I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1029: The sea monsters in the West Sea

Mobile Star Island is the main territory of the Tiangui activity.

It is said to be an island floating in the West Sea and moving according to certain rules.

There is no direct connection between the creatures of any race and the island, let alone the transmission line, and there are no sailing routes.

"Xu Xiaolan said, I naturally understand when I come here." An Lin looked at the boundless sea and muttered. "So, what do I understand?"

Dina said with a chin: "Understanding your incompetence?"

An Lin: "..."

"Xiao Na, you have changed." An Lin looked sad.

Xiaona is no longer the intimate little cotton jacket, and will be attentive.

The bone jade fairy turned his eyes to the northwest, weak and open: "Master, is that direction, I saw a big? w head?"

?w head?

Anlin was shocked. How big can this thing be?

He turned his eyes to the northwest, and far away, there seemed to be a thin layer of mist.

A shadow like a turtle's head, looming, is huge.

Seeing this thing, if it has not yet been associated with the Turtles, it is really wise.

No wonder Xu Xiaolan said that Anlin came here to understand, the direction is very clear!

"Let's go." Anlin immediately no longer hesitated, and the royal bricks flew away.

The head of the white mist in the distance is in the field of vision, but this does not mean that the distance between the two is very close. Mainly because the shadow is too large, and the vision is very broad, which makes Anlin see its existence.

"Wow, Anlin Giant, look at that place, what is dark?" Dina looked curiously in a certain direction.

Anlin found that under the blue sea, there was a huge black shadow, which was approaching them in a fast direction, giving people a feeling of wind and rain, a feeling of extreme oppression.

He curiously stopped the bricks and wanted to see what it was.


At this time, countless splashes of water, only to see thousands of black fish like a missile flew to Anlin, opened a **** serrated mouth.

The kind of dense and mellow, the combination of the atmosphere has become extremely powerful and terrible.

"They are the bone-bone fish of one of the top ten beasts in the West Sea. Although the strength of the single is not strong, but they can attack together in groups, they can exert extremely terrifying energy!" See the well-known bone jade fairy Give a cry and quickly explain.

It was afraid that its explanation would be slow, and Anlin would first destroy these fierce beasts in one step.

Anlin looked at the tens of thousands of bone-eating fish that flew from the air, raised his hand and slammed it against the void.

The huge palm of the vitality descends from the sky, and all the bone-bone fish are covered, ruthlessly photographed!


All the bone-bone fish can't stand the power of terror and burst at the same time.

The **** splash, the sea seems to have a **** rain.

The bone jade worm is slightly relieved, but fortunately it speaks fast.

This group of so-called ten murderers in the West Sea was really destroyed.

With only one hand, Anlin completed the feat of the group's destruction, without any slight muddy water.

In fact, the creatures are not terrible. If the monks meet this group of fish, it is despair. Unfortunately, this group of fish encountered Anlin.

Any horrible creature is a joke in the face of absolute power.

Anlin continued to move forward. The reason why he did not speed up was to let Yanna broaden his horizons and see what fun fish there is in the sea.

Yes, for ordinary monks, the West Sea is a terrible place of trepidation.

But for them, it’s just a place for an outing to see the scenery.

"Wow, the Anlin giant is watching, this octopus is big, but there are only three tentacles! Is this a three-legged chapter?" Dina said with a beautiful pair of eyes, excitedly said.

The giant octopus, which is up to a kilometer, roared, and the three huge tentacles carried the momentum of the mountains and the sea. They seemed to be expressing their dissatisfaction with the name.

Anlin said nothing, a Lushan fist, the giant octopus was bombarded into meat.

"This is the West Sea Ghost Hand Medal, which is in the depths of the sea, strength..." The bone jade worm has not been introduced yet, and the octopus has been spiked.

Her voice rushed to her feet, and she felt awkward.

"Wow, my little bones sister is so powerful, I know so much. You can continue to talk about it, I still want to hear it." Yanna raised a cute smile and said very well.

The bone jade fairy worm looked at the sky with a sad face, and the blame was collected. Continued to explain, is there an egg?

There is no passion.

It’s like killing a demon king. It’s definitely an introduction to how the demon king is arrogant. Is it necessary to wait for the demon to be killed by Anlin?

Is this not a disease? !

Anlin and others walked all the way, killing the sea monsters were all accepted by Anlin, and getting some seafood for dinner, it is also the best use.

In this way, they went all the way for tens of thousands of miles.

The sea monster that rushed out to volunteer as a seafood has been filled with five best quality rings.

During the period they also encountered high-intelligence life, jellyfish, and sea urchins.

These races are mostly war slags, except for the sea urchins who are not afraid of the brains. The www.readwn.com~ jellyfish encounters Anlin, they are silently avoided.

Anlin and others continued to move forward in an invincible position and finally saw the white mist not far away.

"Good, finally I have to enter the fog!"

His mind mentioned it slightly, and finally he had to deal with the Tiangui people, one of the Guardian tribes. His heart was still very nervous.

At the same time, within the Haixin Palace.

A quiet sobbing sounded.

The five senses are carefully carved on the same day, the exquisite mermaid, sitting on the chair with the blue fish tail on the side, crying nonstop.

"Princess, don't cry, people can't be resurrected, and sorrow." A fishman guard persuaded.

"Oh... I didn't cry because the money was dead. I was crying. How did I blink my eyes? I would look at the kind of melon."

Being crying, it is the princess of the spiritual fish family, Lan Xiao Ni.

The fisherman’s guards heard a word and comforted: “You don’t blink, Chen Nan’s handsome and handsome, glamorous, is the top handsome guy!”

Lan Xiao Ni cried a stagnation, smashed his eyes, and looked at the fisherman's guard and glared at him: "What you mean is... Chen Nan is not a melon cracking jujube, but I blinked and said that he was a melon ?"

The fisherman’s bodyguard was forced.

Can his words be interpreted like this?

Lan Xiaoni was furious and shouted: "Come on! Let me drag this fish out!"

In an instant, two shadow guards rushed over and pulled the fisherman's guard out of the door.

"Oh, I don't mean this!"

"Princess, forgive me!!"

The fisherman's guards burst into tears and made the final struggle.

Lan Xiao Ni did not go to see it and continued to cry.

The fisherman guards, with precious life to prove to us...

The woman in anger is unreasonable!

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