I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1017: Fighting between husband and wife

Not far from the Green Fox City.

A black robe man and a fishtail woman are flying side by side.

Their clothes are ragged, like the roadside.

The woman's white and smooth skin, and even many traces of burnt black, the atmosphere is extremely unstable, apparently hit hard.

"Damn! After returning, I must sue the father and let him avenge me! The people of Anlin and the four ninth sects must pay the most painful price for what they are doing today!" I said with a look of resentment.

Yes, they are Lan Xiao Ni and Chen Nan who successfully escaped from the interception of An Lin.

Although Lan Xiao Ni had sacrificed his life card in the midst of a thousand miles, he was still seriously injured by a radiant wave gun of the enchantress.

Chen Nan’s face is gloomy: “This is a pre-release, now the first thing is how to catch Bai Yao and catch her to Haixin Palace. My dark rot will need her cold sun root treatment. This is probably Our best chance is never to be missed."

"I still want to catch the monks? Chen Hao is no longer here. The White Fox Palace is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Even if they are led by the second uncle, they will have a lot of power, but there must be other powers to stay in the same place."

"Only by our strength, to force the White Fox Palace, I am afraid there is no return."

Lan Xiao Ni has already retired and is not willing to go again.

The two gods of the gods are powerful in the White Fox Palace? What a joke!

Chen Nan is also caught in a dilemma.

Bai Yao and the clown really want to huddle in the White Fox Palace, and nothing is done, then he really has no way.

At this moment, Chen Nan’s eyes slammed brightly, and then his eyes became hot.

"Ha ha ha... I don't know how to get rid of Bai Yao, she sent it to her own door, this is God's care!" Chen Nan smiled very happy, like a huge happiness in the general.

His gaze glaring at the glamorous woman who was flying, his hands blazed.

Bai Yao, this time...

I must get you!

Clown and Bai Yao saw Chen Nan and Lan Xiao Ni, and their faces changed slightly.

They have already changed the wedding dress, such a precious dress, the fight can not be broken, and then the house.

The clown was covered with black crystal armor and fierce.

Bai Yao is wearing a slim white dress, showing exquisite and seductive body.

The speed of the two men became slower and the nerves tightened.

"Xiaoyao, Lan Xiaoni is the strongest of the peaks of the gods, and there are various high-order artifacts. Do we have to evacuate first?" The clown suggested with some concern.

Bai Yao heard the words but shook her head. She scanned the body of Lan Xiao Ni with extremely powerful insights. She was excited: "No... Blue Xiaoni's state is very poor! We have a chance!"

The clown knows what Bai Yao said about “having a chance”.

He could see Chen Nan and Lan Xiao Ni being hurt at a glance. Chen Nan did not say for a moment, and Lan Xiao Ni, not far away, looked very miserable.

"Xiaoyao, you pick one first." After the clown understood Bai Yao's mind, he chose to face it, and there was a very confident domineering in his words.

Bai Yao smiled lightly: "Blue Xiao Ni gave me the opportunity to help me revenge, I will give you the clown you."

Chen Nan and Lan Xiao Ni saw the two people not far away, not only did not escape, but took the initiative to rush over, could not help but be angry at the same time.

"I dare to look down on me, I will let you understand, what is called a dead camel than a horse!" Lan Xiao Ni Jiao sighed, the fish tail fluctuated in a void, and instantly smashed the waves, two people not far away Go and go.

Chen Nan was also furious and released his dark rot.

Clown and Bai Yao, Chen Nan and Lan Xiao Ni.

These two couples who are getting married and fleeing at the same time are finally fighting together!

The shocking waves released by Lan Xiao Ni suddenly became strange and frozen, and then broke open.

A white ice blade came on the way, and the speed was fast.

Lan Xiao Ni hurriedly withdrew and escaped the attack of the ice blade.

"Uh huh..." She snorted, but it was because of the haste to avoid the wound, and the blood was shot again.

Bai Yao triumphantly chased, waving a silver-ice ice and snow knife in his hand, and drawing a fierce death trajectory. The sharp edge of the knife is strong, and the style is inconsistent with her usual feminine attitude.

Lan Xiao Ni was anxious, and if she was not hit hard, how could she be beaten by a monk in the early days of a god.

"Chen Nan! You have to solve it there, and then come and help me immediately!" Lan Xiaoni resisted Bai Yao's endless attacks while asking for help.

"Do not worry, give me a minute."

Chen Nan looked at the clown who was slamming, and the cruel smile appeared on his face: "Now I will let you know how stupid it is to provoke me."


The dark rot of the fire blasted openly, carrying the extremely horrible erosion and melting power, covering all the positions of the clown and quickly closing.

"Hey, in the middle of the district, I want to compete with me? My fire can rot everything, but you can't burn you a stinky monkey?" Chen Nan grinned, his palms shot, the flame burst and merged, completely swallowed up. The body of the clown.

A pleasure to kill Bai Yao’s lover is on my mind.

"Ha ha ha, you will die for me like this! Bai Yao I will help you take care of it."

Just when Chen Nan thought that the clown was like this, when the living was eroded by the flames, a deeper black inflammation actually swallowed the dark rot.

"What?!" Chen Nan's eyes are round.

He actually saw another black inflammation, a deeper, more pure, more powerful black inflammation...

The clowns are shining with golden light, and the darkness of the gods shrouds the whole body. A very strong cold and chilling power spreads, making him seem to go out of the darkness of the demon, step by step toward Chen Nan.

"It turns out that... no wonder Bai Yuyu will agree to marry her. You have a pure Yin and a fire..." Chen Nan’s eyes are more gloomy and hateful.

The fire of the clown completely broke Chen’s sense of reliance and superiority.

Chen Nan’s breath has skyrocketed again, and the dark smoldering fire has poured out from his body, and a fist hits the clown. The black flames are ruined and ruined like a goblin.

"Give me to die!"

This time, he used all his strength.

From the beginning to the end, the clown does not say a word, like a demon who is silent but full of killing.

He silently put on the mask of the Green War, and the breath suddenly rose to the late stage of the gods. He held the silver stick and rushed to Chen Nan without fear.

Dark God inflammation covered his whole body, like the hardest armor, and slammed into the giant flame fist of Chen Nan's dark rot.


Flame burst ~www.readwn.com~ Under the incredible gaze of Chen Nan, the clown wearing a mask, extremely aggressively slammed the attack of the flame fist!

The silver long stick carries the power of the scorpion, breaking the void at a very fast speed, and squatting on Chen Nan’s face!


Accompanied by the sound of broken bones.

Chen Nan’s face was twisted by silver sticks.

"Oh wow!" The majestic force drove his body and flew out of the kilometer. The blood and broken teeth flew, the body was unable to roll down the ground, his eyes were still blurred, and he was obviously hammered.

At this time, the clown carried the dark gods from the sky, and stepped on Chen Nan's body. The giant force shook Chen Nan's internal organs and ruptured and separated, and a blood spit out.

A silver stick died to the head of Chen Nan.

The clown said the first sentence since the battle: "It's over."

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