I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1277: Super power gathers together

"What is it?" Yue Dou curious.

The red bucket returned to God and kept shaking his head: "No, still don't say it."

It knows that its own guesses are very large and cannot be easily said.

Otherwise... there will be disasters!

Red Doo turned his eyes to An Lin and Lan Xiao Ni, and took a sigh of relief. He smiled and nodded, revealing a look that the world is drunk and I am sober.

"Do not worry, Anlin Daoyou, I will keep it secret for you!"

After a chat, everyone began to enter the Temple of Heaven.

The main venue for the Taotao Conference in Tianting is the Tianzhu Hall.

Pushing open the door, a burst of fruity fragrance.

Anlin only breathed, and the meridians of the whole body seemed to be melted, and they wanted to ascend to heaven! !

"Ah... this fragrance... is it a peach?!"

"Is it a legend that you can breathe a decade of peach aroma?"

"God, smell it...!"

Everyone in the forty-nine sects exclaimed and was fascinated by the strange fragrance.

Lin Biao smiled and said: "Yes, this is the fragrance released by the gathering of a hundred years of ripe peaches. You are also currently qualified to taste the peaches that have been cooked for a hundred years. Everyone can taste three for free!"


The people of the Forty-nine Xianzong heard this sentence and swallowed involuntarily.

They smell this scent and they are coveted. It must be delicious when they are eaten.

This time the peach meeting, they came right!

Within the hall, the scent of scent, the ray of light, and the various fairy tales flutter in the sky, which looks beautiful.

A delicate white table and chair, arranged according to certain rules.

Every force has a fixed position and has already been arranged.

On the table, there are fruit and vegetable plates with a variety of delicious fruits.

The most exciting thing is that on each fruit plate, there are three crystal clear, pink and tender fruits, as well as a burst of aura, which is extremely extraordinary.

There is no doubt that this is the legendary peach! !

Anlin and others couldn't wait to come to the special seat of the Forty-nine Xianzong, and all the index fingers moved.

Dabai even spit his tongue, and he was about to hungry for the hungry dog ​​on the table.

As a result, it has not yet jumped, and Lin Biao held it down.

"The Emperor did not speak, what are you anxious, give me a calm down." Lin Biao awe.

"I can't control myself, Wang!" Dabai looked painfully.

This, a large white bone suddenly inserted into the white mouth.


Dabai looked shockedly with bones, widened his round eyes, and looked to his side, but saw another white-haired giant dog with a beautiful appearance, looking at himself with affection.

"Hey, bear with patience, this bone will be given to you first, let you solve the problem."

This white-haired giant dog is the Qinghua who follows the team of the beasts.

Qinghua screamed at the big white, and the style smiled: "Dabai, this bone is what I have..."

The white body was stiff and then it was a tremor.

At this time, the white shadow has long since moved away.

"A good picture, a picture of each other!" Snowy Day waving a small wing, and some spit in the channel.

Big white: "..."

The people of the Forty-nine Xianzong began to sit in the position and waited quietly for the beginning of the conference.

The powerful ones who are famous in the mainland have gradually entered the Temple of Heaven.

Anlin vowed that this was the first time he saw so many strong players present.

If you just lose a peach, you can return to the virtual power, luck, and you can directly win the first prize in the super power of the Chinese territory.

It is rumored that there will be twelve powerful people who will come together. Together with the Five Emperors of Heaven, there are a total of 17 super-powerful people who can participate in the Peach Conference. This lineup is not scary.

Anlin also saw a particularly scary woman.

She is from the Linghu community, representing the supernatural power of the **** snake family, black snake!

Yes, when the Black Snake took a group of snake spirits into the Temple of Heaven, they also stunned Anlin, and the hostility and murder contained in it could not be faked.

Anlin was panicked.

More than the time when Liu Mingxuan was targeted.

To know that Liu Mingxuan is stronger, he will also be jealous of Lan Xiao Ni or Tian Ting. However, the black snake is a lawless master!

She is backed by the son-in-law, what do she really want to do, who is blocking her?

When I think of myself and the black snake's holiday, An Lin can't help but sweat.

The Emperor of Heaven is also true. Please ask her why, please please the lovely white spirit snake...

He glanced at the snake snake and found that he did not see the trace of the white snake.

Ok, the biggest reliance is gone, it’s even more dangerous...

The talents on the field gradually arrived.

The Shen snakes are the black snakes of the snake spirits, the fishes of the spirit fishes, the ancient islands of the Tiangui family, the Liu Mingxuan of the Tianjianzong, the Zhu Xuze of the Zhuquezong, the Xuanyuanlun of the Wanling Emperor, and the beasts of the gods. The yak, the Western Buddhism's general trend to the Bodhisattva, the creation of the temple, the Shitong people, the Emperor of the stone, the Eden, the Holy Angel of the Michael, the **** of the spring gods.

The super power of the twelve worlds has undoubtedly become the most dazzling presence on the field.

The attention is second only to the twelve supernatural powers, not the one who is returning to the virtual power ~www.readwn.com~ but a monk who is a god.

Yes, he is our little **** of war, An Lin!

An Lin’s recent big news is too much. He has not seen his various representatives of the forces, and they have turned their eyes to An Lin, curiously looking at this legendary genius.

To be honest, being so watched by so many people, An Lin is still very nervous.

Nervous to a white, can not help but wind up automatically, let him more elegant and dusty.

"Xiaolan, you are very popular, so many representatives of the power to see me." Anlin said a little happy.

Xu Xiaolan rolled his eyes and said: "It’s not a good thing to be proud of you. It’s too famous."

An Lin looked puzzled: "What is this?"

Xu Xiaolan analyzed it in a serious way: "Everyone knows that you are arrogant, knowing what you look like, and you will do what you want in the future. They all feel that they should be right. In other words, you will not be able to move smoothly in the future."

Anlin was shocked. He did not expect Xu Xiaolan to study this thoroughly so thoroughly! !

Not long after.

The gate of the Temple of Heaven is slowly closed.

The five emperors of the heavenly court stood up, and the gods bathed on them, shining and making them look sacred and transcendent.

Emperor Tiandi, Ziwei Emperor, Changsheng Emperor, Qinghua Emperor, Emperor Emperor, and the five emperors simultaneously sang the ciphertext of the heavens.

This moment, very solemn and solemn.

There is no living being, dare to make a noise at this moment, and the inexplicable mind has a commandment, as if to do something, it will violate the heavens.

Anlin was listening quietly, but could not understand a word.

But when they were embarrassed, the sound they made was inexplicably comfortable.

After somehow listening to it for a while, I finally got a good understanding.

"I announced that the Taotao Conference in Tianting is now officially started!!"

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