I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1027: 1 strange map

The Green Fox City is a city that never sleeps, the realm of creation and the representatives from other places in the early mainland, and carnival to dawn.

Anlin and others also carnival to dawn.

The clown and Bai Yao also carnival to the dawn.

Well, these are not important.

The most important thing is that Anlin finally found the switch of the mysterious box and successfully proved that he is a man with IQ!

When the box is opened, there is a blue drawing inside.

There are white spots and complicated lines on the drawings, and Anlin looks like a face.

"This is the battle? The map? It's not like..." He was dazzled by the lines.

As a last resort, he had to resort to teammates.

"This... seems to be a map?" Xuanyuan said.

Liu Qiang nodded and said: "This should be a starry trajectory map somewhere!"

Starry trajectory map?

For the first time, Anlin heard this saying: "What is the starry sky trajectory?"

As a well-informed apprentice, Xiao Ze patiently answered Master's doubts: "The starry sky trajectory map is the use of a certain angle to observe the starry sky and locate a certain coordinate."

"Master, you see, these white dots represent the distribution of stars, and the white lines represent the trajectory of the stars. We look up at the sky in different places, and the starry sky we see is subtle."

"The starry sky trajectory map is located at midnight, where you can see the starry sky scene shown on the map."

Anlin forced: "This... how can this be seen? The mainland is so big, is it necessary to go to every place to see the stars and match them one by one? This map is not true!"

"An Lin, you seem to have forgotten that there is a profession, called a stargazer?" Liu Qian illusion, a mysterious tone, "have such a creature, born with a sense of heaven and earth, they can According to the changes of the stars, I will play the fierce, and look at the world with the eyes of the stars."

"In other words, let them borrow the power of the stars, see this picture, substitute this picture, and be sure that they can perceive the position pointed by the map!"

Liu Qian's explanation is very mysterious.

An Lin, who used to be a lot of strangers, quickly accepted this statement.

The world is very big, and the talent for talent is even more vast.

What he thinks is impossible, and it is impossible to say that there are strange people who can do it.

"So, do you think anyone in this picture can understand it?" An Lin asked again.

Liu Qian fantasizing for a little while, replied: "The spirit fish family, the Tian turtle family, the study of the stars divination is very deep. The power among them, I like to play this kind of starry sky trajectory. These two races The creatures may help us."

Anlin heard a slight frown.

Suddenly, a guess exploded in his mind.

The greatness of the spiritual fish family likes to play this kind of thing, and Chen Hao has one in his hand.

Lingyu, Chen Hao, Black Fox, married...

Does all this have anything to do with the map in that box?

Anlin began to move around.

Will the position marked on the map be a treasure that has wealth, fame, power, and everything in the world, left before death?

It can bring people all over the world to the sea...

Soon, Anlin’s eyes burst into flames.

Treasure hunter...

He is set!

Xu Xiaolan noticed the look of An Lin and said: "If you have a good injury, you will be allowed to go."

"Oh." The flames of Anlin's eyes were extinguished, and they nodded.

Everyone rested in the White Fox Room for a day.

On the second evening of the wedding, the clown came out of the wall.

An Lin, Xuan Yucheng, Dabai, and other male compatriots were shocked!

Seeing that the clown was walking so hard, no one actually took the initiative to help.

Eggs! Like their loser, what is the interest to help a monkey winner?

This is a happy look, no one wants to bother, but wants to leave.

"I decided, I will be a wife and a wife in the future." After seeing the fascinating foxes of Bai Yao and the happiness of the clowns, Tang Ximen finally made a decision.

An Lin sneered and said: "It’s no use, and the woman can hold on for so long. Do you think you can stick to the clown for so long?"

Tang Ximen: "..."

This is like a crit, and it is hard to beat Tang Ximen.

The clown walked over with the old waist.

Anlin looked at the clown and smiled hard: "Is it all the time?"

The clown glimpsed and nodded. "Yeah, so tired, my Yang is overdrawn."

Everyone sneered.

The clown is awkward, and he should have nothing wrong with this sentence.

In order to save Bai Yao, yin and yang have been together for a whole day, using dark gods to go to peace and chilling the roots of the horrible power, which led to his overdraft.

Why are the people in front of you stunned and inferior to look at themselves?

"Come and come, the clown is working hard today. I am cooking today, and I am making a hearty meal for everyone." Xu Xiaolan has a good kitchen style, holding a pan, standing in the same place, beautiful and majestic.

Everyone heard it was a bit old blood in my heart.

Hard work, your sister, do we want this kind of hard work? !

The clown was very grateful to Xu Xiaolan for expressing his gratitude.

Not only is the master good to him, but the master's preacher is also so good to him!

This is really a warm family!

Bai Yao also walked lightly, and the money came, and his face was a little more rosy.

Apparently it was well nourished.

Xu Xiaolan smiled and asked: "Xiaoyao, how is your illness now?"

Bai Yao smiled softly and shyly, using a charming and soft voice: "Thanks to the clown, I have worked hard, my cold sun root is no problem."

An Lin: "..."

Everyone: "..."

That night, Xu Xiaolan made a big pot of stir-fried gods!

Xu Xiaolan: "Come, clown, Xiaoyao, more tonic!"

Anlin and the rest of the people burst into tears, they don't have to make up, the bullets are useless, and then make up, you have to blow up!

However, who can understand their feelings of being abused?

The clown was very grateful to Xu Xiaolan for expressing his gratitude.

Not only is the owner good to him~www.readwn.com~ The master's preacher is also so good to him! Even cooking is so friendly and considerate.

This is really a warm family!

This is a dinner of happiness and sadness.

The people stayed in Green Fox City for another day.

The people of Baiyao and Baihu, respectively, marry the chicken with the chicken to marry the dog with the dog, marry the monkey with the monkey. This beautiful and charming white fox princess is going to be a member of the family of the forty-nine sect.

"Yaoer, there is time in the future, often come back to see, here is always your second home." Bai Yuyu's eyes are red, holding the woman's soft voice in her arms.

"Know it, mother-in-law." Bai Yao pear flower with rain, holding his mother.

All members of the Forty-nine Xianzong, boarded the space elf spacecraft, waved and bid farewell to the handsome guys of the Fox family, then rose to the sky and disappeared outside the clouds.

Anlin and others left, and the fermentation of this big event has just begun.

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