I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1274: The grand view of the Taotao Conference

Tianting is one of the top forces in the mainland, and its grand event will inevitably become a grand event for the entire mainland.

The sky above the heavens.

For a while.

The fairy is full of sky and the spaceship is like rain.

Representatives from all over the world began to gather in the place of the Peach Blossom Conference, the small green island of Heaven.

Although there is a "small" character in the small green island, it is not small at all. It has a million square kilometers. The above is full of vitality, the rays of the sun are bursting, and the colorful air flows in the meantime. There are countless strange animals. The most famous sacred place in the heavens.

A white round spacecraft landed slowly on the island, and Anlin and others walked out of the hatch.

"Call... good fresh air, as if the whole body has been cleaned up." Anlin stretched out his hands and breathed.

In front of them, it is a land of fairy tales.

The green grass is full of flowers, the trees are shaded, the mountains are undulating, the cranes danced to the sky, and at first glance, they are very harmonious and natural, and people feel happy.

"This is the small green island, right? There is a strong enchantment wrapped around." Xu Xiaolan looked relaxed, looked at the vast world in front of him, said with a smile.

Anlin nodded. "This array is very powerful."

At least after using Shen Jian, I want to break this big array, it is still very troublesome.

However, he did not have to break open, holding a golden invitation, directly to the gods who guarded this holy place, and the members of the twenty-four-ninth sects entered the small green island directly.

"Oh? This is the holy place of heaven. It looks very good. It can be compared with the holy place where the dragons were in the early days of the ancient dragons." Xiao Tuo was interested in looking around and commenting casually.

"Beautiful, atmospheric, top grade!" Xiao Ze erected a thumbs up.

Ye Ling was wearing a blue skirt, and the white tender hands clung to Anlin’s big hand. Some of them were afraid, and they looked at the scene in front of them with some curiosity. They whispered softly: "Master, the scenery here is beautiful, and Very comfortable, Linger feels light and fluttering, and I feel like I am going to fly to heaven."

An Lin smirked the small bridge of the blade of the leaf: "Stupid, you are in the sky now, no need to fly."

“Ah...?” Ye Ling’s eyes widened and looked at the solid ground. His face was blank. “We are not on the ground?”

"But this land is flying in the sky! It is as high as tens of thousands of meters!" Anlin reached out to the height and was extremely serious.

Ye Ling suddenly felt that his legs were a little soft, and his tears were about to fall. He said: "Master... Master, I am afraid..."

"Are you afraid of it?" asked Anlin.

"I... I am afraid of high..." Ye Ling said with a small mouth and looked at Anlin with pity.

Anlin thought for a moment and picked up Ye Ling, holding one arm: "So?"

"Hey, there is Master holding, not afraid." Ye Ling smiled easily.

An Lin pinched the little face of Ye Ling's pink face: "You have more things!"

Ye Ling smiled and did not speak, and some of his attachments buried his head on An Lin's shoulder.

Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu looked at An Lin and Ye Ling, and they were very emotional.

Xiao Tu sighed: "This is the right way for men and women to get along."

Xiao Ze’s attachment nodded: “Harmony and nature, close to the good, let the dragon envy.”

"I suspect that I am a fake apprentice." Xiao Tu said again.

Xiao Ze shocked: "Do you still want Anlin to hold you? God!"

Anlin is holding a big man, talking and laughing...

The picture is so beautiful, Xiao Ze can't imagine it! !

"Don't be a special nonsense, I don't mean this!" Xiao Tu's face was red and angry.

The people of the Forty-nine Immortals walked along the Bluestone Trail on the Little Green Island.

Avoid too much confusion, the small green island has already laid the ban, and all visitors have to go on the ground.

Anlin rode his white, holding Ye Ling, and watching all the way.

"Hey, Anlin, don't you say hello when you come?" The horizon, a fairy wearing a gorgeous feather coat floats down, looks beautiful, clear and clear, fresh and elegant.

Come, it is the seven daughters of the Emperor, Tian Yu fairy.

"Lin Lin, can you fly?"

Anlin saw that the fairy goddess descended from the sky, and suddenly he was not convinced.

The law of forbidden is useless to the woman in front of me?

Lin Biao smiled and said: "I am amazing!"

After all, she also raised her chin slightly, proud of being like a swan.

An Lin’s heart is not a privileged dog.

"I am the honorary elder of the Forty-nine Immortals, I will take you here to play, don't thank me." Lin Biao is very familiar with the people.

Everyone naturally is not polite with this second generation.

"Sister, sister, where is the delicious food?" Ye Ling excited.

"Wanguoyuan is rich in all kinds of precious fruits, and the fruits inside are eaten casually. They are bred by the essence of heaven and earth, and the energy is full, sweet and delicious. I will take you to pick some!" Lin said with a smile.

"Long live the fairy sister!" Ye Ling raised his hands and cheered.

"Tian Yu Dao, I would like to ask where is the most abundant place of the aura, I want to feel good ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xuan Chengcheng who practiced the Tailor Road of Wanling, asked gently.

"The place with the most abundance is no more than the Tianzhu Pool. That place is a restricted area, but if I come out, I can take you in." Lin Biao smiled.

Xuanyuan Cheng demeanor expressed his gratitude: "So there is a friend of Laotianyu."

"Tian Yu Fairy, I need a place with the brightest sunshine." Xiao Hong excited.

"Well, well... I will take you there..." Lin Biao should be with him.

Here, she can be said to be responsive, fully demonstrating the hostility of a host.

"Invited to participate in the Tiantang Taotao Conference, there are a total of 100 different forces, with a total of 2,000 delegates. The four major divisions of the Kyushu region, the nine royal family, plus seven top fairies including the Forty-nine Immortals, a total of two Ten Kyushu border forces."

In the Wanguoyuan, Lin Biao introduced the fruit to everyone and introduced it.

"In addition, the creation area in which the creation hall is located, the bliss of the Western Buddhism, the Sanctuary of the Eden, the Linghu area, the Cangbei Mountain, the Qianxing Mobile Islands, the Haixin Palace, the East China Sea Dragon Court, etc. The big forces also sent many representatives to come."

"For the sake of safety, Tianting has imposed a limit on the super power of the road, but the super-powerfulness of the participation in the Tiantang Taotao Conference is also full of twelve. As for the return of the gods, it is more There are countless..."

Lin Biao's introduction made everyone sway.

It’s really a grand ceremony in the whole continent, and it’s very famous. The participants are very tall and I don’t know how the next event will be shocking.

This is the great power of the real strong, the grand celebration of the four seas and eight wilderness! !


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