I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1263: Omnipotence

Dina sitting on her shoulder, suddenly spoke.

Everyone turned their eyes to the petite and cute elf, and looked curious and hopeful.

Dina thought for a moment and said seriously: "Whether there is a living soul at the end of the road, if it is at the end of the road, can it become a **** that knows everything and is omnipotent? The answer I got is also negative! This is actually very Easy to figure out."

"Oh? How easy is it?" Stone Man came to interest.

Dina laughed and said: "If there is a **** in the world, can this **** create a shield that can't be broken anyway? If it can't be made, then he is not omnipotent. If it can be made Come out, then even he can't break the shield, he is not omnipotent!"

Xiaona spread her hand: "So, there is no God in the world."

Anlin, Xu Xiaolan and Dabai were shocked. This is simply impeccable!

The stone man was even more trembled, his eyes bursting with golden light, and he exclaimed with excitement: "Ingenuity! It is really brilliant! This problem that has been bothering me for a long time has finally been solved!"

In thought of this, it was deeply bowed to the elf on the shoulder of An Lin, and grateful: "Your words are like a slap in the face, I am taught!"

The stone man self-reported his name, which proves that Dina’s point of view has been recognized by it, and even has already convinced it.

"Hey, my name is Dina, Ai Daoyou don't have to be like this, we are just simple communication." Dina said with a smile, a look of dexterity and flattering.

In my heart, I said, Xiaona is also the creation **** of the world of mirrors. Don’t say that it is omnipotent. Even the broken thing of the virtual spirits is still troubled. Where is the **** of all-powerfulness in the world!

"So, is there any soul that arrives at the end of the road? What is the solution?" Ayr asked.

Dina laughed: "Nature is gone."

"The understanding of the Tao can be said to be the understanding of the realm of the realm. The farther the road goes, the higher the realm, the stronger the ability, the ultimate form of the realm of the realm is omnipotent. The ultimate form of the Tao should also be omnipotent. No Any creature can do everything, and because of this, there is no living being, and you can walk to the end of the Tao!"

Ai suddenly realized, respectfully said: "This is what the predecessors of Dina are really good words, let me suddenly open, please be a younger generation!"

Said, the extremely tall stone man, really bowed to the petite Xiaona.

Both An Lin and Xu Xiaolan were shocked to see this scene.

Are the powers of the Shitong people so laid out?

There is also Dina, I did not expect to be so witty, thinking that the problem is so profound, which also completely refreshed the look of An Lin and Xu Xiaolan.

It seems that I noticed the look of An Lin and Xu Xiaolan. Aier smiled and said: "In our Shitong ethnic group, philosophy and thought are supreme, we all like to exchange ideas with each other, no matter how they cultivate."

"A person with deep thoughts is a teacher, and a person who can reason is a teacher! Today I can be a master of it. It can also be my master tomorrow, so there is nothing strange about it."

An Lin and Xu Xiaolan suddenly understood that the creatures of this race are all engaged in philosophy!

"Ayre, my answer, if you are satisfied, answer the question of Anlin Giant." The green eyes of the gem are looking at Ayr, and there is expectation in the eyes, and there is also a natural superiority.

The stone man accidentally did not resent the momentum, and nodded very refreshedly. When the fingertips stretched out, a golden butterfly appeared in the void.

"Follow this butterfly, you will find the place you want to find. But remind you that the power in the mountain is not what I dare to provoke, you must be extra careful."

Ayr is the power of the mid-term, and it does not dare to provoke the power. The information disclosed is a bit alarming.

Both An Lin and Xu Xiaolan said at the same time: "Thank you for your predecessors."

The two men, one dog and one elf, followed the golden butterfly that danced and danced all the way down the mountain. When it was halfway up the mountain, it stopped going down, but flew to a huge waterfall.

After falling into the waterfall, the golden butterfly dissipated.


An Lin was a glimpse first, then suddenly realized.

"It turns out that the water of this waterfall is a mysterious mountain. It has a trace of divinity. It can isolate the exploration of the gods. The rear of the waterfall is indeed a wonderful hiding place!"

Anlin flew to the waterfall on the big white, penetrated the water curtain that the waterfall fell with the power of the mighty, and saw a cave. At the end of the cave was a huge black gate.

On the left side of the gate is a human skeleton that is crammed with blood.

On the right side is a mass of suspended blood cells, rich in **** smell, which proves that the freshness of the blood is likely to be just peeling off the flesh.

"The proper Mozong is both visual and it seems that it is not wrong here." Anlin said.

Xu Xiaolan has already held the Dragon Spider Sword in his hand: "We have to be careful."

At the moment, within the gate.

A man wearing a crystal armor is sitting in a wheelchair.

His eyes were green and his skin was white as frost and snow, and he held a crutches in his hand.

The man looks very young, but it is already among the gods of the Taoist ~www.readwn.com~ the highest ranking!

In front of him, more than a dozen powerful elders are standing respectfully.

"堕天冥王, our sacred door magic test mice, recently added 10,000 people, have been arranged in the blood pool." An elder headed forward, respectful manners.

"Why, this time is so little?" The men’s eyes were half-closed and half-closed, and the breath spread inadvertently, making the elders’ legs soft and almost squatting on the ground.

"Hey! Just 10,000 people, not enough for my reincarnation, **** cultivation, and a heavier one..." There is disappointment in the tone of the Emperor.

"Pluto is forgiving! This is because the Tiantao's Taotao Conference is held soon, and the security force of the Kyushu community has been upgraded to a higher level. In order to avoid leaking the wind, we are really difficult to collect experimental materials on a large scale!" The elder "噗通", 跪On the ground, do not stop hoeing.

He knows that Heavenly King is a moody Lord. If you are unhappy, it is possible to be killed directly on the spot.

The green eyes of Haotian Pluto are twinkling with cold eyes, and seem to be considering how to deal with this elder in front of him.

The other head is a golden elder, sneer and sneak down the stone road: "It is said that a team of elders of Song Qiu was also destroyed by the execution team of the Forty-nine Immortals. It is really a loss of the soldiers, and the particles are not collected..."

"Xiang Ling, you...!" Song Qiu looked up and looked at the gold elder with an angry look.

"Okay, it doesn't matter how many people die. The next time you go to Kyushu, you will find that the index of the mouse will be expanded to 100,000 people! As for the May 9th Xianzong, huh, huh, I will turn to the **** breakthrough to perfection. The self-willing stepping on the sect!" The goddess of the heavens raised his proud head and said with disdain.


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