I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1278: This peach is delicious.

This may be the most chic leadership speech that Anlin heard.

Everyone has a slap in the face and listens to what they don’t understand.

Then suddenly announced with a sentence to understand, the peach will start! !

Suddenly, the wonderful fairy voice enveloped the entire hall.

The heavenly fairy goddess played a beautiful piece of music, and the seven fairies were replaced in a second. The feathers fluttered and danced with pleasing pleasing dances, such as the colorful clouds dancing in the sky.

Big white patted the dog's claws and shouted loudly. Indulge in the wonderful music and dance, forgetting to eat peaches.

An Lin is also a fairy who looks at dancing with a smile.

He had seen the seven fairies noisy, and had seen the Seven Fairies fight for food, and saw the appearance of the Seven Fairies, but it was the first time that the Seven Fairies danced so seriously.

Not to mention, it’s really good to jump.

The swaying posture, the fairy rhyme is full, obviously seven people jump together, but the harmony is perfect as the same picture scroll, the beads rotate the star to shake, the flower vine is used as the dragon snake.

Many souls are enchanted by the dance of the Seven Fairies, lingering and lingering, wanting to dance with them.

Of course, there are also foods that start to eat peaches.

The scene was filled with a burst of refreshing voice.

"good to eat!"

"Oh my God, it's really delicious!"

"There is such a delicious fruit in the world!"

"Oh, that's delicious!"

After many creatures took a bite of peach, they couldn’t stop.

Anlin looked at the ramen in a curious look, and the goods were on their own opposites, and they began to eat peaches.

It stretched out the ramen, wrapped the peaches into the soup noodles, and then shuddered, the soup rushed, and the peaches disappeared from the bottom, and a burst of refreshing sound began to come out: "Oh... ... delicious! Oh... comfortable..."

An Lin: "..."

It’s really a scene of a strange style.

Anlin silently picked up a peach, pink and tender, soft light, and it was especially delicious when I saw it. It was like a shy little girl, with her head lowered, her face red, her seduce, and non-stop. Say "Come to me" "Come and eat me" "Let's eat me again"...

He couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the faint fruit fragrance that floated out of the peaches rushed out, making him feel refreshed. I have to say that all this makes his appetite move!

"I started." Ann Lin couldn't help but bite.

The peach is very brittle, bite down, fresh and aroma of juice, instantly soaked the tongue, cool, sweet and sour, delicate and refreshing, as if a lover caressed his mouth.

An Lin shuddered, madly chewed, the taste of the most delicious, in a flash flow all over the body, let him flutter like a fairy, let him ascend to heaven! !

"Ah... cool!!" Anlin shouted with a sigh, then stopped directly, frantically chewing the peach in front of him.

The delicious juice flows through the esophagus, and the whole person seems to have been sublimated. The various parts of the body are nourished by the juice, and the blood gas becomes extremely full.

An Lin thinks that if a mortal person eats a bite, he can say that he can directly extend his life for a hundred years!

Delicious, this is really delicious, and it is of great help to the body.

The people of the Forty-nine Xianzong also began to eat, and they were amazed again and again, and apparently enjoyed the delicious taste of this peach.

Dina is the happiest to eat. She is small. The peach in front of her is bigger than her. Can she eat three such big peaches, can she be unhappy?

Dabai also turned into a mini-white look, and kept licking the peach.

Although the energy intake is the same, but the cool feeling of eating, but can enjoy more! !

Listening to the sound of the fairy, while eating the peach, while enjoying the beautiful dance of the seven fairies, is there something more enjoyable in the world?

Ye Ling next to her, biting the peach, "吭哧吭哧", this fruit seems to be much more delicious than the spirit that Anlin had given her before, and she enjoyed it very much.

She saw that Anlin quickly finished eating the three peaches, hesitating for a moment, and sticking out the pink hand, handing a peach in front of him to Anlin, crisply said: "Master, you eat, Linger Can't eat so much."

An Lin, who was in the stage of recollection, heard a glimpse of it and turned his eyes to the peach in the hands of Ye Ling, and looked at Ye Ling, who couldn’t hide his love and love, and could not help but laugh.

It is said that there is a hole to let the pear, and now there is Ye Ling let the peach.

And she still makes it very delicious, and she grows in the heavenly peach!

Can Anlin not be touched? ! Look at the side, and eat the pig-like Xiao Ze and Xiao Tu two apprentices, his feelings are deeper!

In the face of Ye Ling's clear and dynamic eyes, An Lin smiled and licked the head of Qi Yeling. He gently smiled: "Hey, the teacher has already eaten, you are eating."

"Oh." Ye Ling heard no words and continued to eat it with gusto.

Not long after.



The surrounding vitality suddenly surged.

The powers of the peaches who were tasting were all shocked and then turned their eyes to a certain direction.

There is a center of vitality, like a whirlpool of madness to absorb the surrounding vitality.

"That, Master, I seem to have broken through..."

Ye Ling chewed the peach while opening the way.

An Lin: "..."

Everyone: "..."

I really don’t want to be Laozi’s disciple. If you eat the peach, you will break through. www.readwn.com~ This breakthrough method is more powerful than Laozi’s push-ups! !

An Lin was very relieved.

Everyone in the forty-nine sects is speechless, and this is where the enchanting is coming! !

At the age of seven, I ate the peaches and ate the four parts of the body! !

"Who is that little girl?"

"Qualification is good."

"It’s also very watery. It’s imaginable that after a dozen years, it will definitely become a beautiful fairy who reverses all beings.”

"She seems to be the apprentice of the Anlin lord, what is Ye Ling?"


There was a lot of discussion on the sidelines.

At this moment, Ye Ling became the focus of the audience.

Rao is her heart is big, being looked at and talking by so many people, but also blushing, her face is more rosy than the peach, and silently lowered her head.

Ye Ling may have created a record of the youngest, but with so many big eyes watching at the same time.

You must know that there are more than a dozen super powers on the field, and hundreds of people can return to the virtual power!

This is the peak of life of Ye Ling! !

But this is only a small episode of the Taotao Conference. The focus of the public has quickly shifted to music, dance, and peach.

After the seven fairies danced a dance.

Leigong electric mother also took the stage to perform thunder and dance.

The music instantly smashed.

Numerous electric lights flashed, and the snakes fluttered.

Lei Gong and the electrician followed the music and began to wiggle their bodies in a rhythm, performing several difficult movements from time to time.

The audience exclaimed and the atmosphere reached a new climax!

Emperor Tian stood up and said cheerfully: "The first event of the Taotao Conference is over. Below, we will start the second event of the Taotao Conference, arguing for peach!!"


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