I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1058: Fighting and fleeing

Anlin was a little worried.

Was this giant tortoise statue also a living thing?

He hasn't spoken yet, and the giant tortoise continues to say: "There are people who are welcome, come to the tomb of me and Xihaizi!"

An Lin: "???"

"Just still swearing, now why open again welcome." Lan Xiao Ni looked surprised.

An Lin is also puzzled, is the attitude changing so fast? Turtle split?

However, it seems that Tianchen Ji does not know what they broke into. Is it because they wake up after they enter the room?

"Don't think too much, I welcome you, just go for the procedure, I don't really welcome you at all." The cold sound of the giant tortoise sounded again.

An Lin: "..."

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

God's special way to go, do you want to be so perfunctory? !

When Anlin knew that he had said something wrong before, he apologized: "Tianchen Ji seniors are sorry! We are here to gain the secrets of the two communities, change the destiny of the two communities, and lead the ethnic spirit to glory again!"

Tianchen Ji Wenyan’s look is a little slower: “I am very pleased that you can choose the secrets of the two communities between the treasure and the secret. It is an excellent junior who knows the overall situation...”


The words of the giant tortoise have not yet been finished, and there is a roar of the explosion at the gate.

The two silvers were upside down and rolled down on the ground in the vast interior.

Then, a fishtail person, only human size, looks very extraordinary statues rushed into the room from the passage, shouted: "Xiao Chen, do not pay attention to them, they have taken my treasure here, this door is their forcible Broken!!"

Tian Chen Ji: "???"

An Lin: "..."

Something was fortunate in his heart. Tianchen Ji did not notice that they forcibly broke the door. Unexpectedly, Xihaizi came out to spoil.

An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni have not been boasted, they were hit by a wave.

Tianchen Ji was shocked and said: "Can you break the enchantment of the gate?"

An Lin silently smashed the evil sword: "Predecessors, I am waiting to change the fate of the Tiangui and the Lingyu people. This is the slogan. For the future of the two races, you will tell the secrets of the two communities." ”

"When you say this sentence, can you remove the sword from my neck first?" Tian Chen Ji Shuang slammed to the head of An Lin, cold voice.

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

Anlin smiled helplessly, but the evil sword was silently attached to Tian Chen's neck, without any slight movement.

He is used to pre-emptive, and naturally puts his own safety in the first place. Controlling Tian Chen Ji is the best way to deal with this crisis.

"Mixed! Put Xiaochen!" Xihaizi saw this scene violently angry, obviously the white eyes of the statue, this moment has become red.

Tianchen Ji’s look is flat: “You violated the ancient tomb rules and sneaked here. I will never tell you the secrets of the tomb. You should give up as soon as possible.”

Anlin slightly frowned, obviously can not find a way to break.

"An Lin boss, Tian Chen Ji's turtle shell seems to be engraved with the ancient characters of my family." Blue Xiao Ni Bi Lan eyelids staring at the lines of the giant turtle's back, suddenly began.

"It's bad." Tian Chen Ji's face changed.

Anlin’s reaction was extremely fast, and the crystal was thrown into the sky in an instant.

The white light shines through the space, imprinting everything in the crystal.

"Hey! You are looking for death! You dare to take the secrets of the two communities!"

Tian Chen, who had always been quiet in his face, was finally furious.

Anlin will take a picture of the crystal income, and look at the turtle under his feet without a word. He can’t help but vomit: "I’m seeing the first time that I’ll be so bright and straight, it’s not clear that let others see it. What are you going to..."

"You know the fart, the most dangerous place is the safest place." Xihaizi suddenly interjected and shouted for his Taoist.

An Lin: "...the most dangerous thing I know, but the safest... I didn't see it at all!"

Tian Chen Ji faintly said: "I will kill the existence of this secret by breaking the rules, will it become the safest place?"

"It seems that you have to reissue the key. You are not a good person. Leave me here." Tian Chen Ji is cold and full of words that are full of supreme power.

An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni took a breath at the same time.

It is obviously an ancient tomb. Why is the power left behind by the big cockroaches so overbearing?

At this time, Tian Chen Ji's body surface suddenly turned into a crystal appearance.

An extremely dangerous warning came to my mind, and Anlin did not hesitate to fall into a sword!


The sharp black swordsmanship, kneeling in the head of Tianchen Ji, the sword man Yu Wei even split the vast stone room into two halves.

But the tortoise made up of crystals burst into a colorful brilliance, and the sword of Anlin was unscathed.

Not only that, Tianchen Ji opened his mouth and spit, and several extremely horrible gods slid out of the book, bending out a tortuous arc, piercing the void, and instantly fell on the body of Anlin, bursting open.

Anlin feels that the body is like being hit by a heavy hammer. The body of the strong defensive **** of war has a very terrible tearing feeling. The body flies straight backwards. www.readwn.com~Anlin Boss! "Lan Xiao Ni exclaimed, hurriedly took out the law with both hands, and displayed a huge wave of thousands of meters high, swept away toward the giant tortoise.

She does not seek to defeat Tianchen Ji, but only seeks to hinder the enemy through the technique.

However, this powerful water system was stunned by Tian Chen, and it suddenly exploded into countless floats floating in the air.

Lan Xiao Ni was also struck by a powerful force on the body, spitting out a blood drop to the ground.

"It's useless. Under the joint efforts of my husband and wife, you don't have any chance to escape." Xihaizi used the power of Shinto to hammer up the Dasan and the enchantress, step by step toward Lan Xiaoni, and the tone was cold. Open the road.


In an instant, the whole became dark.

Lan Xiao Ni found that his body was suddenly hugged and moved quickly toward the exit!

She quickly reacted to who she was, and she suppressed the idea that she wanted to call out. The third and the enchantress that was beaten to the semi-discipline were also taken away at this moment.

This is the use of the six swords of the Anlin Ares. It only creates the absolute darkness that deprives the five senses and the gods, but does not attack the people with swords, but chooses to escape.


A violent impact accompanied the woman's scream.

"Hey, let me go, what is so hard?" An Lin touched his head.

Lan Xiao Ni touched the nose of the delicate and slanted nose that was hit by red, and it hurt with tears in his eyes.

In front of them, there was a blue energy enchantment.

"Oh... I want to escape?" Tianchen Ji’s sneer came. "Well, I can’t bear to use too much of the remaining power to deal with you. In order to save power, please go to the two places to die!"

"Tiangu seabed purgatory, difficulty full open **** mode, Kai!"

The privileged power of the ancient tomb launched, a terrible space force, instantly enveloped An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni, so that the two disappeared in place.

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