I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1264: The new harem of the heavenly king

"Right, Haotian Pluto, I successfully captured a female repair in Kyushu, you can join your harem." A beautiful woman wearing a black robe said with a smile. &1t;/

"Oh? Fast, take her over and let me see." The eyes of the goddess of the heavens were bright, and some of them opened their eyes with interest. &1t;/

The new king's lord of the lord of the lord, in addition to practicing the reincarnation of blood, there is no other hobby, the only hobby is the female color, for which he also formed a harem group, singing songs every night. &1t;/

Soon, two robes dressed in black robes, a purple robes were put up. &1t;/

The woman's body is full and graceful, looks beautiful and beautiful, the red mouth is like a cherry is generally beautiful, red and seductive, double eyes and autumn water, let people look at each other's desires. &1t;/

There is no doubt that this is a stunner. &1t;/

"Let me go, do you know who I am? I am the six princesses of the Fenghuang royal family. No matter what kind of gate you are, you dare to arrest me like this. The entire sect will be destroyed by the anger of the royal family!" The purple woman struggled while she was angry. &1t;/

She had thought that these magical repairs would hear her words and would retreat because of fear of the power of the royal family, thus letting her leave. &1t;/

But what Xiang Qingya did not think was that the man on the throne had even more excitement. &1t;/

"Oh? It is still the princess of the Nine Royal Family? Very good, very good! I have never tasted the taste of the princess..." The man licked his mouth, and the green eyes flashed dangerously. &1t;/

"As for the Fenghuang royal family, what is that! I can eradicate it with one hand!" &1t;/

This scene, let the item Qing Ya Jiao body tremble, the face of the color of despair. &1t;/

In front of this man has the strength to deal with the Fenghuang royal family, but it is definitely a madman! The madman did not play according to common sense. Even after the Fenghuang royal family slashed the Mozong for her, what was the use? She had been abused! ! &1t;/

What she fears most is this unreasonable magic. &1t;/

"Very good, Xiangling, this time I will reward you with a nine-piece fairy!" &1t;/

"Xie Ming Wang's gift!" The black robe female demon smiled and squatted on the ground for a while. &1t;/

Xiang Qingya is a beautiful woman: "Nine products Xiandan, I actually only worth a nine-character fairy? You let me, I will give you a grade of any elixir!!" &1t; /

"Hey!" A loud slap fell on Xiang Qingya's face. &1t;/

Xiang Qingya stunned, and the person who beat her was awesome. &1t;/

"It is my pleasure to serve the Emperor of Heaven, even if he rewards me with nine products, it is more pleasant than what you have to break a fairy." Xiang Lingyi said. &1t;/

Hao Tian Ming Wang looked at Xiang Ling with a look of approval and nodded slightly. &1t;/

This is the style of his harem chief elders, loyal! &1t;/

On the face of Haotian Pluto, there was a smile again. The eyes looked at the woman in purple, and sighed slowly: "You are Xiang Qingya, right now, I will seal you as my 998th wife. I will be lucky tonight." Times!"&1t;/

"What?!" Xiang Qingya grew up beautiful. &1t;/


998 wives? Fortunately, a hundred times? &1t;/

"No... don't, don't do this!" Xiang Qingya's face was pale, she was really panicked, and kept rubbing her head. "Please let me go, I will promise you what conditions you open!" &1t;/

"Let you?" The goddess of the heavens licked his lips. "The woman who is watching this Pluto has no right to choose her!!" &1t;/

After all, he took a drop of blood to Xiang Qingya. &1t;/

"Give it to me, build a slave contract!" &1t;/

"I... Don't you want to hire a wife? Why do you want to establish a slave contract?!" Xiang Qingya is beautiful and round, and looks desperate. &1t;/

"Why, when my servant makes you very dissatisfied?" The horror of the murder of the Emperor of Heaven, the horror of the blast, bursts with one hand, and the palm of his hand has seen countless souls and mourning. &1t;/

Countless creatures have lost their flesh, but the soul is still being tortured! ! &1t;/

Xiang Qingya saw this scene, and the pretty face was completely bloodless. &1t;/

Haotian Pluto smiled cruelly: "Look, disobey my end, it is even more terrible than death..." &1t;/

Undoubtedly, if you refuse the blood of the Heavenly King, Xiang Qingya's end will be extremely miserable... Can't escape, the only thing she can do is to commit suicide! &1t;/

Xiang Qingya’s face appeared to be a decisive color and was about to make a final decision. &1t;/

Bang! &1t;/

A thick, breathful atmosphere spread out. &1t;/

The green glow of the gods, from the spread of the Heavenly King, enveloped the whole body of the Qing Dynasty. &1t;/

The six princesses who were arrested were soft, and they slammed into the ground and swayed. &1t;/

She has been shocked by the momentum of the Emperor of Heaven! &1t;/

It is the power of Shinto, it is the power of Shinto! &1t;/

Xiang Qingya’s heart set off a stormy wave. &1t;/

This so-called 冥天冥王, turned out to be the top power of the late return to the virtual! In this way, even if the strongest of the royal family to save her, it is difficult to save her! &1t;/

Under the cover of the sacred atmosphere of the goddess of the heavens, Xiang Qingya is desperately present. She has no ability to commit suicide. The whole person instinctively resists and fears. &1t;/

"Yes, that's it, squatting in front of me, groaning, shaking, and accepting my gift..." 堕天冥王邪笑笑, sipping the blood to Xiang Qingya, both eyes in Xiang Qingya bumpy body I ran greedily. &1t;/

Xiang Qingya kept shaking, and her eyes left two lines of tears. &1t;/

"Come on!" 堕天冥王 urged. &1t;/

He couldn't help but smother the item in front of him, and then it rained again. &1t;/

This is the six princesses of the Fenghuang royal family. Since he was here to meditate ~www.readwn.com~, there is no chance to taste such a fairy who has status. If you want to bully, it should be very cool. &1t;/

The rest of the elders, as if they are used to this scene, look at the purple beauty who is lying on the ground. &1t;/

Under the intimidation of the Emperor of Heaven, Xiang Qingya looked gray and defeated. &1t;/

In the face of the incomparably powerful King of Heaven, no one has saved her. After she became a slave, she could not defy the instructions. She could only be the plaything of the Heavenly King, and she could never be freed...&1t;/

Xiang Qingya is now very regretful, regretting that she is going out and practicing, regretting that she wants to learn the justice of the demon, demon and demon, and help justice. &1t;/

The stories in Kyushu's ambitions are all deceptive. Wherever there is a result that the decent monks have always won, the villains can kill the decent, and then continue to be rampant! &1t;/

She wants to save people, but when she is taken away by the magic, who can save her? &1t;/

The blood has fallen on her white forehead. &1t;/

"Hey, give you ten seconds, give me all heart to accept it!" 堕天冥王 impatiently urged. In this world, no one has dared to disobey the meaning of his Pluto. &1t;/

"I... I..." Xiang Qingya Jiao body kept shaking, remorse, pain, despair... surrounded by the magical laughter and obscenity, let her fall like a magic cave. &1t;/

"Boom!" &1t;/

At this moment, the door of the gods of the Taoist dynasty suddenly exploded! &1t;/


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