I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1275: Meet an acquaintance

Everyone in the forty-nine sects was a little excited.

"Wait a minute, can we see the strong people from all over the world?" Long Aotian was furious and excited.

"I would like to see, this new mainland, there are many familiar faces." Xiao Tu is also very curious, with a gentle smile on his face.

"I really don't think it is heaven, the top forces are different." Tang Ximen said with emotion.

"If we are able to hold this level of celebrations, we don't know how much we can make." Xiao Ze is a bit hot.

An Lin took a breath and was equally excited: "I am afraid that if you only receive a gift, you can break a million!"

"More than that, if we can expand the scope of the invitation and engage in more activities, the income will be more than 100 million." Liu Qian is excited.

"We don't think it's useless now, we still need to work hard to make Zongmen stronger." Xuanyuan Cheng seems to have ignited his fighting spirit, looking up at the sky, his desire is higher than the sky.

"Zongmen's road to prosperity is just in front of us. We still need to work tirelessly to create brilliance!" An Lin made a concluding speech with the lord.

"Come on!"

Su Xiaoyun held a small fist and opened his mouth softly.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

The rest of the Zongmen members shouted and cheered for themselves.

Lin Biao: "..."

Is the topic of discussion a partial bias? How is the development of things different from what she thinks?

Say good praise and envy of heaven? How did the painting wind instantly turn into the topic of how to use the celebration to make money? !

What are your pursuits? What about your fucking? !

Lin Biao kept roaring in his heart, but his face still had a smile like a woman.

The Taotao Conference has not yet officially started.

Everyone was on the small green island.

After eating the fruit in Wanguoyuan, go to Tianzhuchi to play with water, go to Jinyangshan to soak the sun, go to Xuanbing Tower to eat ice cream...

Under the leadership of Lin Biao, all the way to play, unconsciously, will play all the interesting spots on the small green island.

"The front is the Great Hall of Heaven. It is the main venue for the Taotao Conference. Two thousand representatives will be there to spend the most memorable celebrations in your life!" Lin Biao introduced.

In front of everyone, an extremely magnificent palace appeared in the field of vision.

It is made up of the most exquisite fairy jade. The main color is white and gold. It is sacred and solemn. It is hundreds of meters high and covers a wide area.

Anlin feels that the palace accommodates tens of thousands of people, not to mention thousands of people.

"Hey, Anlin, meet again!" Suddenly there was a tremor in the back.

Anlin turned and saw a few stone people walking with a smile.

"Yuedou predecessor!" He hurriedly greeted him, and at the same time looked at the red bucket with a smile, "Red bucket, can your kid even participate in the Taotao Conference?"

The red bucket was said to be red, and the flame of the chest burned: "I can't stand the stone, I can't participate, I am the top genius of the younger generation in the field of creation!"

"Yes, yes, you are a genius." An Lin said.

The ramen noodles on the side, stretched out the ramen wrapped around the neck of the red bucket, haha ​​laughed: "Red bucket this kid, I watched it grow up, although the breakthrough of the realm is not fast, but the basic root is extremely practical, One step at a time, it is expected to become a top power in the future!"

Anlin looked at the body wearing a red and white bowl like clothes. The soup was fluctuating. The noodles were like the monsters that danced with the tentacles. The face was shocked and said: "Are you?"

Yue Dou laughed and introduced: "Forgot to say, this is the Ramen Saint, the top power of the creation hall, the strongest in the ramen!"

An Lin opened his mouth and looked at the ramen monster with a shocked look: "Fortunately, fortunately..."

Ye Ling drooled on the side: "Good fragrance!"

Ramen noodles, all of them exude a fragrant ramen, fragrant.

That should be its body fragrance.

Tang Ximen looked desperate, and now he is even worse than ramen!

The remaining members of the 49th Emperor Xianzong were either shocked or surprised to see the ramen in front of them.

But the world is big, no wonder.

Even the snail can become a beast, and the ramen return seems to be justified.

The representative of the white fox family, Bai Yuyu also came.

She took Bai Yao and whispered blame: "Look at you, are you bullying the clown again? You see, the clown is thin!"

Bai Yao was blushing and whispered.

Anlin saw this scene. If he thought about it, he pulled a small hand that pulled Xiaolan's green and white hair. He said, "Xiaolan, you see, the belt is gradually widening and you don't regret it. Ah, when did I have him so happy?"

Xiaolan stunned for a moment, and the second understood.

She pinched An Lin's arm with a look of shame and shouted: "Look at your virtue! Go down! Don't face!"

Dina and Ye Ling looked at each other with a confused look. I don’t know why Xu Xiaolan wanted to marry Anlin. Did he say anything wrong?

Only Dabai was laughing at the side and looked at it with gusto.

"An Lin lord." In the distance, a clear cry came.

Anlin turned and looked at it and saw that ten people dressed in luxury were coming towards themselves.

The first woman in purple, with a face and a smile, smiled and waved at herself.

"Mr. Xiang Qingya." An Lin smiled faintly and said hello.

Xiang Qingya walked in front of her, her posture was elegant, and she respectfully performed a ceremony. She said: "The lord of Anlin, the grace of the day, has not yet repaid. I have brought some gifts today, I hope you can accept it."

Saying, she took out a narrative from the Nayong and handed it to Anlin.

Anlin accepted it unceremoniously, and he usually gave the gift.

"I am the emperor of the Fenghuang royal family, Xiang Fengyi, once again thanked the Anlin lord for saving the life of the little girl that day." A handsome man, leading the rest of the people is also a solemn thank for Anlin~www.readwn.com~ attitude Very friendly.

Anlin also enjoyed a lot of ally and talked happily.

Not long after, a very terrifying momentum suddenly caused the surrounding air to stagnate.

Anlin is as if he feels someone is holding his sword against his heart!

The ultimate danger, the terrible death threat!

Anlin has not yet begun to move.

Liu Qian’s voice rang, almost angered and shouted: "Liu Mingxuan, are you crazy? Here is heaven, what do you want to do?"

The pressure is suddenly empty.

Anlin slowly turned around and saw a handsome, well-dressed man who led nearly 30 breathable sword revisions.

It is the four major sects of the Kyushu world. Tian Jianzong and his party are here!

"Liu Mingxuan, you will do this next time, you will not come to the peach." Lin Biao pretty face covered with a layer of frost, cold voice.

She does not like someone in front of her, using her momentum to threaten her friends.

"It’s just a matter of communication. It’s not an example."

Liu Mingxuan smiled quickly and then turned his eyes to Anlin.

"Anlin's lord, don't come innocent?" The man smiled softly, as if things had not happened before.

"It's very good, that is, there are too many monks who want to enter the Forty-nine Xianzong recently, and some are too busy." Anlin also responded with a smile.

"Oh? Miscellaneous monks ran over, you have to manage? Anyone in the forty-nine sects received it?" Liu Mingxuan was a little surprised.

"There is no class to teach. There is also gold in the sand. I have to choose it carefully. For example, such as Sun Yuluo, who has good qualifications and has a disciple of sword spirit, can barely be recruited as a disciple." An Lin said with a blank face.

Liu Mingxuan is straight and straight.


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