I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 999: Clown's love

An Lin, Da Bai, Yan Na, did not speak.

The clown looked at the woman's smile quietly, and the time seemed to be still.

The woman’s smile is like a sword slamming into the clown’s heart.

It should be happy for her, but why is it so painful?

I don't know how long I have watched it.

"Ang, let's go."

The clown sounded a little hoarse and whispered softly.

He did not propose to take away Bai Yao and did not choose to meet.

Perhaps, the clown has made his own choice, a very sensible choice.

An Lin sighed a little, and this kind of thing can't be reluctant.

The wishful thinking is destined to be a tragedy, even if he can't help.

This may be the best development. I completely broke my thoughts before the wedding. Without any farce, I came quietly and then quietly left.

Anlin looked at the strong back in front of him, and he was worried.

The heart of the clown may drop blood, but as time goes by, there will be a day of healing.

His self-righteous emotion is just a mistake. This point, he will eventually realize that although the process is somewhat cruel, it can only be handled this way.

Inside a treasure chest in the Green Fox City.

The clown started to eat and drink, and kept the fruit in his mouth.

The precious fruit of the Green Fox City is not cheap, although there will be many people who are addicted to it, but eating so fiercely, the surrounding Foxes are still seeing for the first time.

They turned their attention to the clown, first surprised by his horrible and local tyrants, and then shocked by his appearance.

The foxes are originally a race that yearns for beauty. The value of their morphological shape is generally not too bad. Where have you seen this appearance?

"Hold the grass! The ugly monkey!"

"God, seeing this face, I feel like a nightmare!"

"Shocking, only in the world!"

“Looking at it, it feels that it affects my appetite.”

The surrounding foxes could not help but secretly talk.

When this kind of words escaped from the ear of An Lin, he immediately stood up.

Who knows this time, his hand was pulled by the clown.

"No, I don't care, I have been used to it."

The clown grinned and revealed a ugly smile.

Anlin stopped talking and saw the clown's pleading gaze, and finally sat back again.

The clown continued to gorge and shed tears while eating.

"Don't worry, eat slowly, don't lie! Boss! Come back a thousand green foxes!" An Lin shouted and threw 50,000 stones!

"Oh..." The foxes in the neighbors took a swig of cold.

They are afraid of eating too much and will become addicted and will go bankrupt.

The table is good, and the green fox is afraid of squatting, and it is a 50,000 stone.

Super big local lord! !

The boss excitedly put away the money and let people immediately bring the fruit up.

The green fox fruit is stacked high like a hill.

The strange scent floats around.

The clown continued to gorge: "I and she used to be in the domain of Wanshan. She also gave me a few green fox fruits. I like it very much. She also said that if I come to the Green Fox City in the future, she will ask me to eat. enough……"

Perhaps it was a reminder of the past, the mood of the clown eased: "She also gave me a bag of green fox fruit trees, saying that growing can grow green fox fruit trees."

"I planted it later, but I don't live."

"We said that we will meet again later. I know that there is a big gap between me and her, so I am trying hard to cultivate and want to be worthy of her. I am so easy to enter the realm of the gods, and I am the elder of the Forty-nine Immortals. I thought about going to see her a little bit, but she was..."

Said here, the clown began to choke again.

"I always thought that I was as simple as she was, talking about the mountains and the moon, not secretly communicating, playing together, hunting together, catching fish together, being happy, carefree, I thought this is the world's most Good feelings..."

"She also asked me if she wouldn’t mind being a fox as a singer..."

The clown swallowed the fruit in his mouth: "I don't know what she meant by this sentence, but at that time, I felt that I was already tempted. Although I was very flat, there was no wave, but I really like her. I want to be with her."

"The world is moving, but the white porcelain plum soup in the midsummer, the broken ice hit the wall."

The clown looked at the green fox fruit in his hand and smashed the god.

I don't know when, its tears flowed out again.

The clown is very emotional, a bit of a self-propagating attribute.

It is a pity that he himself Raised himself, but the other party did not want him.

Seeing this scene, Anlin also sighed: "The world is robbed, but the Sanjiu black tile is yellow and fresh, and the sugar heart is low."

The clown's eyes were bright and he looked at An Lin.

This sentence broke the thoughts in his mind and caused resonance.

The clown took a deep breath and continued to eat green fox fruit.

"Eat, eat, eat these fruits, forget her!" Anlin said.

The clown silently nodded and continued to swallow the green fox.

Anlin, Dabai, Dina, accompanied him to eat.

Not long after, a thousand green fox fruits were wiped out by them.

"Really full, Wang!"

Dabai touched the bulging belly, and his face satisfactorily opened.

I have a small mouth, I don’t seem to have enough enough, I still want to continue eating.

With her deep cultivation, the temptation for these fruits can naturally resist, but she does not want to resist, because it is so delicious!

Anlin turned his gaze to the clown and saw the sad emotion on the clown's face seem to have eased, and his heart was relieved.

"Clown, then let's go back, Bai Yao has her happiness, you can also start a new emotion." An Lin said.

"That is, ugly brother, with your strong strength and the status of the four ninth sects, open a flower and fruit mountain harem mother monkey paradise is no problem, Wang!" Big white patted the dog's claws.

The clown was amused by the words of the white, and a ugly smile appeared on his face.

I was so hot that I hit the railway: "That is, leaving this tree, there is a large forest waiting for you! Besides, you are not alone, because we are with you!"

The clown listened to the words of these companions in front of him, and the eyes were red, and the tears that had been hard to resist almost fell again: "Thank you, thank you~www.readwn.com~ It’s really great to meet you!"

Anlin smiled, this clown finally came out of the broken love, it is not easy.

The clown said again: "However, I will go to Bai Yao's wedding. I want to make a final confirmation. I have to see her happy to marry someone."

An Lin: "..."

Big white: "..."

Dina: "..."

This is especially true, is it still past, isn’t it looking for abuse? !

World obsession... But the winter is weak and the water is thousands of layers of ice, and the axe can't be moved!


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