I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1272: God's ruins

This **** is not worthy of being in the world! !

The words of Anlin echoed between heaven and earth.

Xiangling is smashed.

The 100,000 human beings who had been imprisoned in prison were also stunned.

"No!!" Feng Tian Pluto screamed in pain and his body quickly cracked.

The Guardian of the Emperor of the Taoist dynasty burst out in a moment of incomparable gloom. The pattern of the law covers the entire mountain, accumulating tens of thousands of years of energy, and all of them burst out in an instant!


The ruined energy of the dark color burst out from the array, tearing the mountain, destroying everything, turning into a dark column of light straight into the sky!

At this moment, heaven and earth are eclipsed.

Only the light of the great energy that contains endless destruction fills the space.

A large array of joint levels, releasing all the energy in an instant, how terrible is its power?

The aftermath of destruction can fly the earth in a hundred miles! Trees, rocks danced in the sky, and then disappeared. The surrounding hills are all pushed by the energy impact!

At the center of the explosion, the mountain of the extremely huge stalwart, is gradually being torn into dust by the power of destruction!

Countless gods and disciples of the elders and disciples, the screams of screams accompanied by the explosion of destruction, resounding through the clouds. Without any life, you can survive this level of explosion!

Hundreds of thousands of humans looked at the scene of destruction in front of them, listening to the screams of the disciples of the gods, and finally shed tears, some crying, some crying and laughing, some squatting On the ground, I kept licking my head.

They are finally free from this moment.

The complete destruction of the gods and priests completely removed the nightmare that hangs over them, they will never be taken away, and they will never return to the hellish place...

All those who have hurt them have suffered retribution.

Their eyes are no longer empty and desperate, no longer numb and ruthless as livestock. The tight heartstrings were finally released, and almost everyone cried.

"Saved, we are finally saved!"

"We can live and be able to live again!"

"Thank you, Master Anlin for giving me justice."

"Thank you, thank you very much!"


People are free to release their emotions.

Xiang Ling was sitting in the ground, and his eyes were fascinated. He kept shaking his head and said: "No, this is not true. This must be a nightmare. It is definitely a nightmare..."

"You are real." An Lin faintly opened.

Xiang Ling Jiao Wei trembled, suddenly stood up, clutching An Lin's collar, eyes red, hysterical said: "Why! You are the lord of the gods! Why do you want to do this, are you crazy? ?!!"

Xiang Ling said as he burst into tears.

She has deep feelings for the gods and is proud of being a great elder who is a sect.

She is still waiting for the glory of the gods to regain the glory of the past. For this reason, she has been retired and has been waiting for tens of thousands of years. But why wait until the end, but this is the end?

"They slaughtered so many living people, and there is nothing wrong with sin. Their sins must be repaid with death." Ann Lin said with no mercy.

"Slaughter life?" Xiang Ling seems to hear something very funny, "Ha ha ha ... a demon sect, even said that the disciples slaughter other people? Let the disciples all die for death?"

"The new lord of the priesthood of the gods, for all these reasons, killed all the disciples and elders. This is a big joke!"

Xiang Ling’s nails didn’t fall into the palm of his hand, and his face was very ridiculous, and he laughed and cried.

Anlin saw the appearance of Xiangling and shook his head: "The lord of the Mozong? Sorry, I don't want this identity. The inheritance of Pluto is only the roadside, you should not take it seriously."

Xiangling: "..."

"And, I know that you are extremely loyal to God's sects, but your loyalty is right and wrong, regardless of good and evil, annihilation of human nature, this is foolish, I will not leave you." An Lin silently pulled out the victory Evil sword, ready to give Xiangling a final break.

Xiang Ling has retired a few steps, and the glamorous face is pale and there is no trace of blood.

She turned her head and looked at the mountain that had collapsed and destroyed, and smiled.

"I don't need you to do it."

Xiang Ling pulled out the snow-white long sword and whispered: "There is no God in the Tao. I live in the world. What is the meaning? Isn't it dead?"


The snow-white long sword runs through the heart of Xiangling, and the blood stains the white blade.

Xiang Ling clasped the hilt, his eyes staring at An Lin, and smiled: "An Lin, very good, this time our gods have lost, but Pluto's will is everywhere, you will endure this The biggest pain in the world!!"

Anlin nodded. "I understand your mood, it is very painful, very unwilling, very remorseful. I want to pay some price. Go to **** to find your organization."

Xiangling: "..."

The woman finally fell, and finally looked at the mountain that had become ruin, and gradually closed her eyes.

The last ember of the gods of the Taoist dynasty, finally died.

More than 100,000 people who have witnessed the whole process feel very happy.

Xu Xiaolan smiled and Meijing stared at An Lin.

The man in front of her has never let her down.

Dina also smiled and fell on Anlin's shoulder and pulled Anlin's hair~www.readwn.com~ Smiled: "Anlin Giant, I found you taller."

"It’s just mad, what God is going to do, go to hell.” Anlin didn’t have any particularly proud looks. He just hoped that there would be fewer such disgusting sects in the world.

Bai Ling led the spacecraft driven by his disciples and soon arrived at the Anlin Coordinates.

They arranged the more than 100,000 humans to board the ship in an orderly manner and returned to the Kyushu border.

"An Lin, I really didn't expect that you have done a great job. I appreciate you very much." Bai Ling was wearing a white dress, standing beside the hatch and smiling with a smile.

"White sister, please don't admire me with the eyes of an elder." Anlin felt the gaze of Bai Ling's kindness and always felt weird.

"How, more than 10,000 years older than you, isn't it an elder?" Bai Ling squinted his head and asked with a smile.

"Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu are hundreds of thousands of years older than me. They are still younger than me. What do you say?" An Lin smiled.

Bai Ling: "..."

Bai Ling is a little angry.

I took the apprentice’s generation and pressed me, I hate it!

Anlin and others followed Bai Ling to board the space white elf spacecraft and returned to Sijiu Xianzong together.

This world has restored silence.

I do not know how long it has been.

The mountain of ruins turned into a tremor.


A scarred stone man broke open the gravel and climbed out.

"Calling... I almost killed my Ayr, it’s really terrible!"

“Why do I think about whether the world will be destroyed, and the mountain suddenly burst?”

"It is difficult, is this a taboo ideological territory?"

The stone man vomited a few pounds of blood, sat on the ruins, looked up at the sky, and meditated.


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