I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1267: The new lord of the gods

The new Pluto of the Gods?

All the power on the field is so powerful.

The strong men who came from Zongmen’s support were even scared and their legs trembled.

Xu Xiaolan couldn't help but blink his eyes, and once again looked at An Lin: "Well... it wasn't an illusion, Anlin played really big this time!"

Xiang Qingya stretched the pink lips, looking silly at An Lin’s direction, and a mess in his head. She regards An Lin as the hero who saved her, but now the hero has occupied the position of the villain Boss and became the new Pluto?

"No! Impossible! Fengtian Pyongwang predecessor, kill me now in front of this enemy!" Hao Tian Piao Wang recovered from the shock, hysterically shouted.

Obviously, he was afraid, and the exhibition of things was far from his imagination.

Fengtian Pluto did not react to the words of the Emperor of Heaven, but continued to hold the ceremony in Anlin.

An Lin was wearing a black cloak and stepping towards the Heavenly King.

It’s clear that there is no momentum, but the Heavenly King can’t help but panic: “You...who are you? Why is it like this?”

Anlin smiled and said: "Who am I? My fist hasn't answered you yet? I said it, I am the lord of the Forty-nine Emperors, Anlin!"

After all, Anlin fell again.

Kirin arm fire **** fist, under the blessing of the black light, actually brought the power of silence, the power is even more terrifying.

Bang! The scorpion king rushed to resist, and the blood-colored roulette could not erase the power of Anlin.

The horrible strength of the punches runs through the roulette, acting on the scorpion, and slamming his body deep in the wall behind.

Anlin looked at his hand in amazement. He felt that he was full of strength. This should be the result of the blessing of the guardian... The enemy’s big array is helping him...

An Lin couldn't help but laugh. Although he didn't know why this happened, he must not be able to get away with the nine beads.

According to God's Detective, collecting nine virgin beads, you can accept the inheritance of the King of Heaven in the Temple of Pluto. Then, inheriting the new sacred priests, will it be part of the inheritance?

Anlin’s thoughts moved, urging nine meditation beads, and at the same time, he ordered the opening of the sacred dynasty of the sacred priests in the middle of the sacred ritual: "Feng Tian Piao Wang, kill him!"


Feng Tianming Wang Da Ling, stood up and turned.

Bang! The endless momentum of the vastness rises to the sky, and it is like a sea.

Two gold chains slowly float from the sides of the arm to the void.

Hao Tian Ming Wang’s face changed aloud: “Stop your hand, Feng Tian’s ancestors! I am the lord of the New God’s sect, the Heavenly King!”

Fengtian Pluto did not speak, mobilizing the power of the entire Guardian ancestor. The two chains contained endless golden light, piercing the void, and slamming into the scorpion.

The celestial king of the heavens screamed at the blood plate of the royal rehearsal and blocked it in front of him.

But his reincarnation, which incorporates the power of Shinto, is cracked like a glass in front of two golden chains, and then broken into numerous pieces of powder.

"No!" Yu Tian Ming Wang shouted desperately.

Two golden chains fell on him, turning his head and heart through.

Everything was sealed in an instant, and then shrouded in a light, melting into a pool of blood.

The lord of the New God's sect, and the returning to the late Ming Dynasty, was so degraded.

The elders and the powerful people who came to support were shocked by this scene.

They never imagined that the incomparably powerful scorpion, the singer, would have been killed by the sect of the Guardian who he summoned himself!

This is simply incredible! !

But this is how it happened, and it was done by Anlin. Now, the King of the Heavenly King is still respectful of Anlin...

"Hey, telling you that you don't know how to sneak into my lord and build a harem? I really can't be blamed for it. The garbage should not exist in the world!" Anlin's blood on the ground is a bite. The water spit out.

Then he began to turn around and looked at the gods behind him.

All members of the Divine Church are trembled.

An inexplicable dangerous atmosphere instantly enveloped their bodies, making them feel as if they were dissatisfied, and they would die without a place to die.

They all lowered their heads. At this time, the resistance has no meaning.

Almost everyone, with a bow in the head, has a doubt.

That is about the identity of Anlin.

Who is this Anlin? Why is Feng Tian Pluto King's great spirit, will Anlin be called the new Pluto of the Gods? !

The elders who are active in mind have already reacted.

Why did Anlin suddenly come in, why he would know the secret land of the new god, and why the guardian would call him the new Pluto of the Gods.

This Anlin must have obtained the inheritance left by the Pluto, and he is the most orthodox **** of the new lord!

Anlin came here to recapture what belongs to him.

Yes, it makes sense! !

The elders burst into flames and were excited.

This is a black-and-white swearing!

Elder Song Qiu took the lead and squatted on the ground, and said: "Song Qiu, greet the Emperor of Anlin, return to the sacred Taoist priest!!"

"Xiang Ling welcomes the sect of Anlin, returning to the sacred Taoist priest!!" The bald elders also decisively bowed their heads to salute ~www.readwn.com~ loudly.

She is a loyal person, but only loyal to the orthodox Pluto.

As long as it is the order of Pluto, she will unconditionally obey.

With two veteran elders taking the lead, the rest of the elders and Zongmen disciples, where they will hesitate, they squatted, the voices gathered into the ocean, resounding through the clouds.

"Welcome to the Anlin lord, return to the gods!"

"Welcome to the Anlin lord, return to the gods!"


A wave of sound echoed inside the hall.

An Lin was dressed in black and black, staring blankly at the black robes who were kneeling on the ground. However, he was a little puzzled in his heart. Did he accidentally become the lord of the gods?

I don't always feel right! !

He looked at Xu Xiaolan with some helplessness, but he saw that the beautiful woman gave him a mouthful, and a voice came to his mind: "Take the treasures first!"

A word awakens the dreamer.

Anlin Lang said: "You are flat, you don't have to be polite."

A group of elders and disciples stood up and looked at An Lin with enthusiasm.

The name of Anlin, even if it is far away from the Cangbei Mountain, it is as good as it is.

Whether it is the identity of the sect of the four or nine sects, or the identity of the sacred sage, it is louder than the new god. He may be more suitable for the glory of the gods than the one who is already cold, without the orthodox inheritance. !

"I just came to the priest of the gods, I am not very familiar with this place. Who can take me to visit?" Anlin asked, adding to the place where he went to the treasure.

The bald elders Xiang Ling took the initiative to ask: "An Lin lord, I will take you there!"

Anlin nodded: "Good."


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