I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1046: Fighting me!

When Kidd thought of Lan Xiao Ni, he would have the strength to break free from space. In his heart, the blue fish had already hit his body.


The blue fish's momentum is trembled even in the void.

It hits Kidd's back and provokes terrible waves.

Kidd's back was sagged, accompanied by the sound of flesh and blood, and his body was taken with a blue-eyed Ni, and a green blood was spit out.

Lan Xiao Ni hit a hand, but his face was not happy.

She was originally planning to explode Kidd's body in one go, but did not expect the full blue blow of the small blue fish, but only let Kidd suffer a little injury.

It is necessary to know that Kidd is unprepared and bears the opportunity of attack, not to mention that there is.

Kidd suffered a blow from Lan Xiao Ni. Not only did he not have anger, but he laughed and laughed: "Sufficient, I like it! But... my strength is beyond your imagination, you can't beat me, you are from me. Let's go!"

After all, he actually took the initiative to attack, and went to Lan Xiao Ni to attack!

Lan Xiao Nimei glared at Kidd, and turned it over. He recalled the little blue fish in front of him, and while fighting, he retreated and prevented more than defending. Obviously, he had already fallen.

An Lin outside the barrier, seeing this scene silently.

The boss is so bright and wants to occupy the blue Xiao Ni, this should be a crime, right? Do not consider the feelings of eating melons?

"Ha ha ha... don't resist! Be resistant to resisting in bed!"

Kidd's silver fork waved, and every time he could pull out a hundred-meter-long silver blade, and went to the blue plaque in front of him.

Although Lan Xiao Ni has a good strength, there are also such cards as the fairy blue small fish and white beads, but it is still too reluctant to deal with the new return to the virtual environment.

Not long after the battle, she was dangerous, and the white jade arm had two more blood marks. The slender fish tail was also pierced with a **** mouth.

On the contrary, Kidd is the more fierce and fierce.

Damn, I can't lose here.

This is my best chance, I can't lose!

Lan Xiao Ni retreats, revealing the twilight, slamming his wrist.

The blood is not scattered, but is pulled by the force, spiraling around the snow white jade arm.

"Spirit fish **** blood trick, fish dragon dance!"

Bang! The extremely powerful red mans are released from the arms of Lan Xiao Ni.

That powerful force, even the face of An Lin has changed slightly.

Lan Xiao Ni's tail swelled, his body shape was not retreating, his right hand clenched his fist, his arm seemed to have a red dragon entwined, and his fist hit like a dragon!

The thundering sound of the horror broke out, and the awe-inspiring power swayed the world.

The horror power contained in the fist even broke the void together.

Kidd's face changed greatly, and his arms crossed in front of him.


The terrible collision exploded, accompanied by a special squeaking sound.

Anlin was shocked: "The Tang Dynasty spirit fish family, even used such a pure dragon force!"

Kidd screamed, and the extremely hard dark gold arms were broken and broken by Lan Xiao Ni, and the body was hit by a terrible impact.


Kidd smashed his throne, which stopped the retreat.

"Did you make it?"

After using the secret method, Lan Xiaoni suffocated and violently gasped, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Kidd's direction.


Kidd coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and stood up very hard.

Its arms are already empty, but after all the parts of the body squirmed, the dark golden body slowly shrank, and the two arms replaced instead.

Just like squeezing the dough, squeeze the dough from your body to your arms.

"It's a good risk. If you are hit by the heart, I might die." Kidd looked at Lan Xiao Ni, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly rose and looked like it could obviously continue to fight.

"how come……"

Lan Xiao Ni stepped back a few steps, and there was despair on the pretty face.

Just the trick of the spirit of the fish, the dragon dance, has exhausted almost all of her power, and the result is still killing Kidd, what should I do next?

"How come you want to fight now, I am always with you..."

"If you don't fight, you can accompany me..."

Kidd’s evil charm smiled, and the chin’s tentacles flexed flexibly in the void, and he also touched the blue Xiao Ni not far away, as if he was teasing.

Lan Xiao Ni Jiao is a trembling, disgusting, fearful, helpless...

All kinds of negative emotions began to come to my heart.

At this moment, somehow, she suddenly remembered the back, the one that made her unforgettable and gave her a great sense of security...

"Storm Snow Array!"

Lan Xiaoni suddenly sighed with a sigh of relief, and countless splashes of water became a blizzard with a murderous murderousness.

"The worm is a small skill." Kidd's hands patted, and the blizzard was shaken by the giant force.

At this time, it saw that the fisherman princess who had been arrogant before the turn turned his head.

Yes, Lan Xiao Ni did not say anything and started the escape mode.

"An Lin, save me!!"

Lan Xiao Ni screamed for help while rushing toward Anlin.

An Lin: "..."

An Lin sneered and said: "Which idiot was said before, only noble blood can enter, treasure is not yours, this is the choice of fate?"

"It's me! I am the idiot!" Lan Xiaoni blinked red and shed tears of remorse.

An Lin: "..."

Do you admit that it’s so simple?

"Give me a stop!" Kidd, who was behind Lan Xiaoni, yelled.

Dozens of sea monsters on both sides of the wooden bridge suddenly moved, and they all showed their way to Lan Xiao Ni.

Powerful techniques have come to the fore, engulfing the entire wooden bridge.

A blue figure jumped out of the energy of the explosion. Her long black hair danced behind her, and an ice blue armor covered the ice muscles. After falling to the ground, she continued to run in the direction of Anlin.

The white ball is responsible for defending the attack of the sea monster, the small blue fish is responsible for the containment of Kidd, and Blue Xiao Ni’s escape journey is particularly strenuous.

Anlin didn't have any intention to help her. She said, "You said that before, now I call you to help you, I will help you, isn't that very faceless?"

"What do you want to do?" Lan Xiao Ni's tail was almost spurred by Kidd's harpoon ~www.readwn.com~.

"Calling hegemony!" An Lin laughed.

"Hegemony to save me!" Lan Xiao Ni shouted loudly.

An Lin: "..."

"Call so simply, you have no sense of shame, guilty?" Anlin shocked.

"I know that you are not my father anyway, I will marry you!" Lan Xiaoni's posture deflected, and he escaped Kidd's attack with great excitement.

An Lin: "..."

Hey me? For the first time, he heard such a fresh and refined answer.

Is this mermaid princess afraid of dying to this point?

Lan Xiaoni’s face is getting paler and clearer, and it’s obviously already exhausted.

Soon, she broke through the blue water-grain barrier without any resistance, as if Yu Yan voted for Anlin, shouting: "Hey!" (https://)

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