I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1049: Secret of the sky

Endless, when is the end?

The most annoying thing is not that there are a lot of monsters along the way, or the environment is very bad, but there are no squats along the way, and the empty shackles can't do it.

"This...Anlin boss, I think this place is a bit weird." Followed by An Lin, Lan Xiaoni, could not help but open the door.

Anlin rolled his eyes and didn't have a good air. "Are you talking nonsense?"

"But... I just want to say some nonsense, empty and terrible..." Lan Xiaoni looked nervously around, for fear of sudden fatality.

An Lin: "..."

Sometimes, the calmer you are, the more disturbing you are.

I am afraid I will blow up when.

"Go ahead, I don't believe it, this place will be infinite!" Anlin firmly said.

Lan Xiao Ni nodded and continued to follow An Lin.

As long as she is nervous, she looks at the white back in front of her and looks at the reliable back.

How is the enemy so powerful, Anlin boss can kill a small boxing fist!

The two continued to move toward the sea of ​​no boundaries.

Half an hour, an hour...

Six hours, one day...

Nothing, nothing!

Anlin silently stopped the royal brick flight, saying: "Impossible, how can a world of lightballs be so big?"

Lan Xiao Ni scratched his head: "After all, the characteristics of each lightball world are different."

"We can fly around the world all these days, and we can circle the earth a few times! The fragrance of all human beings is floating up, and there is no long distance for us to fly! This small world cannot be so big!" Anlin still insisted on his own ideas.

Lan Xiao Ni looked at An Lin with a stern look: "What are you talking about?"

An Lin: "..."

Ok, I forgot that this mermaid does not understand the earth.

Lan Xiao Ni suddenly blinked and said: "You said this place, will it be the same as the place we just came in, to mobilize something, in order to make that world change?"

An Lin said with a face: "Do you mean the infinite sword system?"

Lan Xiao Ni looked blank: "What are you talking about?"

An Lin: "..."

"That place is very similar to the place here. I can't see the end. I rely on me to urge the funeral sword to carry the chain and absorb all the dead swords. This leaves the world."

Anlin indulged for a moment and continued: "In fact, the dead sword there is not as much as it seems. We have been flying, maybe we are crossing the same space."

Lan Xiao Ni was surprised: "You mean, is this a ghost hitting the wall?"

An Lin licked his mouth: "You can describe it like this..."

He glanced at the vast sky and white clouds and said: "This place is very likely to be like that. The space we fly may have been repeated!"

This time, both of them fell silent.

If this is the case, how should they change?

Before, Anlin had a funeral sword, but this time it was nothing. To put it bluntly, they still can't find directions...

"Oh... if you can penetrate all the material and space of this world, you may be able to find flaws, but this is impossible..." Lan Xiao Ni sat on a huge flying shell, holding hands with incense Hey, muttering.

Infiltrate all the material and space of this heaven and earth?

Anlin heard a word, and then his eyes gradually lit up.

"Oh, who said this is impossible?" An Lin smiled lightly.

Lan Xiao Ni Mei looked at An Lin and was shocked. "No, can you say... can you do this kind of thing?"

An Lin’s eyes suddenly flashed through countless stars, and then the eyes became clear, reflecting the whole world. Shen Yanshu!

In an instant, the colorless waves spread hundreds of miles.

Whether it is the shape of a cloud, the surge of airflow, or the flow of vitality, all the details are gathered in his mind.

Climate, space, matter...

Everything is in the picture!


An Lin’s eyes gradually recovered, and his face became very pale.

"An Lin boss, how are you?" Lan Xiao Ni felt the sudden atrophy of An Lin, was shocked and eagerly asked.

"I'm fine." An Lin took out a high-level Ling Dan from the Nayong.

The use of oracle is extremely costly and can be used up to one time a month, otherwise it will cause great damage to the body and even consume life.

Only once, Anlin felt that his body was hollowed out.

Only... the result is good.

"I found the flaws in this world." Ann Lin smiled.

"Are you really okay?" Lan Xiaoni does not care about this.

Anlin shook his head: "It's okay, you come with me."

His royal bricks flew in a certain direction.

Lan Xiao Ni was worried about sitting with a shell behind him.

Not long after, An Lin flew to somewhere to stop.

Lan Xiaoni looked around and found no special place.

An Lin was silently smashing the sword of victory: "In fact, we all want to be wrong, why do we have to fly all the way above the clouds?"

Lan Xiao Ni is not stupid. He suddenly changed his face and turned his eyes to the soft white clouds.

"Yes, the road is under the clouds, just under the white clouds of this place!"

Anlin went to the white clouds below.

The dark swordsman tore the white clouds and teared a gap of thousands of feet!

Under the clouds, there is actually a white spiral space channel.

"Scorpio, this channel without space energy fluctuations, how did you find out?" Lan Xiaoni looked at Anlin with a look of admiration.

"If you don't understand it, go on." Anlin was too lazy to explain.

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

If it weren’t for herself to beat Anlin, she would definitely rush to it with a slam.

Anlin first flew to the space channel, and his look was extremely dignified.

The difficulty of this lightball world has gone far beyond his imagination.

If there is no magical technique, he does not know how long it will be trapped on it~www.readwn.com~ This is simply not a trial that can be solved by the gods.

It feels that every time you enter the world of lightballs, the difficulty of the next world of lightballs will increase. This has nothing to do with the order of selection. It is as if the difficulty can be adjusted independently.

Through the space channel.

Anlin came to another world.

It is also a cloud sky that cannot be seen at the end.

However, there is a round of true and illusory sunsets. At the end of the clouds and the blue sky, the clouds are dyed into a burning color.

"here is……"

Anlin stayed a little, and suddenly a very dangerous sign came to mind.

The two long-handed swords suddenly appeared in the void not far away, and the stunned sword could even crush the sky.

A body shrouded in dark fog, and only two red-red pupils stood in the void, opening in a very hoarse voice: "Do you like to live, or die?" (https://)

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