I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1059: Undersea ancient battleship

Anlin only felt a dizzy.

The next moment, a blue ocean world will appear in front of you.

The majestic water pressure came in and was isolated by the blue aperture released by Lan Xiao Ni.

An Lin glanced at the mainland, the ground was black, but it was covered with various plants that would emit a variety of colors, reflecting the underwater world brightly.

A strange animal in the ocean floats around, and the dark red eyes sparkle with dangerous light, releasing the powerful atmosphere in it.

They were slowly swimming around, and after seeing the appearance of Anlin, they were stunned, and then opened their mouths and went to Anlin! It seems that this alien creature is the existence that they must be eradicated.

"These slags also want to hurt me?" An Lin took out the sword of victory and slashed the swordsmanship, and he smashed the swords of the ocean into a piece of meat.

Blood stained the ocean and spread the blood, and actually attracted more marine animals.

They are constantly roaring in the direction of Anlin, and there are many beasts that have turned the gods.

Anlin took Lan Xiaoni all the way, like a meat grinder. All the monsters that were close to him were all smashed into pieces of meat.

They kept moving towards the center of the continent.

Anlin was upset by these monsters. It is not that the sea is different, but the number is too much. The attack has almost never stopped. Anyone who has been here forever keeps the sword, will feel upset.

Lan Xiaoni was so scared that if there was no Anlin here, she would face so many beasts, I am afraid that it would not last long and it would become the food of the beast.

"Hey!" A head of the sea is roaring, and then rushes to Anlin, and some even release powerful ocean techniques, or water blades, or swallow whirlpools, or poisonous attacks, which should not be overwhelmed.

Anlin all the way through the power, no matter what attack, it is a sword.

This is probably the so-called "one sword" method.

"Hell, the secrets of the two races, haven't we already obtained it? Is this so-called turtle underwater purgatory, is it a secret that has other rewards?" An Lin began to fight while talking.

"Well... it is also possible to get the test of the secrets of the two races. Although the secret is obtained, but the enemy we still have to fight, this is equivalent to the replacement ticket?" Lan Xiaoni said, thinking.

An Lin’s blue veins are straightforward, and God’s special ticket is added.

Based on the secret information of strong strength, why should he make up the ticket?

"Speaking back, Tian Chen Ji wants to get rid of us with the power of trials? But just because of this level of the beast, is it not a delusion to kill me?" An Lin sneered.

He can feel these oceanic beasts, and the potential in the body is fully stimulated, gaining far more than usual power. But this power scares Lan Xiao Ni, but it is sprinkling water for him.

"Hey, Anlin boss is the most powerful. How can Tianchen Ji have that eyesight and estimate your strength? These monsters are just for you to practice the sword." Lan Xiaoni naturally praised.

Blue's younger brother shouted 666's skills more and more skillful, and An Lin said that it is very useful, because Lan Xiaoni is telling the truth.


A dragon-drug giant whale with a length of thousands of feet screamed and was smashed into two halves by Anlin.

Through the huge whale body divided into two, Anlin saw the mainland in front of him, and was quietly sinking a very strange ship.

This vessel is extremely huge, like a deep sea behemoth crouching on the mainland.

Anlin had a visual inspection. There were hundreds of miles in length, and it was difficult to see the end of the day. It was only the size of the ship that was broad enough to give him a sense of oppression.

Bronze-colored metal covers the entire body of the vessel, and the black-colored cannon nozzles extend from the inside of the vessel. Each nozzle has a diameter of several kilometers and is full of deterrence.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible battleship.

Only a huge number of broken holes, as well as cracked body, as well as the tens of thousands of meters of incisions, but also highlight the defeat of this warship.

As time went by, many glowing underwater plants climbed in the hull, and the alloys and plants blended and entangled, making this dilapidated hull emit a strange light, which looks like a fascinating legacy.

"This boat is so beautiful!" Lan Xiaoni could not help but marvel.

Anlin nodded. "The more beautiful things in this place, the more careful you should be."

"Then, what do we do, do you want to go in?"

When I heard An Lin, Lan Xiao Ni shrank and shrank again.

"Of course, I have to go in and not kill the core monsters inside. We can't get out of it. We can only escape from here by the mechanism of the secret." An Lin sighed and said.

Lan Xiao Ni nodded and said, holding Baizhu in his hand and carefully following Anlin.

As for her two small blue fish, she has already sacrificed it when she saved Anlin. To re-trigger it, she can only wait for her to go back and call the fish priest to help re-sound the soul~www.readwn.com ~The two kept on approaching the huge ship.

Those sea monsters who struggled to fight against Anlin, after approaching the ship, took the initiative to stop chasing, as if there were any terrible things inside, let them feel the fear, not willing to approach.

Anlin saw this scene more cautious.

The closer they are to the battleship, the more they feel their own smallness.

The two first came to the front of a muzzle.

"This muzzle is so big, I am afraid that one can flatten an island?" An Lin looked at the dark muzzle of the bottom, nicknamed the road.

"Anlin boss, we will not be too close to the muzzle, if it suddenly fires at us, what should we do?" Lan Xiao Ni saw the huge incomparable muzzle, and his heart was worried.

The diameter of the kilometer, the black paint inside can not see the end.

"Haha? Can you shoot?" Anlin couldn't help but laugh and screamed at the blue forehead, and didn't have a good air. "This huge warship doesn't know how many years it has been abandoned, not only is it very chronological, It’s still ruined like this, it’s just scary at this place, where can it be used?”

An Lin is looking at Lan Xiao Ni with some funny smiles.

Lan Xiaoni looked at the front with some scorn, and couldn’t help but patted An Lin’s shoulder: “Anlin’s boss, you look at it, the muzzle seems to be shining...”

Anlin turned his head.

At this time, it is like a black hole like a muzzle, which has already bloomed like a sun.

An Lin: "..."


A loud noise.

On the submarine continent, a golden energy blasts, and the endless blazing energy sweeps, melting all the nearby sea monsters.

The devastating fire shines like a white sea.

The huge mushroom cloud that exploded has risen to the sky and has become a unique landscape on the mainland of the sea...

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