I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1270: Test site of the gods

Anlin was shocked and stepped back two steps, looking up at the Fengtian Pluto in front of him.

Feng Tian Piao Wang trembled and seemed to be awakened by An Lin kicking his knee.


The statue of Fengtian Pluto moved, and turned slightly sideways, facing the front of Anlin.

Anlin immediately greeted: "Hello, I am the new lord of the gods..."

His words have not been finished yet, and the King of Heaven has a palm shot, and a black prismatic crystal appears in the void, releasing a burst of light.

"Congratulations to the future son of the Taoist priests to resist the Temple of the Pluto, this is the core method of my dominance of Kyushu, the continent, and the heavens!"

"I hope that I can accept this inheritance, revitalize my god, and lead it to glory again. Complete my wish to dominate the Kyushu and dominate the mainland!!"

Extremely mechanical sounds.

After that, the King of Heaven and the King of Heaven will not move.

An Lin stunned, and this heart was originally a low-profile smart statue. It only said a paragraph, and then it was gone.

He didn't have much hesitation, holding the black prismatic crystal in his hand.

"How can I use this?"

Anlin held the crystal and muttered to himself.

Shen Jianshu!

A piece of information appears in the blink of an eye.

Feng Tianming Wang Feng Tianzhu inherits the crystallization: Feng Tian Ming Wang was inherited with all the techniques of power condensation before death, and it is necessary to return to the virtual body to withstand this inheritance power, crushing the crystal to activate the inheritance.

An Lin: "..."

Can this be used in order to return to the virtual environment?

your sister! !

Is this not a pit person? ! That Laozi is a sacred period, so hard to collect the beads, what is the picture?

An Lin was almost angry with a blood spray.

He kicked a few feet to seal the knees of the Emperor, and did not respond.

Anlin was not convinced, and he was kicking a few feet against the knees of the Bitter King and the Pluto, but they did not respond.

In the following period of time, he was like a huskies, engaged in the body of the three Pluto, trying to start something.

In the end, the statues of the three Pluto were all broken by him, and they found nothing.

"Hey, is there only one way to return to the virtual world to accept the heavens?" Anlin said with some regrets.

If other gods have heard this sentence, I am afraid they will all be mad.

What is the only way to seal the sky? This technique is the technique that countless gods and monks worship the dreams. It is even the coveted technique of the other two. !

Anlin had some intentions to leave the Temple of Pluto.

The great elder Xianglin rushed to the front and asked me: "Anlin Master, what do you see in the Temple of Pluto?"

"Well, I saw three statues of Pluto inside." Anlin replied.

"Three statues of Pluto!" Xiang Ling looked excited, and there was a flush on his face.

She is a fanatic of the ancient lord of the lord of the gods. When she heard the orthodox statue inside, her heartbeat could not help but accelerate.

"Ah...the three Pluto adults must be very tall and stalwart?" Xiang Ling gasped slightly, and the sound was fascinating.

"Yeah, especially tall and great." An Lin is a serious man.

The heart has added a sentence, but it was once a tall stalwart, and now he has been accidentally broken into slag...

"Then you are inside..." Xiang Lingmei stared at An Lin.

"I have gained some inheritance, but I can't use it now." An Lin was very calm.

Xiang Ling Jiao body trembled, eyes are about to seep out of the water, shortness of breath, the snow white on the chest also violently ups and downs: "Sure enough ... you really are the true leader of our gods! You only It is the future of our gods!!"

Seeing that Xiang Ling couldn’t wait to see him, An Lin couldn’t stand it anymore. He quickly shifted the subject and said, “Let’s go, let’s continue to visit.”

"Good!" Xiang Ling was very clever and nodded, leading the way ahead.

Now she has fully surrendered to the foot of An Lin, no longer hesitate.

"Here is our combat drill room."

"This is where we rest."

"This is a secret, blood refining cave..."

Walking through one place, Anlin began to know the secrets of the gods.

Finally, Xiang Ling took them to a black gate.

"Below, it is our God's sect, the most important place!" Xiang Ling looked at everyone, and looked excitedly. After talking, she couldn't help but scream out her tongue and lick her red lips.

"Good things have to stay until the end, you will love this place."

Both Anlin and Xu Xiaolan are somewhat curious. What kind of place will be brought to the end of Xiangling, even more important than Chunyang Palace and Zhabao Pavilion.

The door opens slowly.

The screams of savage began to spread.

They converge into a wave that constantly impacts the eardrum of Anlin.

The richness of the **** smell that makes people feel vomiting, and the opening of the door, began to cover the crowd.

Xiang Ling took a deep breath and took a deep breath, saying: "This is the magical test site of our gods, you come with me."

Everyone walked into the gate, and at the entrance was a human being who was imprisoned in a cage and naked. Their eyes are desperate, empty, and there is no trace of vitality~www.readwn.com~ This test site is very large. At first glance, there are more than tens of thousands of people who are imprisoned in cages and active Zongmen disciples in the test site. There are also thousands of them.

A sect of disciple opened the cage and dragged a man who did not wear clothes into a rag like a rag: "Come on, give me out, what do you do slowly?!"

After dragging the man out, he covered a black gas with one hand and pressed it on the man's head.


The disciple threw the dead body into a huge black pit. The inside was deep and dark, and there was nothing to see. There was only a sound of chewing, and the scalp was numb.

A sectarian disciple grabbed the female practitioner in the cage and cut a knife from the woman's skin from time to time. She ignored the shouting of the woman's repair and desperation, and the cut wound quickly melted and melted. He cut it like this one by one, and he fell into meditation from time to time, seeming to analyze his ability.

The woman repaired her anger and became a blood man, lying dead on the ground.

The disciple was disgusted and threw the female repair into the black pit and fed the creature inside.

These things happen in this extremely extensive test site, which is extremely unusual.

A personal class was frightened, weeping, desperately screaming in pain. The sorcerers are either focused, happy, or excited, and they are constantly carrying out various methods of killing the living human beings.

A dead body was thrown into the black pit.

Blood flow throughout the land, rich **** with a desperate cry, many disciples are enjoying such an atmosphere.

This scene is like **** on earth.


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