I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1265: 1 light shot came in


Inside the hall, a group of elders yelled.

Everyone knows that the people who come are not good. After all, no friendly exchanges are coming in.

"Hell, is our secret location exposed?"

"What are you panicking, our Pluto is the strongest in the late period of the virtual world, will you be afraid of a smashing monk who enters the door?"

"Oh, I really don't know what to do, but I dare to offend my god."

The elders talked a lot, and the Emperor of Heaven and Heaven was sitting on the throne of the throne, as if nothing was wrong. In this world, there are no people who dare to provoke him.

Because the person who has provoked him is dead.

Xiang Qingya’s petite body gave birth to a meal, and subconsciously refused the blood of the Heavenly King, and there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, but that hope was quickly extinguished by reason.

The Heavenly King is so horrible, who can save her now?

"That, please, how do you go to the Temple of Pluto?"

A clear voice suddenly came and echoed on the main hall.

"Whose people actually know the Temple of the Pluto?" The faces of the elders are all changed.

The Temple of Pluto is the forbidden place of their new god, and even the disciples of Zongmen do not know.

The next moment, a handsome white man walked slowly, followed by a woman in Tsing Yi.

The **** of heaven and earth had never been interested in this group of people who died, but after seeing the woman in Tsing Yi, the eyes of the group had a strong sense of strength.

Beauty, it is so beautiful!

Tsing Yi is rendered in ink color, and the shape is perfect, the skin is like snow and jade, and the twins are like stars. Every move is full of holiness and cold arrogance.

For the first time, he was so beautiful and refined, and noble and elegant.

It seems that I was aware of the fiery gaze of the Emperor of Heaven, and the white man frowned slightly.

He hasn't talked yet, and Heavenly King has already said: "Woman, from today, you are mine. I will be my 999th wife. Of course, I will give you priority, you will enjoy the greatest glory, and me. The highest status of the harem group!"

As soon as this statement came out, the elders exclaimed.

The Heavenly King is a lascivious person. At this moment, I am willing to give the highest status of the harem group to the Tsing Yi woman who met for the first time. I have to say that I like it very much.

But also, the woman's looks and temperament, no one in the harem group can be comparable!

In the face of the gift of the Heavenly King, the Tsing Yi woman did not speak, but looked at him like a neuropathy.

An Lin has quietly pulled out the sword of victory.

The goddess of the sky looked at Anlin with disdain. "A monk who is a **** in the area, dare to provoke me here? Give me a sigh of relief, I can make you die a little bit!"

The elders couldn’t help but laugh.

"I still broke into the door. Who am I to come to? A monk who is a **** of the gods and a dog who is a **** of the gods, and this strength is also dare to be crazy here."

"It is the Tsing Yi woman who looks very good. It is no problem when the owner of the harem."

"Hey, it’s the blessing of the woman who was fancy by the king I waited for."

"As for the man and the dog, we are humiliating and we have a lot of fun..."

The elders are talking about it.

The Emperor of Heaven and Heaven completely focused his attention on the body of the Tsing Yi woman. As for the ants who are next to them, they can be destroyed by hand. Who cares?

In his mouth, he read a word, and instantly released a drop of blood, his eyes said with enthusiasm: "Woman, refining this blood, and establishing a slave contract with me..."

His words have not been finished, and a gust of wind suddenly came.

In the next moment, a fist approached him.

It is extremely fast and gives him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Can't hide!


An earth-shattering explosion, accompanied by the sound of bones and flesh cracking.

The face of Haotian Pluto was sunk by the fist, and the fist hammered the whole body down to the ground, smashing the squatting chair behind him, and then it was a fierce ground shaking.

Bang! !

There are huge potholes in the earth.

The impact of energy spreads in a circular shape, almost cracking the entire hall, and countless elders are shocked and regressed, revealing a faint color.

Within the pothole, the Heavenly King is even more confused and painful.

His face has been hammered, and the blood mixed with his mouth is flowing out.

And the one hammer hit him, it turned out to be a monk who changed his mind! !

God's specialization of the gods of the gods, this power makes him unimaginable!

Other elders are also full of horror, like ghosts, is this the man they see as ants? How did it become a magical **** of a fist?

That is the **** of heaven!

The leader of the new god's sect, returning to the top of the virtual world! !

"You are a garbage, dare to yell in front of Laozi, but also peek at my Taoist, isn't it alive?" The man's fist still has blood, and faintly speaking to the snorted scorpion.

Xiang Qingya looked up, and the pale face appeared an incredible look.

The man in front of him, unreasonably, in her desperate sky, tearing a crack in the sun.

The more she looks at the man, the more familiar she is.

Finally, she exclaimed and shouted the name of the portrait in the palace.

"An Lin! Are you Anlin?!"

Xiang Qingya’s crisp and excited voice echoed in the hall.

Yes, the comers are An Lin and Xu Xiaolan.

"Who is Anlin? Anlin?" The look of the goddess of the heavens is a little bit ~www.readwn.com~ He has lived in the mountains for a long time, but he did not respond to the identity of the other party.

Some elders seemed to know the name, and they were shocked. They screamed palely: "Pluto! Anlin is not good!!"

At this time, the second fist has already faced the scorpion.

"You are looking for death!" The scorpion King, lying on the ground, was furious, and the power of the sacred green Shinto spurted out, and rushed toward Anlin with death and decaying power.

However, An Lin’s fist is full of red gold flames, such as the sun, which tears the power of the green and the Shinto.

Under the shocked look of the Emperor of Heaven, a fist hits his chest, and the power is like a mountain, melting and crushing everything!

His chest was directly sunken and the internal organs squirmed and cracked in an instant.

The power of terror bursts instantly, and the gods melt everything, and the punches smash everything.

After a special stone-reinforced temple, at this moment, it was shocked into a ruin!

Countless elders, the aftermath of the battle, vomited blood and fell back.

A little elf quietly casts an enchantment, protecting Xu Xiaolan and Bai Qing.

"The person who is looking for death is you. When you say those words, you are already a dead person." Anlin, like the **** of war who came out of the fire, looked down at the scorpion, who was hammered into blood. The word is a sentence.

The goddess of the sky is about to collapse, he just did not stay. However, in front of this one, the **** of man, he actually broke the power of his Shinto, which completely broke his understanding of the world of cultivation.

"I..." Yu Tianming Wang is trying to say two sentences.

Anlin was not interested in the words of Haotian Pluto.

The third punch, like a thunder hammer!


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