I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1028: Western bliss

Bai Yao came to the Forty-nine Xianzong, which caused a great sensation.

The elder daughter of the monkey is still a beautiful wife!

This news swept like a hurricane, shocking all members. When everyone looked back, they found that the one who was the most unlikely to marry a daughter-in-law had first returned to the beautiful woman.

What kind of explosion experience is this?

Dragon Court's dojo.

"It turns out that looking for a wife doesn't have to look good!" The publicly-looking public Xi ​​Chen, who touched his long flowing hair, said confidently.

Sun Xiaodie sneered: "But it must be distinctive, not handsome enough to be shocking, at least ugly to have characteristics, otherwise why do you want to remember you?"

The public appearance of the flat West, the chest was tied with a sword, actually silent.

At present, the division of the Forty-nine Xianzong is open, only the Dragon Pavilion, the Bruce Court, the Jiange Pavilion, and the Purple Star Pavilion.

Bai Yao finally chose to join the savvy cabinet hosted by the little wolf. The white-knife wolf **** is still very good at the control and moves of the barbarian.

After a brief sensation, everything was flat.

However, Zongmen’s reputation has risen with the day.

The forty-nine immortals roared in the East China Sea Long Ting's victory, and the deeds of the fox community, and began to spread widely in the early mainland.

The influence of the Forty-nine Xianzong is getting bigger and bigger. There is no such sect, and dare to provoke it. At least, similar to the level of the nine royal family or the East China Sea Dragon Court, you have to measure your own strength before you shoot.

Anlin took a rest in Zongmen for five days, and his injuries finally recovered completely.

Xuan Yucheng and others have returned to school to continue classes, and Xu Xiaolan has also begun her journey of kitchen gods.

Anlin looked at the map in his hand and his heart was moving.

Or...Go and see what's there?

If the map is related to the spirit fisherman, then the risk factor is not small. He is too dangerous to go alone and needs several foreign aids.

Now that the business of the Forty-nine Xianzong is just on the right track, the executive department of the Mirror is also beginning to show its talents, and no one can walk together.

An Lin said that he said that he would let the bone jade worms give up the idea of ​​happy photosynthesis with Xiaohong and agree to go out and walk.

Dina is intimate with a small cotton jacket and agrees to go there.

For her, traveling to various interesting places and taking risks is the favorite thing.

In this way, the three hit it off and immediately began to leave for the West Sea.

As the name suggests, the West Sea is the ocean in the westernmost part of the mainland.

There is boundless sea and a variety of mysterious and powerful sea beasts, the Kraken.

Among the West Sea, the two most prominent forces are the Lingyu and Tiangui.

Anlin knows that these two races are also the two most intelligent races among the Guardian Ten. He has seen their development trajectory in the world of mirrors.

In general, the spirit fishermen are more aggressive, and the Tiangui people are partial and safe.

When Anlin finds someone to look at the map, he naturally has to find the turtle family.

"Starting!" An Lin waved at the disciples who came to see him off.

"Goodbye Lord Anlin, good luck, triumphantly!" Zongmen disciples shouted in unison.

Anlin smiled and satisfied.

I have to say that Bai Ling is very good at training. This sacred door for the sergeant is very appetizing.

Anlin sat on the left shoulder with the elf, and the portable space was transferred. A small butterfly on the right shoulder, simple poisoning and barrier plugging.

Opened the double-hanging Anlin, went to the transmission array and began the journey of the West Sea.

The farthest place that Kyushu’s transmission array can transmit is the Western bliss.

The Buddhism and the Heavenly Court also maintained friendly exchanges. The previous Qingzhi was also assisted by Anlin. For this famous region of the early mainland, he has long been famous for his longing.

After a while, Anlin’s figure appeared on a circular dojo.

Here are the creatures that are transmitted through the transmission array.

"Wow, a lot of dazzling bald heads, if Xiaohong comes here, I will be very fond of it!" The bone jade worm, which was obviously biased by Xiaohong, said very excitedly.

Most of the creatures coming and going are monks and nuns, whose bald heads are swaying in the sun, like a moving light bulb.

When Anlin heard this, he couldn't help but think of the power of the small red field, which had a kind of bald muscle monk with a kind smile on his face.

As soon as he read this, he silently shuddered.

Anlin looked at the clear sky, the bright sunshine, and the smile on the pedestrian's face, to the appearance of a blissful world.

The streets along the way, the store doors are open, I heard that there is no need to close the door at night.

There are no thieves on the street because there is really no need to steal.

If you haven't eaten, the monk will provide you with food and shelter.

Without work, the monk will introduce you to work.

Without the practice, the monk will give you a good practice.

Without money, the monk will take out the money to help you with the emergency.

No woman... The monk will help you pinch an inflatable doll to play with.

But if you still force something to do with the woman, then I am sorry, the monk will send you to the real world of bliss.

In short, this is a world where you can live very comfortably and happily.

The basic needs can be met.

People's crimes are very low.

Anlin and others walked around the city and found that the Green Fox City is interesting. The monk has no fox male handsome, the nun has no fox female hook, completely can not afford to play.

After he bought a few cleansing fragrances, he planned to go straight to the West Sea.

Yes, the matter is important, don't play with fun!

"Xiao Na, look at you now, go west." An Lin ordered.

"Well." Dina’s arms were torn and the space in front of her was torn.

There was a burst of exclamation around.

The ability to master the power of space is remarkable, no matter where it is, not to mention the use of such a cute elf.

Dina’s big hand, Anlin’s big hand~www.readwn.com~, entered the space channel and disappeared into the blissful world, ending this short journey.

The western bliss world is about a million miles from the West Sea.

The Dina space technique is very slippery. It is not comparable to the new driver of the road anger in the snowy day. It only spans a million miles in just two days.

In a blue ocean, the void splits.

Anlin, Dina, and the bone jade worm, came to the legendary West Sea.

"Wow, a lot of water, a big sea!" Dina shouted the sparkling eyes and exclaimed.

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped: “You should learn idioms with Xiaotian, otherwise you will see such scenes and say that this kind of dialect is very bad.”

Dina grinned with dissatisfaction and ignored Anlin.

Anlin turned his gaze to the ocean: "So... how do we find the mobile star island of the Turtles now?"

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