I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1269: Anlin Sovereign Exhibition

Pass through the passage of the institution's forbidden technique and push open a thick door.

The treasures that piled up into mountains began to appear in front of you.

Anlin and Xu Xiaolan were shocked and stunned by countless treasures.

Obviously, the property in front of him, Yuan Anlin and others expected.

Xiang Ling smiled and said: "This is the treasure house of our Zongmen, and it was once the place where the gods of the heavens placed their treasures."

An Lin’s heart is no wonder that even after the death of Heaven’s King, there is no one.

Xiang Ling points to the white mans in front of him, and the Lingshi and Yuanshi Roads that pile up into mountains: "There are a total of Lingshi Yuanshi, with a total value of 130 million Lingshi."


An Lin, Xu Xiaolan, Dabai, and Luna, all involuntarily swallowed.

The 130 million Lingshi, Rao is the local tyrant who cultivated the immortal world, and he is also jealous.

Xiang Ling continued to smile and said: "Here, there are three pieces of fairy, one hundred and fifty-six pieces of spirits, two thousand five hundred pieces of instruments... here, eight pieces of fairy, six cents, three hundred and twenty Ming Ling Dan, five hundred Lingguo, and a number of heavenly treasures..."

Xiangling introduced a dazzling array of treasures, and he saw Anlin and Xu Xiaolan swallowing.

Wandered around a treasure chest.

Xiang Ling smiled and smiled at An Lin: "The dear Sovereign, the property of the gods, you have the right to call, you have to take something from here, without the permission of me."

"Is it really ok to take anything?" Anlin breathed.

"Yes, what is needed, though." Xiang Ling put on a wealthy appearance.

Anlin took a shot with his hands and took all the spiritual stones into the ring.

Xiang Ling: "???"

An Lin: "You are not saying what you need, though? I am short of money."

Xiangling: "..."

Then, Anlin took all the treasures in the Treasure House into the ring.

One can not fit a ring, and Anlin has installed three best rings.

Xiang Ling: "???"

Anlin explained: "The treasures are not safe here, it is better for me to keep them."

"How can it be unsafe? Unless we have the ability to come in person, can anyone break into our sect to win the treasure?" Xiang Ling grinned and protested.

She is really panicked. No one has ever dared to directly remove the things from the treasury.

"Unless the United States can come together? I can go straight into the Zongmen, and I need to come to the Zongmen. Where is it really safe?" Anlin looked worried. Road.

Xiang Ling was shocked.

God's special ordinary monk!

Is he going to kill his mother?

"However, treasures are placed in the Treasure House, which is more conducive to the management of the elders. After all, it is necessary to carry out the resource allocation of so many disciples of Zongmen. You are too busy to come, even the Emperor of Heaven is also putting treasures in the Treasure House. ..." Xiangling is still insisting.

"Don't compare him to me. I have my own plans. Let me co-ordinate the treasures and make other plans." An Lin looked serious.

Xiangling is desperate.

Knowing that you can't move Anlin, you simply don't care.

When someone asks, it is said that An Lin has to do this, and he will give the pot to the sovereign.

Anlin looted the Treasure House and continued to visit other places.

"Right, where is the temple of Pluto, do you know?" Anlin suddenly asked.

Xiang Ling is a real elder. If she doesn't know, I am afraid that no one knows the Zongmen. Sure enough, after she heard the words of An Lin, her face changed.

"You want to go to the Temple of Pluto? There is a strong prohibition and power protection in the Temple of the King, and even the Heavenly King can't go in." Xiang Ling said.

"All said, don't take me and the Emperor of Heaven and Heaven together." An Lin glanced at Xiangling.

Xiangling’s tone is stagnation, and he will not say anything more. He will take Anlin to the Temple of the King.

The passageway circling upwards, and the Temple of the Pluto seems to be at the upper end of the mountain.

After a long time, I finally came to a place where there was a dark but lingering innumerable atmosphere.

Xiang Ling pointed to the end of the passage, there is a dark-colored barrier, scattered with a terrible atmosphere, it is obviously the energy prohibition of the joint level.

At the top, the stone sarcophagus with the words "Pagoda Temple" is engraved.

Xiang Ling points to the barrier: "It is here, the Temple of Pluto is behind the ban, unless there is a power of the level of the road, no one can break the ban, so..."


Her words have not been finished, and the nine beads have begun to directly fall into the ban and become powder.

Then, the barrier trembled fiercely, gradually cracking from the middle, and there was a passage for people to enter straight.

Anlin turned his head: "What do you say?"

Xiangling: "..."

Xu Xiaolan frowned: "I feel that there is still a repulsive force in that passage, and the ghost energy around it is extremely dangerous."

"That's because you are not the master of the dowry, I am advanced, you are waiting for me outside." Anlin waved his hand and turned to walk toward the Temple of the King.

Sure enough, all the Nether Power did not dare to approach Anlin, and they gave way to Anlin, as if they were Zun Anlin.

Anlin disappeared into the vision of Xu Xiaolan and others.

Only Xiang Ling, still looking at the end of the passage, whispered: "I am qualified to enter the Pluto Temple, and sure enough, he is what we are looking for, reviving the Pluto of the Gods!"

On the other side, ~www.readwn.com~Anlin entered the Temple of Pluto.

The blue flame is burning constantly, releasing the power of the darkness of the darkness.

By the light, there is nothing in him.

The only ones that exist in the main hall are the three tall statues, which are the three Pluto.

The three sects of the sacred sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of the sects of

They are the King of Heaven, the Bitter King and the Pluto! !

The refining of the Pluto is so fierce, it seems very scary.

The Bitter Blood King is extremely handsome and looks pleasing to the eye. Anlin knows that the dead spirit is caused by the bitter blood of the King.

The appearance of Feng Tian Pluto is the most common. If you ignore the chains that are intertwined with arms, he looks like a mortal genius.

Of course, Anlin knows that he is the most powerful of the three Pluto.

It is a great demon who pioneered the sacred sect of the gods and dared to challenge the heavens.

Anlin walked up and down in front of the three statues, but did not know how to proceed to the next step.

"I am the new lord of the gods, please give me heritage!"

"I have collected nine beads, please give me heritage."

"Hey... you are talking!"

"Hey, I put all the blood on your face, give me some reaction!"

Anlin looked helplessly at the three statues in front of him, and said something angrily.

There is silence around.

"Mom, it makes me look like a fool."

An Lin looked uncomfortable and slammed his feet toward the knees of Feng Tian Pluto.



Feng Tian Pluto suddenly moved! !


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