I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1016: Chen Nan, who has a heartache

Dina took a happy face and took back the ball.

That small ball is the first special artifact born in the world of the mirror. It can be used to collect the creatures that are lower than the user's realm, called the pet elf ball.

For the first time, Dina used this device for actual combat, and the effect was not bad.

Feel the inside of the pet elf ball, the fox family can desperately shout, she licked a small mouth, decided to leisure time, and then have fun.

An Lin smashed the black brick and flew to Chen Hao, intending to have a deep exchange.

Who knows that Chen Hao’s resistance is much more intense than he imagined, and the power of Shinto rises to the sky, stirring the void around him. Shinto fox, the bone space is still stimulating!

Countless dense white bones once again went to Anlin, Dina, Xiao Ze, and spurred away.

What Xiao Ze can do at this time can only die as a sandbag and consume the power of Chen Hao.

"It is underestimating you, your strength is much stronger than the East China Sea Dragon King Yimeng." An Lin took out the long sword and kept resisting Chen Hao's attack.

Now Chen Hao is already at the end of the strong, he does not have to take the risk, hard against the bones of the attack.

However, what he did not expect was that Chen Hao swallowed Chen Nan and Lan Xiaoni!

Just when Anlin was blaspheming.

"Go! I will drag them!" Chen Hao screamed and opened his mouth.

Chen Nan and Lan Xiao Ni spurted out from Chen Hao's mouth, and were pushed by a giant force to shoot into the distance. One brain rushed out of the white bone space!

An Lin just wanted to move, and the endless bones began to wrap his body.

"Don't want to chase them, your opponent is me!" Chen Hao urged the bones to face Anlin, Yanna, Xiaoze, and the three attacked at the same time, so that they could not find any chance to get out.

Obviously, Chen Hao knows that he is very likely to escape, and simply keep the two.

Where will Anlin put the weak chicken back to the mountain, and immediately ringing, two silver-white figures began to appear: "Da San, Demon Ji, killed me two people!"


After receiving the order, Dasan and Yaoji immediately flew toward Chen Nan at the fastest speed.

Chen Hao saw this scene and was shocked.

He did not expect that Anlin actually had a card, and immediately forced the power to block Dasan and the enchantress.

The jagged bones of the sacred sacred roads flocked to Da San and the enchantress with the power of death.

Because of the excessive use of strength, Chen Hao was physically weak. The ball carried the weight of the ocean and slowly bent his spine. With the sound of flesh and blood, he was immediately hit hard.

The most irritating thing is that Da San was bombarded by his white bones, but the enchantress was flexible enough to make people feel like not only the computing power and the ability to evade, but also mastered the space jump!

This year, space jump has been so worthless?

Can you even master the game?

In short, with his flexible body, Demon Ji escaped Chen Hao’s heavy murder, found a gap, opened his hands, and shot two shots against Lan Xiao Ni and Chen Nan who fled!


The light cannon penetrates into the void and comes in abrupt moments.

"No!" Chen Hao screamed with anger, but could do nothing.

At the moment of the light cannon, Lan Xiao Ni did not hesitate to block in front of Chen Nan, urging her to get the bodyguard from the elders!

A bead formed a blue ball wall and wrapped her and Chen Nan.

Her original realm is only the peak of the gods, but relying on all kinds of gold medal cards, even if they encounter weak and imaginary powers, they can also briefly confront each other.

However, she underestimated the power of the enchantress.

The enchantress is not a weak and imaginary power, but her combat power is comparable to the power of the mid-peak! This kind of radiant gun alone is not something that can be resisted by the ordinary returning power.

The energy burst and the ray of light engulfed the entire sky.

The screams of Lan Xiao Ni and Chen Nan were passed out.

While resisting the attack, Anlin looked forward with an anticipation in the direction of the explosion.

The light gradually dissipated, and two figures that still fled in the distance appeared in the field of vision.

Anlin was disappointed for a while, but Chen Hao’s eyes re-ignited the flame and smiled happily.

The enchantress also wants to make up the knife, but Chen Hao will give them another chance and fight to stop everyone present.

Anlin knows that these eight-tailed black foxes should be forced to use some secret method that requires cost. Otherwise, its breath will not rise steadily. Now it can rely on brute force and stand up with a big water polo.

Chen Hao’s pupil flashed a dangerous light, saying one word: “Anlin...you did a good job...I will kill you here today!”

Anlin smiled lightly: "Oh, clever, I think so too."

In order to give the clown a more stable development environment for Zongmen, this potential danger is naturally better off on the spot.

Bang! Just then, there was an earth-shattering explosion in the distance.

The world is shaking at the same time!

A dazzling fireball releases infinite light and heat, and the mushroom cloud rises, and the devastating energy impact sweeps over the area of ​​a hundred miles.

An Lin looked at the small sun in the distance, feeling the terrorist power brought about by the nuclear fusion, and fell into silence.

Cheng Ge... Have you finally used the big killer again?

The nuclear bomb has turned into a hydrogen bomb.

I hope that I don’t want to reach my teammates...

In Chen Hao’s ring, the sound of something shattered suddenly came.

His face changed, his voice was trembling and unbelievable: "Liu Xing... dead?"

An Lin squinted at her eyes in a confused way. Looking back at the big bang before, the reason why Chen Hao’s emotions were so volatile was because a certain dying power was killed?

In general, the comparison of the sturdy return can use the force of space to block the nuclear explosion and hydrogen explosion. But just getting started, the lack of space for a less skilled and resounding power, is another matter...


Another crack is heard.

"Ah... Gongsun is soft!"

Chen Hao’s emotions were agitated, and he was trembled. He was almost crushed by the big water polo.

An Lin has a sympathy, should there be a black fox strongman fallen?

The black fox's scorpion, losing two generals in a row, is not very beautiful.

At the same time, somewhere outside the hundred miles.

The endless white flames here form a sea of ​​fire.

A six-tailed fairy fox lay in the flame and broke off.

Tsing Yi women took the sword and took away the body of the six-tailed fairy fox and the Naduan, and smashed an elixir.

She was bruised and bruised ~www.readwn.com~ There was a particularly excited look in the beauty.

"The achievement of killing the new and returning to the virtual power has finally been reached!"

The woman smiled brightly, thinking that she finally caught up with a little bit of Anlin's footsteps.

An Lin can turn the gods back, she can do it, and there is not much difference.

"Xiaolan! Help! The beast is a god!" A crying and crying voice came from afar.

The woman looked up into the distance and saw a snow beast being chased by a powerful and powerful fisherman, madly running towards it.

The women in Tsing Yi can't help but burst into trouble.

This scene is really nostalgic...

She recalled that Anlin had hugged her thighs in the face of difficulties.

"Small day, don't worry, I will help you!" Xu Xiaolan sighed and pulled out the dragon's sword again, turned into a flame and thundered, and the fisherman was able to fly away!

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