I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1280: 0 wars

The Emperor is facing the black square and is a slap.

"Enlightenment is a day, open!"


A very powerful space fluctuation swept through.

Anlin only felt that a terrible turn of the sky began to appear.

In the next moment, he came to an extremely strange environment.

Very beautiful mountains appeared in front of you.

There are flowers, birds and insects, as well as green mountains and white clouds.

"Sure enough, the team has been separated." An Lin sighed.

Almost all space transfers will separate people into different places.

"Priority to find a peach tree is better, or is it better to call someone first?" Anlin fell into meditation.

Forget it, let's go...

Anlin decided to use the search method.

It is reasonable to say that many people are powerful. But if someone else finds the peach tree first, you call the people, and the peaches are all robbed, and there is still a fart.

He moved his body and found that the power was suppressed a bit.

The tenth body of the Tao...

An Lin hasn’t experienced the feeling of weak force for a long time. The body of the **** of war can’t maintain normal operation. The fire of the fire can only emphasize the flame of turning a big palm. Although it is extremely hot, even the air can be distorted, but the amount is too small. To maintain the operation of the Vulcan model...

"Tragic, really terrible!"

Anlin himself was saddened by herself.

He wandered aimlessly in the wilderness, looking around and seeing where there were peach trees.


Suddenly, on the high mountains not far away, there is gold light shining straight into the sky.

"This is... a solemn, compassionate light!"

An Lin’s eyes widened and he looked shocked.

Obviously, this is the artificial light.

What do you want to do with the other party?

Exposing the orientation, this is not going to attract other enemies! ?

An Lin’s face suddenly changed: “Yes, this is a unique secret number, calling the teammate’s secret number! In order to call a teammate, even if you expose your position, you will not hesitate!”

He felt that the other person's courage was great.

In this case, he does not mind letting the other party understand, what are the bold consequences?

Anlin began to run on the mountain rising from the golden light.

The other side is not at the top of the mountain, but at the position of the mountainside. It seems that I want to give myself a way to escape. Oh,... An Lin smiles coldly, meets my **** in the heavens, are you running? !

On the main hall of the Scorpio.

Enlightenment and Qiankun a sky above the artifact, suddenly there is a huge screen, and then split into 800 different small pictures.

Each picture corresponds to an entrant.

Tiandi Cimei said: "There are more than two thousand creatures who did not participate in the competition. They don't have to worry about boredom. We lick the seeds, eat the fruit, and then enjoy the game of the peaches together. Are you not happy?"

All the creatures are screaming, and there is a good show to watch!

At least when you wait for the results, you won't be doing nothing.

"Our lord, the yak and the beast, is awesome. Only when I entered the world, I smashed a competitor next to me."

"I can see beautiful angels and sisters fighting, still happy, I love you, Shirley!"

"Look, look, Anlinzong took the initiative."

"God, is he going to go to the golden light?"


Anlin walked flexibly along the rugged, rocky path.

Even if all aspects of the power have been suppressed, the basic qualities of his body are still very against the sky, far beyond the general ten-segment monk.

The location of the eruption of the light column is close, and there are still 800 meters.

An Lin’s eyes gradually calmed down, and the nerves began to tighten, ready to be shot.


A sudden burst of fire broke out.


The screams sounded.

A black shadow draws a curve in the air like a parabola.


He was lying in a place not far from Anlin, and he was full of black smoke, and the golden light of the body released a powerful ray of light, which was the light that the artifact gave him.

The injury was a bit miserable, and Anlin could not tell who the man was.

Hey! A space volatility came, and the man disappeared and was sent out.

An Lin looked up again, but found five good-eyed monks, who were clasped together with their hands, and showed a kind smile to him...

"Amitabha... was it the Lord Anlin?"

"Anlin Road Friends, come and play together."

The five monks looked at Anlin with a good look and said the temperature.

In the middle of them, a golden light column rises into the sky. That light column is not just as simple as calling a teammate. This is why you want to pull the blame and abuse it! !

"Haha, a few masters, I am bothered, I will not come, leave!" An Lin laughed, turned and ran!

"The donor is gone!"

"Hey! Eat me awesome!!"

The five monks sipped and chased their legs and murdered!

"The trough, you vultures are too shameless, even chased over! Want to be a group?" An Lin ran away while angering.

He is not arrogant and wants to play a dozen. After all, the monks are also falling from the virtual world. The basic qualities and fighting consciousness are all there, and will not be much worse than him.

The peach is not there, it is not necessary to meet it~www.readwn.com~Hey! How are you still chasing? Can you attract other fools? "An Lin is about to collapse, and they have already chased the kilometers."

"We have cultivated the Buddha's heart in the Western Buddhism, and the heart is in the right direction. If we look for one thing, we must finish it." A monk is awe-inspiring.

"This is the insistence of closed mouth, this is the insistence of asceticism!" Another monk continued.

"This is the spirit of learning from the West!" A younger monk has a hot eye.

The oldest monk, closed his eyes, his hands clasped together, his legs are as fast as a fly: "Amitabha, you are from Anlin Shizhu!"

Anlin’s heart seemed to be a large group of beasts.

I am from your sister's, neuropathy! !

If you want to catch him, you can still say a lot of spiritual beliefs. What kind of pride is this?

Anlin ran all the way and fled the mountain. As a result, several monks were still chasing after him...

Another place.

"Red bucket, my mother's day! I haven't called it yet, what are you on? Isn't that looking for death? Look at the situation now, we both have to finish!!" A gyro facing the side The stone angered.

The red head is shrinking: "I...we can't beat it."

"Then you are going to fight!" The gyro angered.

Behind them, a ten-footed double-headed dragon is snarling and screaming, and it’s a hot, endless wave! !

Red bucket: "..."

Not far away, a black shadow suddenly appeared.

The red bucket fixed his eyes and found that he was an acquaintance. He was excited. He waved his hands and shouted: "Anlin Road friend, really, come help!!"

An Lin: "mmp!"


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