I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1268: Harem successor

Xiang Ling is a woman with a very beautiful appearance. She originally had a beautiful golden head, but she was cut off by Xu Xiaolan.

Even so, her face value has not been reduced, but it has added a different charm.

At this moment, her eyes were slowly coming from the autumn wave. The jade arm was placed naturally on the arm of Anlin. She smiled and said: "Take this with the Sovereign, visit the Zongmen."

Xu Xiaolan looked coldly at the woman not far away, and felt that it seemed light before she started.

An Lin was very natural to get rid of Xiang Ling’s hand and smiled softly: “Lao Xiang Xiangling is an elder.”

He then looked at Xu Xiaolan and others and said, "Let me come with me and visit our second sect."

Xu Xiaolan smiled and nodded and followed.

Dina and Dabai also followed very tacitly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

In a corner, the woman with a full-bodied and full-fledged purple dress was left out, and no one cares about her, including the people of God.

They are all concerned about the new lord, and will pay attention to the life and death of the princess.

Xiang Qingya hesitated for a moment, silver teeth bite, followed and ran over.

Although she followed up, she did not dare to speak. It is difficult to be an a hero for Anlin, to save her. But it is obvious that she is passionate about herself.

Anlin came here just to inherit this sect, and then saved her.

Anlin’s current identity is the new lord of the gods! If she really missed her, what is the difference between her end and before?

At the thought of this, Xiang Qingya could not help but panic.

Is it hard to escape the claws of the Emperor of Heaven, and fall into the claws of An Lin? &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Xiang Ling led Anlin all the way, and the news spread faster than they went. The Zongmen disciples who met along the way all respectfully bowed to Anlin.

Not long after, they came to a magnificent palace.

The palace is large, with a white light floating ball above it, shining through the space.

"Here, it is the place where the Emperor of Heaven is most valued." Xiang Ling smiled.

Anlin’s heart was moving, and the whole person was excited, treasure, and inheritance, all of them!

The door opens slowly.

One by one wearing different colors of palace dress beauty, Qi Qi body, revealing a touch of white snow on the chest, Jiao Xiang: "Women, welcome Anlin Zongzhu to the Chunyang Palace!!"

They all look beautiful, each with thousands of customs, and look at Anlin with affection. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Anlin was shocked, Xu Xiaolan, Dina was shocked, and she was envious.

"Xiang Ling...this..." Anlin took a deep breath and slowed his heartbeat.

"The singer of the Sovereign, this is the place where the Emperor of Heaven is the most valued place. Chunyang Palace, the 999th harem inside, is a beautiful woman from all over the world. They are all yours now, you can sign with them again. The servant contract..." Xiang Ling smiled openly.

Behind him, Xiang Qingya Jiao body trembled, she should be regarded as the ninth and ninety-eighth harem?

Finished, is this moment finally coming?

An Lin opened his mouth and looked at a large group of beautiful women in front of him. The heart is like this. If you go to the night for one night, you have to repeat it for three consecutive years?

Oh, no, you can actually have several consecutive nights...&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Honest people almost limit Anlin’s imagination.

In the midst of the shock, Anlin also felt that the Emperor of Heaven had opened a real harem! If he kills him, he can inherit his harem, this welfare...

"Xiang Ling, these women are all forced by you?" asked Anlin.

"Ah? How do you know this?" Xiangling had some accidents.

"What kind of carvings do you have in the sky? I will not count in my heart? It’s not like this handsome and handsome, strong and strong sword fairy. Why do so many beautiful women like him, and there are still some women who are deep in the realm. "An Lin said coldly.

Xiangling: "..."

Xu Xiaolan: "..."

"Give them all to me!" Anlin said.

"This..." Xiang Ling was so beautiful that he looked at An Lin with incomprehension. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

So many beautiful women are in front of them, is a man will be tempted, Anlin can actually hold the temptation of so many beautiful women?

"What is this, I don't like to force others to do things they don't like!"

"Moreover, am I a casual person? I don't like them, how can I accept them as a harem? No, I can't like others, I only love Xiaolan!"

An Lin Yi Zheng said that there is no room for denial between the tone.

Xu Xiaolan smiled sweetly and took back the Dragon Spider sword in his hand.

In front of Anlin, more than 900 beautiful women repaired, said: "You all go back, where should I go back, now, you are free!!"

More than 900 people heard this and they were all stunned.

For a long time, only the sobs came, and some even burst into tears. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

They became slaves and were imprisoned here. They became the playthings of the Emperor of Heaven, and they were scared all the time. They were afraid that they would not be served by the other side.

I thought that Anlin took office, and it was a reincarnation. The days are still dark.

But I did not expect that Anlin would like to return all of them to freedom.

Anlin let them regain the opportunity to live a real life~www.readwn.com~ countless female practitioners or red eyes, or tears, thank you for coming to Anlin.

"Right, you are also caught, you can go back with them." An Lin turned and spoke to Xiang Qingya.

At this time, Xiang Qingya came back from the shock.

She looked at An Lin in front of the temperature and the lips of the tender and tender lips, but did not know what to say.

It’s really big ups and downs.

Anlin refreshed her perception again and again.

"What are you doing here? Do you want to do something else?" Anlin curious.

"I... I am the six princess of the Fenghuang royal family, Xiang Qingya, you saved me, I will definitely repay you in the future." Xiang Qingya said very seriously.

"Okay, your kindness is my heart, let's leave this place." An Lin smiled.

In return for what he did, he did not expect anything. The forty-nine immortals were already comparable to the nine royal family. What a princess can give him.

The six princesses took a deep look at An Lin, nodded and turned away.

She felt that Anlin was not a bad person. She had misunderstood Anlin before. Perhaps, the gods can be reborn under the leadership of Anlin.

No one can defy and question Anlin’s decision.

Nearly a thousand female practitioners have regained their freedom and have successfully left the Divine Church.

"Let's continue to visit." Annlin Road.

"Okay, the lord." Xiang Ling tried his best to calm down his thoughts and nod.

The next step is to go to some training rooms and practice rooms. There is nothing to look at.

Finally, Anlin came to the real treasure chest.

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