I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1271: You commit suicide

Anlin saw this scene in front of him, and the brain was blank for a moment.

The despair of mankind in the cage, and the cruelty and indifference of the disciples of the gods, are so angry that he can not help but shake.

Dina, Xu Xiaolan, Dabai, also biting their teeth and breathing quickly.

"The lord of Anlin, how about our test site, look at the disciples of our Zongmen. They are more energetic and more diligent in practicing magic!" Xiang Ling said with great pride.

The disciples of the priests of the priests saw the lords coming and expressed themselves more eagerly, one by one, and the violent magical powers began to display. The human being tested, screaming more savagely, breaking hands, breaking feet, tearing the body, sucking blood, sucking the soul...

"Where did these people come from?" Ann Lin whispered.

"These mice are secretly caught from the edge of the Kyushu border. Every year, there are more than 100,000 indicators. As the living materials of the Zongmen disciples' elders practicing magic, of course, if you have a request, I can also increase the indicator..." Xiang Ling said with a smile. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"The disciples and elders here are practicing here?" An Lin asked again.

"Yes, but the living materials are limited. Every disciple of the gods has a limit on the number of people... Of course, you are the exception of the lord. You can kill many white rats. After all, the lord has many privileges... "Xiang Ling's eyes waved and looked at An Lin with a soft face."

Anlin nodded. "It’s really long-sighted, peeling, cramping, lumbosacral, chest-cutting, drilling holes in the head, poisoning, sowing the soul... I can’t think of it, no I can’t see it...”

Xiang Ling nodded and smiled.

Anlin took a deep breath, his eyes bursting with infinite murder, and his voice was like a thunder. He shouted: "All my mother stopped me!!"


Golden fluctuations spread throughout the audience.


The magic of the gods is fully exerted.

On the test field, all the disciples turned their eyes white, and the mouth spit and fell to the ground. Thousands of disciples, no one can resist the practice of Anlin's gods!

Even Xiang Ling, who was in the middle of the virtual period, had a soft leg and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the whole space seemed to be quiet.

The human beings who are being imprisoned or who are being tortured have turned their eyes to Anlin. The empty and desperate eyes have not changed in the slightest, as if they are looking at things that have nothing to do with themselves.

"An... Anlin... What's wrong with you? Are we doing something wrong?" Xiang Ling looked at Anlin with innocence and panic, and did not seem to understand why Anlin was so angry.

At this moment, Anlin felt that he and the people in front of him did not seem to be two worlds.

Anlin pointed to the 100,000 human beings in the test site, and said loudly: "You have given me these people!!" &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Xiang Ling raised his face and looked at An Lin with a blank look. He said: "The Anlin lord, why are these white mice so hard to catch so much, why should we let them go?"

"Why should I let it go?" An Lin stared at Xiang Ling, as if to smother the woman in front of him.

He took a deep breath and said: "The majority of these human beings are mortal. It is boring to train magic. Next time we will catch some monks to refine..."

"This... if you are alarmed by other sects..." Xiang Ling reveals a difficult color.

"Who is the door to say?!" An Lin almost sipped her mouth.

Xiang Ling Jiao Wei trembled, and hurriedly bowed his head: "You have the final say, I will do it!"

On the test field, many humans heard the words of Anlin, and the look of the waves fluctuated. But there are still many people who are stupid and stupid. Obviously, they have experienced this hellish scene for a long time, and they have not recovered. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Anlin’s decision, in the elder disciples of the gods, set off a storm.

The great elder Song Qiu even bluntly protested that Anlin’s move would have extremely serious negative consequences for the gods.

Then, Song Qiu was shot on the ground by An Lin, and he did not know whether he was dead or alive.

Beyond the mountain.

Unconsciously, I have gathered nearly 100,000 naked humans.

They breathe the fresh air outside, bathe in the warm sunshine, and look at the picturesque scenery outside, feeling like a world.

Dina applied the technique and put the clothes on the 100,000 people with fresh green grass.

Some of the humans who were injured and injured, and who were constantly eroding the body by magic power, also applied great treatment to them.

"Hey, Bai Ling? Send a patriarch disciple to the white space elf. I will give you the coordinates. I need to help 100,000 humans return to the Kyushu world." An Lin called the voice. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Okay, I will do it immediately." Bai Ling did not ask why, immediately mobilized the spacecraft.

Xiang Ling looked at the scene in front of him with a puzzled look.

Why, why is her lord so good for these white mice?

As the lord of the gods, shouldn’t all of these people be smelted and killed?

Why, the more Anlin’s lord is different from the one imagined?

Xiang Ling’s heart is full of puzzles.

Can such a person really lead the sect to the revival?

Anlin hung a note and turned his eyes to the mountain in front.

The red maple below is like a fire, and the snow is snowy above. It looks like a fairy who wins the snow and is dancing in a red dress. It is very beautiful.

But he knows how dirty the inside of this fairy is. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The disciples of the Divine Taoist priests ignored life, and repeatedly tortured human beings like white rats. The desperate screams of heartbreaking did not make their hearts have a slight fluctuation.

Those human beings are the living materials that are tortured to death by them. When they are used up, they are thrown away.

Some are sucked into white bones, some are boiled into meat sauce, and the blood is stinking...

Anlin once fantasized to use his own power to change the Taoist sect and make it a hidden big force. But all this, after seeing the test site, disappeared.

Every disciple, every elder, and his hands are contaminated with countless blood, and they do not treat people as human beings, killing countless human beings.

Can they still save?

"I haven't saved it~www.readwn.com~ The blood in your hands has not been cleaned, only blood debts are paid." Anlin suddenly began to sigh, with anger. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

He thought that he was not the kind of sense of justice, and he only thought about the monks who had removed the magic. But after really seeing what God's priests did, they still couldn't help but do something.

"Anlin's lord, what are you talking about?" Xiang Ling turned his head and looked at An Lin curiously.

Anlin pointed to the mountain not far away, and extended his hand: "I have mastered the Guardian of the King of Heaven."


This moment, the ground shakes the mountain.

A huge array of guardian ancestors shrouded the entire mountain.

A stalwart of the eternal glory of the King of Heaven, appearing in the void of the mountain, like the devil of the world, the momentum is so vast as if to pour the whole world.

"What is the command of the lord of the gods?" asked the king of the heavens.

An Lin looked expressionless and said: "You commit suicide."

The world is quiet.

Xiang Ling was so beautiful that he heard something terrible.

Although there is no sense of autonomy, the King of Heaven’s dynasty is instinctively struggling.

Anlin’s one-handed hand was facing the big squad, and the Guardian’s madness was mad, repeating: “You commit suicide, release all the energy of the big squad, and completely bury the new god’s sect!”

"This **** is a sect, not worthy of being in the world!!"


(This month's monthly ticket is especially small. If the pros have more monthly passes, they will vote for the fake fairy. It has not been recommended for several months, and it can only be increased by the monthly ticket ranking.)


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