I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1048: The love story of Xihaizi and Tianchen Ji

Shen Jianshu seems to have identified an unacceptable thing.

A drop of tears?

Is this blue liquid in my hand really a tear?

Tears can also become god-level materials?

Anlin looked at the tears in his hands in disbelief.

After a moment, he looked up at the statue of Xihaizi, revealing the color of curiosity.

He wants to know what kind of love story is in order to make Xihaizi shed so much tears...

It is a pity that Gu Yu had to tell him the story of Xi Haizi and Tian Chen Ji, but he refused.

"An Lin, what are you thinking about?" Lan Xiao Ni saw An Lin's expression and couldn't help but be curious.

"Please add the word 'boss' after my name!" Anlin said.

"Okay, Anlin boss!" Lan Xiao Ni nodded quickly.

She ate the blood of the blood, the blood and strength of the body is recovering quickly, and the mood is very good, so I don't want to count as much as An Lin.

Anlin stroked the blue tears and said: "I am very curious about the things between Xihaizi and Tianchenji. How much do you know?"

"This ah..." Lan Xiaoni reveals the color of remembrance.

However, before the speech, the two light **** in black and white floated in front of the two.

"There are two people who have a relationship. You can choose the world of lightball and continue to search for the treasures we have left behind." The statue of Xihaizi interjected.

"Wait," Annlin waved his hand and looked at Lan Xiao Ni. "You continue."

"Oh, this thing has to come from..."

After Lan Xiaoni has not finished, the statue of Xihaizi has interjected: "If you don't choose the world of lightballs, I will put the ball of light away, and the trip to the tomb will end."

An Lin: "..."

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

Anlin couldn't help but turn his eyes to the statue.

Why does this statue look very anxious?

Can it be said that it will be shameful to see Lan Xiao Ni telling his past face to face?


Isn't it something like 傀儡npc? How can there be such an emotion! ?

"Then I choose this." An Lin pointed to the white ball.

Lan Xiao Ni is obedient and follows the white ball.

It was another turn of the sky.

When the vision is clear again, the two have come to the cloud.

In front of it is an endless white cloud, stepping on it soft, like a sponge.

Surrounded by dark blue sky, it is very clean, and it is connected to the white clouds at a great distance.

The world seems to have only these two shades, and there is a sense of loneliness in the simplicity.

"It’s just that no one is bothering us here. Come and tell me the story of Xihaizi and Tianchenji.” Anlin turned to look at Lan Xiaoni and opened her eyes.

Lan Xiao Ni saw Anlin's gaze in his eyes, and his face was red, and he said: "I don't know much, I just heard a few words from my predecessors."

"In the ancient times, the West Sea appeared a very terrible demon god, named the ancient **** demon. At that time, our spiritual fish family was beaten by the ancient gods and gods. Most of the seas in the West Sea have become the territory of the ancient gods. ”

"One day, the ancient demon **** wants to eradicate our spiritual fish family. At that time, its army even hit the Haixin Palace. The ancient gods are too strong, and the high priest Xihaizi and the patriarch are not their opponents."

"On the occasion of the life and death of the spiritual fish family, the Tiangui family, which has always been hidden, has finally emerged. The two West Sea forces joined forces and finally repelled the army of the ancient gods."

"Tianchen Ji, the high priest of the Tiangui nationality, dazzled in the performance of that war, and left a deep impression on the spirits of the spirits of the spirit fishermen. Xihaizi, the high priest of our family... um, love at Tianyiji at first sight, then Then there is the perseverance of pursuit, failure, pursuit, failure experience..."

Speaking of this, Lan Xiao Ni seems to feel a little shameful, leaning his head, looking at the clouds, looking awkward, seems to have no face to continue.

Anlin was shocked, the handsome fish is chasing the female turtle? So inspirational?

"The spirit fish family and the Tian turtle family are opposed to this 'pro-family', and the high priests who feel so handsome in the spirit fish family even marry the tortoise, which is simply shocking and unintelligible. The Tiangui people also dislike the Xihaizi, even the high priest even one There is no mobile turtle shell room, where the courage to come to pursue Tianchen Ji."

"However, Xihaizi never gave up..."

"I don't know how. After hundreds of years of chasing after the West Sea, Tianchen Ji accepted the pursuit of the West Sea and accepted this love that the world can't understand."

Lan Xiao Ni couldn't help but smile: "To be honest, I also imagined the picture of Xihaizi and Tianchen Ji when they got married, it must be very fun."

Anlin is very much in favor of the nod, the picture must be very beautiful...

"But then, the ancient gods and gods are making a comeback, and the West Sea once again ushered in a fierce battle. The predecessors of Xihaizi and Tianchenji have burned out the last life in order to completely kill the ancient gods, and finally kill the ancient gods and gods. I know a secret."

"That is a secret enough to change the destiny of the two communities. However, they feel that it is not the time to tell the clan secrets, so the two were buried in the seabed, and everything was placed in the mausoleum, waiting for the people to open their legacy. ""

"The secret of this ancient tomb is obviously a family matter of the spiritual fish family and the Tiangui family. I never imagined that the Tiangui people would pin their hopes on you as a human being."

After Lan Xiaoni finished, the blue-eyed eyes stared at An Lin, and there was a sigh of anger in the arrogance.

Anlin smiled and said: "I never imagined that the spirit fishermen would pin their hopes on you. Blue brother, not me for you. To be honest, if you don't have me, you are absolutely in this tomb."

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

This is a matter of heart, and the pride of Lan Xiao Ni is broken like a balloon.

"砰", a moment, vented.

"Let's go, Blue Brother, see where the treasures of this world are."

After listening to the story, Anlin was satisfied. Although she still didn't know the story of tears, she had a general understanding of Xihaizi.

Um... I can chase a female turtle for hundreds of years~www.readwn.com~ That is absolutely fierce!

The two did not have to walk this time and switched to flying.

Where there are no obstacles, it is natural to fly fast.

Anlin released the knowledge of the surroundings and explored the surrounding environment, but did not find anything special.

This is a headache. There is no strange place, no abnormal energy, no more clues.

They can only choose a direction like a headless fly and then fly.

White clouds, the sky is endless.

They flew for half an hour like this, full of thousands of miles.

As a result, there is nothing!

Don't say mobs, no life, nothing!

An Lin looked at this empty world and fell into confusion. (https://)

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