will never have anything to do, and they will use their ability to search the palace to play.

So in theory, the safety factor of Anlin and others invading the palace is very high!

In this way, Anlin and others sneaked around the palace.

The reason why they are called "sneak" is because they use the invisible technique of Dina.

In fact, they are walking in the palace in a broad day.

"Ang... I really didn't think of it. The scenery in the palace was so beautiful... Wang!" The big white nostrils were wide open, and he looked around with a gaze.

An Lin’s nostrils were big and nodded. They agreed very much: “Mei! Super beauty!”

Yanna licked her mouth and said, "All are in the palace, and there is still no seriousness!"

Yes, Dabai and Anlin are looking at the surrounding ladies in gaze.

These palace ladies' costumes are particularly sexy, the chest collar is extremely low, revealing half of the straight snow, the bottom is a short skirt, and the straight and slender legs are especially pleasing in the air.

The palace lady walked in the palace, and it also swayed the fragrant wind, making people feel swaying.

"This kind of palace design is really good, I want to give the designer five-star praise!" Anlin continued to smile without a fuss.

"Then I will give a beautiful fox palace female five-star praise! Wang!" Dabai also has a sinister smile, and the big eyes of the round are constantly moving in the spring full garden.

Dina silver teeth bite, I really want to immediately remove the covert technique, so that the two satyrs were killed by the fox. If it weren’t for fear that the clown’s plan would fail, she would dare to do this!

The clown took out a white hair.

That is the commemorative item that Bai Yao gave him before, which is the sentimental token in the eyes of the clown. As long as he enters the opponent's ten miles, he can perceive her position.

At the beginning of the separation, the clown also sent a monkey hair to Bai Yao. However, Dina is now in isolation, and Bai Yao is unable to perceive his position.

Anlin followed the clown all the way and walked a distance toward the interior of the palace.

The clown suddenly stepped forward and excited: "I have sense, I can sense her position! She did not lie to me!"

Anlin silently rolled his eyes, this kind of thing is absolutely no need to lie.

"In the northeast!"

The clown couldn't wait to head northeast.

Anlin and others followed the back and trotting all the way.

They passed through the dense little palace, passed through the exquisite and elegant courtyard, and finally stopped at a picturesque flower field with flowers and flowers on the ground.

At the end of the flower field, there is a small hill with a loft on the hill.

"It’s in the attic." The clown swallowed and nervously began.

When I got here, the clown became nervous and the pace was slowed down a lot.

"Bai Yao, she was forced to get married, it must be very painful now, very sad? I really can't bear to see her look..." The clown said as he walked.

Suddenly he stepped forward and turned his head. He was excited about Anlin: "I am stupid! Why should I wait for her to marry and take her away?"

"We can take her away now! The wedding will be in person on the spot, now is the most relaxed time, we ask what is the reason, then take this opportunity to take her away!"

Big white spit his tongue: "It’s not a feeling to marry when you get married? You didn’t expect it before, maybe it’s because of this feeling?”


Although I really want to refute, I really can't find a reason for rebuttal! Hey!

"You finally thought of it." An Lin smiled and patted the shoulder of the clown. "My thoughts are like this. If Bai Yao is really forced, then we will take Bai Yao to escape from here now."

The clown gratefully glanced at An Lin and focused on it. He took a deep breath and took the courage to continue moving towards the small attic not far away.

Outside the small attic.

Several figures appeared on a taller tree.

From this perspective, you can see the scene inside the attic through the window.

"I always think we are a bit cumbersome..." The clown couldn't help it.

"We are here to save the little white fox, how can we call it wretched?" Ann Linyi said.

Ever since, everyone has been patiently hiding in the big tree and watching it quietly.

Waiting for the appearance of Bai Yao.

It didn't take long for a song to sound.

It was a very light and pleasant song, very nice and very sunny.

"It's her! This is her voice, she is singing, this song I heard when I met her!" The clown sounded a little trembling, very obviously very excited.

Dabai said: "If this is Bai Yao's song, why does she sing such a happy song?"

Like a pot of cold water splashing, the clown's body is stiff.

At this time, a window was pushed open.

A beautiful face appeared in front of everyone~www.readwn.com~ Women's white skirt fluttering, hands folded on the window sill, pointed chin against the back of the hand, smile if the spring breeze is bright, pure and enchanting temperament , has a unique charm.

Rao is an Anlin and Dabai who have seen more beautiful women. They have also lost sight for a while.

The clown is staring at the woman in front of her, as if she is crazy.

The woman looked into the distance, her mouth was smiling, her eyes were full of autumn water, and she was looking forward to it: "There are still six days, it is really looking forward to it..."

On a tree.

"She is Bai Yao, it looks so beautiful."

"And she laughed so happy."

The clown voice trembled a little.

His face has been blocked by the mask and he can't see what it is.

It's just the edge of the mask, it seems that there is water slipping.

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