I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1261: Cangbei Mountain

The new **** is in addition to the Kyushu border.

In a place called Cangbei Mountain.

When I want to come, the gods are almost completely destroyed by the heavens. If they are still built within the boundaries of the Kyushu border, then it is not to seek death, and naturally they have to escape beyond the forces.

The Cangbei Mountain Boundary is located in the western part of the Kyushu border, the southwestern part of the evil spirits prison.

That place is not big, the area is only in the scope of two major states, but it is very extraordinary.

Because it is the 6th top race of Taichu University, the territory of Shitong.

The Shitong people do not like to fight, they like to practice in the world, and the secrets of the gods are placed in that place. As long as they are subtle and low-key, no one can really pay attention to them.

The danger of the Taoist priest is unknown.

Anlin shouted Xiaolan and Xiaona together.

The school is also ignorant of the two classmates who skip class. If they like to skip classes, they will escape. Anyway, they are so arrogant. The class is just a vacation, and the waves are the practice.

"An Lin, you said that we are going to the new God's Taoist sect? Even if there is inheritance, it is too dangerous. We don't think about it for a long time?" Xu Xiaolan knows the name of the gods, but it is better than Suzaku. There is still a huge force!

Although there is no wind now, the ghost knows what else is inside.

"Don't be afraid, the new God's sects have no power at the same level. You are the following invincible hand, and you will be afraid of them?" An Lin smiled.

Xu Xiaolan: "..., you are getting more and more skinned!"

Dina sat on the shoulder of An Lin, shaking the slender and well-proportioned calf, and smiled and said: "I have recently studied a new magical technique and escaped a lot. You can call me below to catch up with Na! ”

"Miao!" Ann Lin gave a thumbs up.

Xu Xiaolan looked at him with a pair of live treasures.

"Xiaolan, do you have two sentences?" An Lin looked forward to Xiaolan with a look.

Xiaolan licked his mouth and knew what Anlin thought.

She smirked: "An Lin is also very powerful. The body of the **** of war and the shell of the tortoise can be broken. Who can break it? We can call him under the Anhe Road!"

Anlin was satisfied.

Xiaolan finally praised him.

"I am also very powerful, Wang!" Dabai couldn't help but pick up the words, and he was very excited. "I can now be proud of my gods. Please tell me that I can't catch up with the big ones! Wang!"

Return to virtual?

No one cares about it.

Big white: "..."

"You can't boast a sentence or two?" Dabai is about to cry.

An Lin asked: "What is the realm of returning to the virtual?"

Big white: "..."

"The kind of **** can't catch up with the white, it's not what it should be."

"It’s still a bit of deterrent at the beginning of the road. It’s better to call me below the Dahe Road!” Xu Xiaolan suggested.

Dabai suddenly burst into tears.

I am struggling, I can’t play a piece, there is a generation gap! !

When Anlin was dissatisfied, he corrected: "You can't look down on me, my white color, across genders, across races, even above the existence of the road, it is too late!"

"Don't say it, I want to be quiet, Wang!" Dabaisheng has no love.

Everyone said this and laughed and walked all the way.

Several transmission matrices were used, flying over many territories.

Finally, a towering mountain appeared in front of you.

"The front is the Cangbei Mountain boundary. When we are flying, remember to be quieter." An Lin said.

Dabai heard the words from the flying dog mode to a silent flight mode.

Shitong people like to be quiet, do not like jealousy and noisy.

Anlin and others should naturally follow the customs and become a civilized outsider.

The beautiful green peaks rise from the ground, thousands of mountains and a blue sky, straight into the clouds, or mountains and rivers, moist and quiet; or rugged and steep, magnificent.

There are white clouds lingering in the mountains, birds singing and singing, and Xiaguang is now hidden in the blue sky.

All of this is very pure and beautiful, like a beautiful fairyland scene.

Anlin and others flew toward the destination while enjoying the view.

"The new **** sect is located on the southeastern edge of the Cangbei Mountain border. It is above a mountain of gods. It is as high as a stalwart. If the behemoth crouched in the world, the snow is shining above it, and the maple leaf below is like fire. The characteristics are very obvious." Anlin looked at the map. Open the road.

"The red dragonfly below, the white and tender, the real recognition, Wang!" Dabai said.

An Lin, Yan Na, Xu Xiaolan, all turned their eyes to the white, a look of disgust.

"What's wrong, why do you look at me with this kind of look? Wang!" The white chest was boring.

"I don't know why, some words are spoken from your mouth, and I always feel a little strange." Dina stared at the green eyes, and some disgusted.

"Discrimination, this is naked discrimination! Wang!" Dabai said with a sad face.

Everyone is not talking.

Obviously, Dabai is right, this is discrimination.

Big white: "..."

The people searched on the southeastern edge of the Cangbei Mountain border.

I have to say that this field is really harmonious, there are birds and flowers everywhere, the Orcs are not fierce, and there is no particularly dangerous place to relax people from the inside out.

"Xiaolan, we can be here, get a vacation Xianfu, how?" Anlin has a special affection for this place~www.readwn.com~ Yes, choose a place with a strong aura, beautiful scenery, live Hundreds of years is not a problem. Xu Xiaolan smiled and said.

"If you are still married, you want this kind of thing? Wang!" Dabai shocked.

Then, Dabai was attacked by two terrible eyes.

When Dabai was stunned, he never dared to speak.

The people searched for three days, and finally there is a mountain that is exactly the same as the one on the map. Not only is it extremely huge, but the maple leaf at the bottom is burning like a flame. It looks very beautiful and spectacular.

"The mountain is found, where is the sacred priest?" Xu Xiaolan released the knowledge of God, but there is no existing abnormality.

"Go to the top of the mountain to see." An Lin noticed that there was a strange shape on the top of the mountain.

Soon, everyone came to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the snow-covered mountain, there are some plants with amazing coldness.

It seems that there are still a few spiritual plants with extremely strong energy. If it was not for Anlin to stop, Dabai directly rushed over and gave them all.

"Slow, big white, this is the thing of the former senior." Anlin stopped.

“Predecessors?” Dabai looked blank. Is there anyone else here?

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan walked over to a gray stone covered with moss and silently performed a ceremony.

"The younger generation ventured into the predecessor's territory, and it was not here to pay for it first." An Lin face apologized.

The stone did not speak, but quietly looked at the sun that fell into the clouds.

Dabai was suddenly stunned at this time. A stone on the edge of the mountain top looks strange, a bit like a giant human-like stone. Its hands and feet are all rocky, as if they are looking into the distance.

(The new month begins, and the bottom of the month is guaranteed, oh...)


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