I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1276: The ally of the West Sea Alliance

The reason why Liu Mingxuan used this to target Anlin was because Anlin repeatedly let him lose his face. The first time was in the opening ceremony of the Forty-ninth Xianzong, and the second time was the story of the Blue Dream.

In the ancient swords of Tian Jianzong, it was hard to have the ancient sword of the soul once, but the result ran away, acknowledging an Anlin's brain powder.

The most irritating is the brain residual powder Sun Yuluo, who was also expelled from the division by the three elders Zhu Yunshan. He has no way to go and he directly relies on the Forty-nine Immortals.

Then, the good blue dream sword spirit, it fell to the four nine sects.

Forty-nine sects became inexplicably the biggest winners, but Tian Jianzong was only able to look at it.

This incident can make Liu Mingxuan mad, and directly confuse the idiot Zhu Yunshan to the banquet for five hundred years, time is not enough.

"An Lin, you are going to be crazy, it is our Tianjianzong, it will be our Tianjianzong, you will seize the ancient sword, just wait for our Sanjianzong sanction!" A blue robe youth stood Come out, look like electricity, clear the road.

An Lin glanced at the man and smiled lightly: "Hey, isn't that the old sword of the sword, Ouyang Xia, who was chased by me before? Why, now find the mountain bully, and finally have a sigh of relief?"

"You!" Ouyang Xia was so angry that he didn't know how to refute it.

"You really don't know what your forty-nine sects are!! There is no way to join the border. Just because you also want to be against Tian Jianzong? You have the land of the Forty-nine Immortals, you are the waste!" I came out and shouted angrily.

Anlin had an impression on this woman, and it seems to be Liu Shan, the stepmother of Liu Qian’s illusion.

"You are not allowed to say this to my sect, bad woman!" After seeing Zhu Shan, Ye Ling was a little scared, but still very angry.

When Zhu Shan was at the beginning of Liu Wenbin, she almost killed Ye Ling. If it was not for An Lin’s shot, I am afraid that Ye Ling had already died in the woman’s hand.

Ye Ling has long regarded Zongmen as her own home. Nowadays, some people insult their own sects, she can't bear it. Even if that person is a woman who makes her very scared, she has to stand up!

The rest of the forty-nine sects also looked at Tian Jianzong with gaze.

Anlin slightly frowned, not looking at Zhu Shan, but looking at Liu Mingxuan, laughing: "Liu Zongzhuo has a vision, looking for such a virtuous, so intelligent wife ..."

Liu Mingxuan’s eyes sank.

Zhu Shan is even more thunderous, and she can't help but start.

Such an obvious remark, how could they not hear it.

Anlin just smiled at the side, and if she had a backing, Zhu Shan would definitely not survive two episodes in the TV series.

At this time, not far away, there was another soft and sweet voice coming.

"Oh, the original Tianjian who was famous in the mainland and detached from the dust, the lady of the lord turned out to be a shrew, I really have a long experience."

When Zhu Shan heard this sentence, she was so mad at her chest that she was glaring at the other person: "When I say this in my face, are you looking for death?!"

"I am telling the truth, how, not convinced? Come hit me, the street shrew."

A woman who has grown up in the country is slowly coming, not too slow.

The woman wears a phoenix crown, the blue light is like the sea, the posture is tempting, the skin wins the snow, and there is an indestructible resilience in the soft state.

When Anlin saw the woman, she smiled on her face.

The comer is the princess of the West Sea spirit fish family, Lan Xiao Ni!

No, now it is time to call her the ally of the West Sea Alliance, Lan Xiao Ni!

"Is it really great to have a seat in the city? I really want to fight, I will call the two predecessors behind me to play with you..." Lan Xiao Ni looked at Zhu Shan, stepping back, looking at him with a look Zhu Shan.

The high priest Gu Yu and the fish are not moving silently, if there is no breath.

Zhu Shan’s face was slightly white, and she stepped back and did not dare to speak.

The first-class forces of every continent can only come to a powerful environment. She is not a fool. She knows that there are two big ways to stand behind Lan Xiao Ni.

This existence is certainly not something she can provoke.

Liu Mingxuan will never be able to provoke such giants because of these small things.

"This is what we and the four nine sects of the sect, why do you want to manage?" Liu Mingxuan turned to look at Lan Xiao Ni and others, very curious to ask.

The West Sea Alliance has led almost all the forces in the West Sea, and its power is enormous, unprecedented in the West Sea. He did not understand why these forces were in the forefront of the Forty-nine Immortals.

"I can't understand the shrew, it's that simple. Is the four-ninth fairy sect also the slogan?" Lan Xiaoni replied neatly and slyly, not giving face.

"You...!" Zhu Shan heard the whole body shivering, shy and annoyed, pulling the sword out of the sheath, shouting, "I am fighting with you!!"

But in the next moment, her power was suppressed by some kind of power.

Liu Mingxuan gradually brought the sword pulled out by Zhu Shan to the sheath.

"Why... Ming Xuan, she yells at me!!" Zhu Shan gritted her teeth, her face was unwilling, and her tears were about to fall.

"You are the first to go to the forty-nine sects, forget it, what's the matter, the end of the 蟠 peach conference." Liu Mingxuan's tone is faint, and some are uninteresting, apparently there is no thought of fighting.

Zhu Shan felt humiliated, even when she was in the forty-nine sects, she was not so humiliated.

You know, now someone is screaming at her shrews and sluts!

She had been treated like this before, and this kind of feeling of swallowing ~www.readwn.com~ almost drove her crazy.

But no way, Liu Mingxuan has already spoken.

The people of the Forty-nine Xianzong had to leave in vain and walked into the Temple of Heaven.

Lan Xiao Ni took the initiative and walked over and said hello to the party: "All the lords of Anlin, the friends of the forty-nine sects, I am Lan Xiaoni, the ally of the West Sea Alliance."

"The Lord is good." Ann Lin pretended not to know, said with a smile.

Lan Xiao Ni Bai Yu-like face emerged with a touch of red glow, some embarrassed and embarrassed, secretly said: "Don't be like this, Anlin boss, call me a name just fine..."

"Blue brother, you are very handsome!" An Lin said with a voice.

"Oh..." Lan Xiaoni’s mouth is smiling, and his heart is somewhat proud and proud.

Finally, I can help the boss to export, and the younger brother is very happy.

"Blue Xiao Ni Mengzhu!"

"The Lord is good!"

The rest of the forty-nine sects also laughed and followed, with a relaxed look on his face.

They have seen Lan Xiao Ni in the forty-nine sects, and she knows that she is a half-four-seven sect.

"You don't have to be polite, just call me a name." Lan Xiao Ni smiled shallowly, completely without the strength and majesty of the past, like a weak little girl.

In fact, this is what she originally looked like. The strength and majesty are what she installed for outsiders.

Yue Dou and Red Doo, who watched a big show, have not yet returned to God, looking silly at the scene of their happiness.

They have experienced the existence of the Fox wedding, and therefore more aggressive.

"What happened? Clown, Bai Yao, Lan Xiao Ni, isn't this the enemy who is getting married? How is the feeling so good now?" Yue Dou looked awkward.

The red bucket looked at An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni, and they trembled: "Is it..."


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