I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1045: Lan Xiao Ni's rise

Silly girl, do you really think...

I don't go in, do you keep the treasure?

The most important thing about taking treasures is by strength! Use strength to prove that this treasure has a relationship with me!

An Lin looked at the back of Lan Xiao Ni and smiled cheerfully: "Hey, blue brother, be careful, don't die on the bridge."

Lan Xiao Ni looked back at An Lin and gave a sigh of relief and continued on.

The battle between Lan Xiaoni and Datouyu explains everything. The bosses in the world of lightball are not so good to kill. It is another matter to win or not.

The mermaid princess naturally knows this, so the monster has not yet moved, she has already spurred the white ball and the small blue fish to protect the body.

She flew to the wooden bridge like this, and a forbidden force suddenly came.

Lan Xiao Ni screamed and fell from the sky.

As a last resort, she had to twist the fishtail and walked slowly toward the front.

At this moment, the oddly shaped sea monsters on both sides suddenly opened their eyes and raised the weapons in their hands, which erupted a very powerful momentum.

Lan Xiaoni was prepared and sighed, first of all, the defensive technique was applied...

Anlin is planning to watch the show, and the scene that shocked him is again.

Oh la la...

One by one, the sea monster suddenly fell on the round plate and lowered his head: "Congratulations to the spirit fish princess!"

The sea monsters have a unified voice and are very loud.

An Lin’s eyes widened and his face was awkward.

Lan Xiao Ni was also shocked, and the little blue fish almost fell to the ground.

This Nima, I am treating you as an enemy. Do you want to worship me?

Soon, her face turned from thunder to sunny, haha ​​laughed: "Ha ha ha ... An Lin, you saw no, this is the choice of fate, this treasure can only be owned by me!"

What else can Anlin say, to the invincible relationship!

The Kraken is angering this salted fish. Wait a minute, is the boss finally squatting on the ground, asking the salted fish to cut off its head?

Also playing a fart light ball trial!

If you want to open the back door, can you not throw the treasure directly to Lan Xiao Ni? Anlin promises not to say more than one word!

But probably will say three words.

The three words are now to be said.

An Lin: "Ma Mai batch!"

"Ha ha ha..." Lan Xiao Ni saw Anlin's angry appearance, the whole person floated up, all the stagnations in his heart were untied, scorned the songs, and walked toward the end of the wooden bridge step by step.

All the sea monsters have fallen, welcoming their noble princesses.

Lan Xiaoni went all the way and found that the end of the wooden bridge suddenly appeared in front of him.

She frowned slightly. The wooden bridge didn't look as long as it looked. It used some sort of shielding and blinding technique to make it look endless.

At the end of the wooden bridge is a golden throne.

There is a dark golden monster on the throne, the head of the octopus, the human body, and a silver-white sea fork in the hand.

It wants to be the ultimate boss of this level.

Lan Xiaoni puts his hands on his hips and is confident: "You, don't give this princess down, offer your treasure, so maybe I can still be happy, spare you a life!"

This salted fish is very N.

The octopus head stood up from the throne and bowed to Lan Xiao Ni. He smiled and said: "My beautiful princess welcomes you to the Dumu Palace. I am Kidd."

Lan Xiao Ni saw that the boss was just a salute. He didn't squat, but he didn't care much. He extended his white and delicate palm and said: "Kid, give me your treasure, I will leave."

Kidd nodded with a smile: "The main treasure of the public, I will give it naturally."

Lan Xiao Ni’s heart was a joy. I did not expect that this way of forcing treasures would really work. In this way, she could live up to her expectations and bring back the legacy of some ancestors!

"But..." Kidd’s face suddenly appeared to mean an unidentified smile. His eyes moved up and down in the face of Lan Xiaoni, flashing a greed. "Princess, the premise is that you have to marry me and be my woman."


This sentence seems to be a thunderous thunder, and it is blue and small.

"You... what are you talking about?"

Lan Xiao Ni Mei Yu rounded up, looking at the octopus head in front of him in disbelief.

Since the concealment technique was abolished, Anlin also saw this scene in front of him, and a slight glimpse, I did not expect things to develop into this.

"As long as you marry me, everything here is yours." Kidd pointed at every part of the palace, looking at Lan Xiao Ni very hotly. "I smell your fragrance, from your beautiful appearance, feel When you are in your body, the blood that makes me indulge in... I want to have you!"

"you wanna die!!"

Lan Xiao Ni was finally blown up, and powerful forces burst out and hit the surrounding void.

"You don't scatter your urine and look after yourself. If you look so ugly, you dare to marry me!" The mermaid princess also ignited the little blue and white **** and attacked Kidd!

Anlin was shocked. The key point of the original blue Xiao Ni’s anger is the value of Yan?

"The blue snake!" Kidd's left hand emptied a wave, and hundreds of blue snakes with extremely pure water power rushed toward the blue little Ni, while the right hand silver fork straight poked to the small blue fish.


The collision of the small blue fish and the silver fork broke out with a loud bang.

The horrible energy shock spreads over the kilometer, but the power can not destroy the wooden bridge. It seems that the material of the wooden bridge is special.

The power of Kidd’s outburst is already comparable to the new return to the virtual period~www.readwn.com~The giant force of the pound is released from the tip of the fork, and the small blue fish is poked by a fork.

Lan Xiaoni provoked the white ball and released a silver-and-white ice sword to break Kidd's little snake.

At this time, Kidd had already rushed to Lan Xiao Ni, and the silver fork tore the void to the blue Xiao Ni.

"Water 璧!" Lan Xiao Ni Qing sighed and built a wall of **** water in front of him.

The silver fork thorns in the water, shining with a dazzling brilliance.


The energy of the silver fork exploded and the water wall was broken.

Lan Xiaoni’s body was shocked and flew away towards the rear of the wooden bridge.

"Flow space!" Blue Xiao Ni has not yet landed, throw a character?

The character burns in the void, and then gives her a layer of luster on the body surface.

This is a counter-space card, you can ignore the space used by the enemy!

"I will make you fall in love with me. Although I am very ugly, my soul will make you addicted." The octopus head blazed glaringly at Lan Xiao Ni, and the octopus tentacles of the chin kept squirming, obviously also very Excited.

Said, Kidd stretched out the dark gold left hand, a void grip.

"Space is forbidden!"

Uh... everything in the space is paused.

Sure enough!

Lan Xiao Ni silver teeth bite, the body's luster is so strong, it is extremely flexible to retreat, away from Kidd's space forbidden!

"How is this possible?!" Kidd's face changed.

"Go to hell! The treasure must be mine!"

Taking advantage of Kidd's moment of blasphemy, during the retreat of Lan Xiaoni, the whole body was forced to push the little blue fish behind Kidd.

The little blue fish turned into a lightning flash, and hit the back of Kidd!

(Su Shuyun's character reference picture came out, the small partner who wants to watch is concerned about the WeChat public number, the maverick big snail, click on the history message to see it!)

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