I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1273: 9 state model Fan Xianzong

Just when Ayr was thinking about the problem, the mountain that was razed to the ground squirmed again.

Under the ground, there seems to be something that the creature is chewing.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..."

The sound is deep and dark, making people shudder.

"Well... it’s really troublesome, it seems that I have to find another place..."

The stone man listened to strange sounds, meditated for a moment, tore the space, and fled the place.

Kyushu border.

Anlin, the lord of the Forty-nine Immortals, carried the ancestral disciples of Zongmen to destroy the secrets of the new gods, and rescued more than 100,000 human beings in Kyushu. It was spread throughout the Kyushu and even the early mainland.

The news was not released by Anlin and others. It should be that the 100,000 people who were rescued spontaneously spread the news.

The momentum of the Forty-nine Xianzong was once again growing, and the word-of-mouth was growing day by day, becoming the top fairy sect of everyone. Zongmen, who is strong and has a sense of justice, who doesn’t like it?

Forty-nine sects of Zongzong had always had a fair and easy to preside over justice, and when they came back to the mountain, they became friends of the Kyushu community. Now save the civilians, eradicate the top Mozong forces, and become a civilian friend of the Kyushu community...

Anlin originally wanted to build a Zongmen to play, but did not expect to play more and more, now it has become a model and role model of the Kyushu border Xianzong, which can make him a little panic.

Idols are not allowed! !

If you do such a good image, if you do not do well in the future, it is easy to be accused.

On the contrary, if the sects are casual and old-fashioned, then if you do something wrong, you will have more opportunities for understanding and tolerance.

Anlin was very annoyed, but it became a general trend and could not stop it.

The folks have even appeared. If you don’t love the Forty-nine Immortals, it’s not the wonderful views of the Kyushu people...

The most direct effect of the sacred immortality of the Forty-nine Immortals was that the monks who applied for the disciples of the Former Immortals began to surge.

The number of core disciples in the inner door is very small, and the only channel that can enter the inner door is that it is extremely excellent in the outside disciples, and has the opportunity to enter the inner door to become the core disciple.

In the past few days, there have been many strong people who have applied for foreign disciples.

Anlin really worried that he would delay the enthusiasm of these geniuses, but he couldn't stand the enthusiasm of the other side, so he had to accept them as a foreign disciple.

Fengyuan Prefecture, the royal palace of the Fenghuang royal family.

The woman with a beautiful face and a very plump face, with her hands folded, her chin against the jade hand, leaning against the red jade sandalwood table, a pair of big **** on the chest are also lying softly on the table.

The woman is looking at a white jade mirror. Inside the mirror is a Kyushu Express. There is a picture of a handsome and handsome man in white. Next to the picture, he describes his deeds in the Divine Way and occupies the entire layout of the Express.

She is the six princesses of the royal family, Xiang Qingya.

Xiang Qingya looked at the story in the quick newspaper, and she couldn’t help but smile.

"I thought you would be a demon lord. I really didn't expect it... The light that you radiate is getting more and more people want to get close..."

On the court of the forty-nine sects.

"The above is all the experiences of the Divine Emperor who I want to tell."

"In addition to three pieces of fairy, eight elixir, six cents, all the other items, including one hundred and fifty-six pieces of spirits, two thousand five hundred pieces of implements, three hundred and twenty pieces of Ling Dan, five hundred The Lingling Fruit, as well as a number of Tiandi Dibao, are included in the Zongmen Assets... Do you have any opinions?"

Anlin slowly began to open.

All the elders of the cabinet raised their hands in favor and shouted long live the lord.

This action, which could have been defined as an individual action, was why Anlin donated these things for the sake of the sect! !

All the resources of the sacred sects of the gods have basically become the resources of the four ninth sects.

The current forty-nine sects can finally be called a local tyrant.

Eight immortals, six cents are given to Xu Xiaolan, Dina, Dabai, three points.

As long as the three pieces of Anlin, these three pieces of fairy, are Xianjian! !

These swords are of great use to Anlin, so they keep it. Together with the 130 million Lingshi that was taken from the sacred Taoist priest, his total assets are now 188 million Lingshi!

"Ah, a lot of money, so annoying!"

"How much should I spend so much money?"

Anlin was so embarrassed and muttered.

"I don't know how to spend it, just give it to me, Wang!" Dabai interjected.

An Lin took a look at the big white, and it was a big white mess that stuffed the past: "Give me shut up!!"

The tricky white, cheerfully eaten the white buns: "Ha ha ha ... Ang, do you think I accidentally provoked you? I was deliberate, just to lie to you buns, stupid, hahaha , Wang!"

An Lin: "...is really stupid and small pursuit."

Anyway, Dabai is happy, and Anlin has got it.

The days of recuperation in the Forty-nine Immortals always go very fast.

If you have nothing to do, practice your own rainbow thunder and the big flames ~www.readwn.com~ and teach the disciple Ye Ling to practice the sword.

Unconsciously, it was the day when the peaches would be opened.

"Come on, come on, the day when the Tiantang hosted the Taotao Conference, the ten-day Taotao Conference, everyone will come together!" Anlin greeted the familiar friends in Zongmen.

Sun Yulu looked at the gathered people with envious eyes and muttered: "The legendary peach meeting, I want to go once, I want to taste the peach..."

"What to eat... 蟠 peach ah? 蟠 peach... Is it delicious for me..." A boy with a blue skin suddenly appeared in front of him, opened the abyss, revealing the white teeth, and the white teeth are still contaminated. Yin red bloodstains, a hurricane rushed to the surface.

"Ah... Mom, help!!"

Sun Yuluo was so scared that the heart stopped suddenly, and turned around and ran.

A little boy floated and chased after him.

Anlin looked at this scene and felt a little gratified: "Before I was worried that we were not in the Zongmen, Sun Yuluo would be lonely. Now it seems that this kind of worry is completely redundant. There is a blue dream sword spirit to accompany him! You see Look at this scene, more harmony and more love!"

Everyone has a black line. What kind of harmony is there? Harmony and love alone refers to the sword spirit? Sun Yuluo is almost scared, okay!

In the name of the Forty-nine Immortals, they participated in the Peach Blossom Conference in Tianting, with a total of twenty places.

An Lin looked at the people in front of him, Xu Xiaolan, Xuan Yucheng, Su Xiaoyun, Liu Qian, Bai Ling, Xiao Ze, Xiao Tu, Tang Ximen, Long Aotian. Xiaohong, Xiaotian, Clown, Baiyao, Xiaona, Xiaogu, Yeling, Little Wolf, Bryce, plus him, just twenty people.

"Tiantao's peach meeting, let's go!!"


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