I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1060: Dancer

A terrible explosion broke out on the mainland.

The violent water flow even spreads the creatures in the hundreds of miles, some are hit by flying, some are torn by the stirring water, and the sea animals are scared to flee in the distance.

The energy of terror is gradually dissipating.

In the center of the energy explosion, there is an incomparably huge pit.

"Cough and cough... This is terrible! Take a cannon to fight mosquitoes, as for?"

In the center of the pit, a huge black brick was pushed open.

Anlin climbed out of the arms of Lan Xiao Ni.

Um, yes, he pulled out the chaotic alloy bricks in the face of the millennium, and blocked it in front of Lan Xiaoni, so unfortunately it was once a sandwich cake...

Unfortunately, this sandwich cake, the worst looks like the middle of An Lin, but the last blue Xiao Ni.

Lan Xiaoni’s body is too soft. Anlin’s collision with Lan Xiaoni is quite comfortable. Instead, it’s Lan Xiaoni, who was hit by Anlin and died.

"Blue brother, Blue brother... Are you okay?" An Lin swayed the blue-eyed Ni Xiao Ni, opening his eyes with concern.

Lan Xiao Ni woke up and touched the body that was about to fall apart, and the tears were about to fall. Fortunately, she knew that she couldn't cry at the crucial moment, and she resisted tears.

"I... I'm fine." Lan Xiaoni struggled to stand up, rubbed his sore chest, and looked at the giant warship with fear. "Anlin boss, this battleship will fire, what should we do?"

An Linzheng said: "Escape can not solve any problems, so what we have to do is to escape the shelling and kill the captain!"

Lan Xiaoni shocked: "Are you sure there is a captain on the ship?"

An Lin: "...this is not the point, the point is that we can't be jealous!"

In this way, the two happy to agree, once again approaching the giant warship.

This time they learned to be smart, avoiding the muzzle attack range of the giant warships and approaching the bow.

According to the normal situation, powerful creatures usually lead everything in the bow. They fly to the bow first, and at the same time release the whole knowledge and explore the surrounding situation.

The giant warships did not dare to approach the sea monsters, even if it was entangled in the sea, dazzling like a pearl, still seemingly quiet, even the light is cold.

It is this kind of deadly atmosphere that makes Anlin feel a little nervous.

"Well? There seems to be a creature in front." An Lin's face changed slightly and whispered softly.

"It is the life of our spiritual fish family." Lan Xiao Ni is aware of the existence of the other with his blood.

On the deck of the bow.

The special dark gold paving ground has large and small pits and cracks. It is not the trace left by the years, but the traces left by the battle.

Many of the shin bones are scattered on the vast deck, and even if they die for so long, they still release strong fluctuations. Obviously their main life is very strong.

Anlin looked at the shape of the cheekbones and felt very strange. These bones were not only extremely strange, but also had a sharp spur on it, like a bone hedgehog.

He looked at the end of the deck again, standing outside the door of the battleship control room, a mermaid.

The mermaid is stupid, the pink fishtail swings slightly, and the body sways in the space, and the body also hangs, and a black hair falls on the waist and dances slightly.

It is worth mentioning that her dress is still cooler than Lan Xiao Ni. Only the two shells are covered by the chest, and the white and smooth skin is exposed.

This made Anlin’s heart feel uneasy, and the ancients were really open, and they could not help but condemn them.

Lan Xiao Ni noticed the change of An Lin's look and turned a small white eye.

She is even more beautiful than the pink fishtail mermaid. Why is Anlin's attention on the mermaid, is it less likely to wear less, will it be easier to attract attention?

The mermaid saw Anlin and others waiting for him, his arms crossed, his fingers pointed to fretting, and the two pink star-shaped folding fans slowly opened, revealing a suffocating killing in his eyes.

"You are the ones my Lord wants to get rid of?" The mermaid sounded cold and slowly began.

Blue Xiao Ni’s heart was mentioned and prepared for the battle.

Anlin immediately shook his head and replied: "No."

The mermaid is a little glimpse.

Lan Xiaoni: "..."

The atmosphere seems to have solidified for a moment.

The mermaid's thoughts showed a short inconsistency, and some looked at Anlin with some shame: "My name is the dancing star, the ninth captain of the spirit fishership starship!"

Lan Xiao Ni immediately exclaimed: "This ancient battleship turned out to be a Spark ship?!"

An Lin blinked his eyes in a confused look: "What is a Spark ship?"

"That is the core strategic weapon of our spiritual fish family. It is a mobile battle fortress forged with various kinds of stars. It is said to be able to fight with the super powers." When I was inexplicably missing, I didn’t expect to find it here..."

Lan Xiao Ni had a cold sweat on his forehead and pulled the sleeves of Anlin. He whispered: "Anlin boss, this starship warship seems to have not completely broken. There are many weapons that can threaten your safety. You must be careful. !"

"You will not let me be careful about the dancers?" Anlin did not understand.

"In front of this dance star predecessor, it is obviously just some kind of power left behind~www.readwn.com~ She was a virtual peak before her death, and there will be much more power after death. Anlin Lao Dalian Tianchen Ji And Xihaizi are not afraid, will they be afraid of her?" Lan Xiaoni said of course.

An Lin’s mouth was slightly pumped, and it felt good and reasonable.

I have to say that this little brother, Lan Xiao Ni, is still very confident in the boss of Anlin.

The dancing star heard the words but sneered: "It seems that I have been underestimated, or let you use death to confess the contempt at the moment."

Anlin Wenyan immediately waved his hand at Lan Xiaoni: "Go away and call 666."

Lan Xiao Ni licked his mouth and knew that this level of fighting could not help, and he consciously fled the center of the battle.

At this moment, a terrible momentum has skyrocketed.

The dancer star left his hand and said: "The wind is up!"

The endless stream of water carried by the hurricane slammed the body of Anlin.

Anlin sensed the power of the horror, and the heart gave the dancers a range of strengths in the mid-term. Of course, this level of attack can't hurt him.

"Stars fall!" The fans of the right hand of the dancing star also began to wave.

The light on the bottom of the sea suddenly became dark.

Anlin’s heart suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and he was about to take action. The hurricane drove the water suddenly like a strong tentacle, and his actions were dragged down.

The original "wind up" attack was just a scorpion, and restricting action was the real intention of the dancing star.

All of this is to prepare for the "starfall" killing!

Anlin had just earned the dehydration of the stream, and the infinite stars containing the power of the stars of Shinto, it fell like a rainstorm, blocking all his retreats.

Anlin was shocked. Isn’t the dancing star not the power left behind by the peak? Why is the power of Shinto playing so slippery?

He hasn't acted yet, and his body shape has been swallowed up by countless blue stars!

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