I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1260: Bai Xian's sentiment analysis

The center of the five-color thunder pool is outside.

A one-eyed, sacred cow has begun to dial the notes.

"Hey, is the Bailing Pavilion owner of the Forty-nine Xianzong? I am the yak of the beastly sect, and your lord was killed in our colorful sky-lei pool. Please prepare for the future."

"Well... yes, although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, most of them are dead."

"What! I am nonsense? My deity will lie to you? Your lord will not die? Hey! Don't know what to do, believe it or not!"

The yak hangs the notes and dials another note.

"Hey, is the white sacred **** friend of the sun tree? I am a yak, and the nine-colored gods of the sun tree are unfortunately killed in our colorful sky mine pool. Please prepare for the future."

"Of course it is true, I can still lie to you, my old cow is an honest cow. You know this. I saw the little girl screaming and then was swallowed up in the thunder..."

During the speech, the five-colored thunder in front of him suddenly spread a path.

Anlin took the hand of the little bird and walked in the thunder sea. The thunder reflected that they were as bright as white jade...

The yak is forced, as if he saw a ghost.

"Yak, yak... why don't you talk?" The voice came from a voice.

"Wait, I saw the nine-colored god, and she didn't seem to die..." The yak muttered.

Inside the note: "..., are you **** playing?"


The yak silently hangs the notes.

Well, the more you explain this situation, the easier it is to stir up contradictions, or to hang up first.

It turned his eyes to An Lin and the little **** who came out of Leihai. They looked shocked and said: "You didn't die? I am worried!"

"Are you worried about this? Is it clear that I am dying?" The little girl looked black.

"Hey, hahaha..." The yak smirked and smiled politely. "Don't say this first. You didn't go to the deepest part of the Leichi. What treasures are there?"

The little **** spread their hands: "There is only one god-level item, oh, it's dead."

The yak mouth was slightly pumped, and the heart said: "I have seen from your face that you have a little bit of a loss."

"Don't I still cry for you?" The little girl turned her eyes.

After that, she took the lead in the space crack behind her: "Go, go back!"

The yak still doesn't give up. He always feels that he has lost a lot of treasures. He can't help but turn his eyes to Anlin. He asks: "Is the Anlin lord, is it really true?"

Anlin nodded. "The nine-color gods can be sad at the time. The tears have dried up in the thunder pool. They also said that they would go back at night and plan to eat ten cows to vent their anger!"

Yak: "..."

Out of the colorful sky mine pool.

The little **** once again become the nine-colored gods on the high.

"An Lin, I have to go back to the sun tree, so I won't go over it." She said goodbye.

"Well, everything is going well, there is time to play in the forty-nine sects." An Lin smiled.

The nine-colored gods nodded and flew their wings, and they flew to the clouds.

"Hey! I haven't said goodbye to me yet. If I get the benefit, I will ignore the cow?" The yak saw the nine-color gods that he was too lazy to say to himself, and his mind was unbalanced.

"Anlin's lord, do you know Jiu Caishen?" It turned to look at Anlin, curious.

The nine-color **** bird does not say goodbye to it, but bid farewell to Anlin, which makes it feel that it is tricky.

"She is a friend I just met, good character, polite." Ann Lin smiled.

Just met a friend? The yak felt that his heart had been slashed with a sword. Is it not a friend he just met in the eyes of the nine-colored gods? !

Anlin thanked the yak who had been greeted by the heart, and then he and Bai Xian went to the residence.

"Is it done? Wang?" Bai Xian said.

“It’s very smooth.” Anlin was in a good mood and responded.

"That's good." Bai Xian smiled and smiled. Then he looked at An Lin with an unclear smile. "But I didn't show it, Anlin Daoyou, your fairyland is so good..."

"I know that my fairy is good, but what is your smile?" An Lin saw Bai Xian’s smile as a big white, and always felt that something was wrong.

"Oh... I said this fairy edge, not a fairy, it is a woman's fate. The nine-color **** finch seems to have a good impression on you..." Bai Xian suddenly and evilly smiles, round and big eyes, full of special Eyes.

Anlin was not good for the whole person, and widened his eyes: "What are you talking about? I am just a friend with Jiu Cai Shenque, you misunderstood!"

Bai Xian mouth swelled and smiled proudly: "Who am I? I am a white man! I read countless women, I don't know what they think?"

Anlin was shocked. He said this title, what good is it?

Bai Xian continued to analyze: "Nine color gods look at your eyes are different, it is a desire to rest, three points of expectation, three points of shame, three points of restraint, one point of love, this point I can see from."

"As a result, I especially admire you. It is just a **** monk, but even the beasts are smashed! This, I am not as good as you..."

After all, Bai Xian cast an admirable look to Anlin~www.readwn.com~ Don't say it, let me slow down. "An Lin glared at the chest."

I treat the little girl as a good friend, she likes me?

No, this is just one of Bai Xian’s words. The actual situation must not be like this.

In the courtyard full of flowers.

"Ang, how are you, Wang!" Dabai excitedly ran over.

"Everything went well, we can go back!" An Lin smiled, then he stroked the white head and smiled. "This time, thanks to your help, this is to reward you."

After all, he threw two spirits into the white.

"Ango is awesome!" Dabai ate happily.

Bai Xian saw his son's interaction with An Lin and could not help but laugh.

It’s not a blessing to follow such a lavish and infinitely powerful master.

One person, one dog, had a dinner at Baixian.

Dabai, Baixian, Yi, Qinghua, four big white dogs are talking and laughing.

From the visual point of Anlin, it is the four whites with different sounds. There is a smile on the side, and he is attached to a human being. The picture is quite strange.

Early the next morning, Anlin and Dabai set foot on the journey again.

The place they are going to is the secret land of the new gods!

In the ancient times, the gods and priests were able to scream with the vast powers of the heavens.

Even if it is almost destroyed now, but when I think of the inheritance of Feng Tian Pluto, I am still excited!

Huang Fuwen, no doubt, is a person with air.

But now it is clear that he made a wedding dress for Anlin, and Anlin is the biggest winner!



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