I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1266: 2 killing gods

Looking at the hammered fist, the **** of heaven and earth, for the first time, the fear emerged.

"Reincarnation of blood!"

He shouted, his blood was flowing, a roulette with alternating blood appeared in front of him, and the red light illumined the space.

The roulette is a translucent energy body, which contains the power of the Shinto of the Heavenly King, and has a strong sense of killing and turning.


Anlin’s fist fell on the roulette, and the force was removed by the power of alternating rotation contained in the roulette.

With the opportunity to smash and retreat, Haotian Pluto screamed at the same time: "Fast! You are fighting for me!"

He was really scared, and the strength of the forty-nine sects was far beyond his imagination.

The sixteen elders heard the command of the Emperor of Heaven, and immediately swarmed.

However, most elders have chosen to rush to Xu Xiaolan and others.

Anlin’s strength is unquestionable, but Xu Xiaolan’s highest level is only the beginning of the return to the virtual, and there is a chance to win them and make plans!

"Ha ha ha ... you can't escape!" Xiang Ling's gold suddenly turned into countless snake heads, opened the fangs and rushed to Xu Xiaolan.

Where the golden snakes pass, the voids are cracked into small cracks. The snake's fangs contain extremely terrible toxins. As long as they are bitten by poisonous snakes, they will even turn back to the virtual mid-term power, and they will be paralyzed and smashed. .

The rest of the elders are also showing their magical powers.

The technique is mostly to control and seal the town. Obviously, because Xu Xiaolan is a woman who is looking at the **** of the sky, she wants to catch the first thing and then adjust it.

"Escape? Do I need to escape?"

Xu Xiaolan squatted around, and the Dragon Spider Sword came out at this moment.

The singer of Suzaku and the roar of the real dragon echoed over the entire hall at the same time.

Almost everyone feels an indescribable horror, as if facing the most terrible beast in the world, high above, overlooking all things like ants.

The blood pressure of the blood is coming, and their bodies are involuntarily shivering.

This is where the weak and deceitful woman.

This is clearly an ancient beast that makes people fear and tremble! !

At this time, Xu Xiaolan has been holding a circular arc with a sword, and the sword is sharp and sharp, and the supreme flame of the incineration of all things spreads like a ring.

All the techniques, in front of this type of sword, are like paper tigers, melting and collapse!

"No!!" Some elders shouted sternly, and the body was smashed into two paragraphs.

Some elders have not even screamed, and their bodies have completely melted and their lives have been cut off.

The strength is Xiang Ling in the middle of the virtual period. A golden snake has been smashed by a sword. The beautiful gold is all burned out and screams crazy backwards.

The sword gas swept through and bombarded her abdomen, letting her spit out a large amount of blood and falling to the ground. Fortunately, she was repaired to a deep level and was not split in half.

But the head is gone, she became a bald head.

The clear sound also sounded at this moment:

"Just rely on your garbage, let me escape?"

Xu Xiaolan Qing Yizhen, proud to stand in the center of the flame, such as the goddess of the next, glamorous can not be square, while scattered the atmosphere of the elders.

She only had a sword, and twelve of the elders who came to her, they died eight and seriously injured four! No one dares to pick up her words!

After a stroke, all the elders were afraid, and the rest was endless fear.

Xiang Qingya looked at Xu Xiaolan with a sly look, and his face was intoxicated. What a fascinating brilliance this is really awesome!

At the same time, four of the sixteen elders, desperately rushing to Anlin, tried to create a chance to fight for the Emperor.

"Do not know how to do it!"

"I am a great ancestor!"

"Anlin, you will die today!"

"Kill, ah, ah...!"

Four elders have used magical powers.

Anlin turned, muscles bulged, and a simple punch in Vulcan mode.

Hey! ! !

The big day is coming, the void is twisted, and everything is cracked! !

Everything, including the elders' moves and their bodies, was crushed into powder by this punch.

The surviving elders, who saw this scene, were afraid to speak.

Female horror, male is more horrible!

Why did they break into such two killings? !

The sky, the king of the sky, rushed to the wall behind the main hall through the gap, and slammed into a circular line of the wall.


The spread of power.

The entire mountain of God followed with a fierce tremor, and the endless power began to gather at the foot, and the dark lines of the moment filled the entire huge mountain!

The four elders who are still alive, seeing this scene suddenly raised hope.

"It is the great sect of the priests of the gods!"

"Too good, Haotian Pluto started the Guardian ancestor, but it has accumulated the power of the whole earth on the mountain of God. Once the power is released, even if it is the power of the road, it will not be possible. Affected!!"

"After all, it is a big battle at the level of the road. The power is naturally terrible! Even if Anlin is strong, it is impossible to resist the power of this big array. This time, he can't live!"

The **** of heaven and earth is half-squatting on the ground, and the roulette with alternating blood is born behind.


As soon as he screamed, the energy of the big array was madly motivated.

In front of the Heavenly King, a black shadow gradually solidified.

The black shadow is solid, and a man with a bronzed skin begins to appear.

He has a pair of black eyes that can absorb all the power. www.readwn.com~ The arms are wrapped around the golden chain, and the gods burst into flames.

All the power on the field was shocked by the momentum of the man.

He is extremely overbearing, and wants to be taller than the sky, trying to cover the sky with his hands, and seal his hands with his hands! !

"Where I am guilty of my god, die!"

A roar like a demon, let everyone fall to hell.

Looking at Anlin with a look of vengefulness, Xiao Tian said: "An Lin... No one has dared to provoke me so much, you regret it is too late. I will let you experience more than ten million times more pain than death. Torture!!"

After all, the summoned King of Heaven, the golden chain of arms began to wriggle.

For the first time, Anlin had a particularly dangerous feeling. The front of this large formation formed the King of Heaven, with the power to kill him!

He was trying to use the magical technique to break through the power of the big array. At this time, the nine beads of refinement in the Nabir were violently trembled, and the thought of going out was kept to Anlin.

Anlin made a decision in an instant, releasing nine beads from the ring!

Nine different colored beads, appearing in the void at the same time, move fast, and the thin lines of energy connect them to each other, which faintly constitutes a special array.

Then, a black light descended from the sky and landed on An Lin.

The light of the light, the magic sounds through the sky.

Countless black deities began to float in the void, dancing around the forest wearing the glory of the glory.

Then, under the gaze of the gods of the gods.

The action of Feng Tian Pluto was born, and then he squatted on the ground. He bowed his head slightly: "The gods of the heavens are in the midst of a great spirit, and they meet the gods and sacred new Pluto!"


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