I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1281: Red brothers don't run

Anlin saw the red bucket and the double-headed dragon behind the red bucket. He immediately turned his direction and ran in the other direction!

Red Dou found Anlin regardless of it, suddenly anxious, loudly: "Anlin Road friends, don't leave me! I know the whereabouts of the peach tree, this double-headed dragon is the guardian of the peach tree!!"


The top of the gyro flew in a red bucket, and angered: "I am your mother! Do you dare to tell others about this kind of thing?"

Red Fighter swears: "But I don't ask for help. We both have to be killed by the dragon. This is hopeless. It is a matter of life!"

Sure enough, Anlin’s footsteps were not far away, and then turned around.

"Red Doo! You don't panic, I will save you!" He ran over and burst into a powerful momentum.

"Look, Anlin Daoyou is here, he is a big battle, we have hope." Red bucket smiled openly.

The gyro looked at the running Anlin, spinning his body, and his mouth twitched slightly: "Do you see what is behind him?!"

"Ah? What?" The red bucket fixed its eyes and then shuddered. "Hold the grass! Five monks! This... this..."

"Return this fart, run!" The gyro pulled out and ran.

The red bucket is rushing to keep up, and the tears are coming out soon.

This Nima, originally thought that they were chased by a double-headed dragon, was scary enough. I didn’t expect Anlin to be chased by five monks. This is even more horrible!

"Anlin, don't come over!" Red Dou found that Anlin was still following himself and shouted.

"Does the red bucket friend want me to save you? How can I save it?" An Lin looked puzzled.

Red heart is a bit boring, and hurriedly said: "I don't need you to save."

"No, you need it!" Ann Lin decided.

Red bucket: "..."

Don't think that I don't know that you are coming to the peach tree! !

"Red bucket, do you regret it? Just because of your pit goods, we have two chances to escape the birth of the day, now it is better, nothing has been done!" The top is extremely dissatisfied.

The red bucket is also extremely regrettable, and things are like this?

"There is still one last resort. We run separately, so that we can at least live one." The gyro opened.

"Running separately? Good idea!" The red eyes were bright and excited.

"I ran here, you ran over there." After the gyro finished, he ran in the other direction.

The two fled separately.

At the same time, the top is also at this moment, the heart is laughing.

As long as you run separately, the double-headed dragon will no doubt choose the chasing red bucket! Because the red bucket is the first person to play the double-headed dragon, who is not chasing it?

Dead and poor roads are not as good as dead friends.

Red bucket, I will take this one of you, work hard, hahaha...

The gyro was very happy, and then it found that a double-headed dragon was chasing itself behind him.

Gyro: "..."

"Why, why should I chase me!?" The gyro shouted almost in anger.

The two-headed dragon did not speak, only the two pairs of eyes, while releasing the blazing and excited look, like a dog staring at the frisbee, staring at the infrared dot...

The spinning top is especially tempting for it! !

It is so good!

The gyro seems to understand what the whole gyro is about to collapse. This is really a fateful snail, asking for bitterness and self-satisfaction.

On the other side, the red bucket is very moving to look at the direction of the top.

"Brother, I will definitely work with you and work together!"

The top said that the split can run at least one. It is right, the red bucket is finally getting rid of the chasing of the dragon.

At this moment, a sudden sound came from behind.

"Red Brothers, I am waiting for me!"

The red bucket turned and instantly collapsed: "Who is your brother, roll it, you give me a quick roll! Didn't you see that I don't need you to save it?"

The one who came is Anlin. Behind him, there are five monks with good smiles, exuding extremely powerful energy fluctuations, and are chasing after them!

"No, you need it!" Anlin said again.

Red bucket: "..."

It seems that ... at least one can live is wrong. At least, the red bucket feels chased by five powerful monks, and they are basically finished.

The red bucket hated himself, and nothing happened to provoke Anlin’s unreasonable amnesty.

"I beg you, don't drag me into the water, let me go." Red bucket pleaded.

"Red Brothers, we joined together and how did the five monks in the back do it?" Anlin said. "I will not say anything else. My strength, are you still unclear?"

The shape of the red bucket escaped slightly.

"I am able to cross the huge gap to sneak back to the virtual world. What do you think will be the strength of my body?" Anlin still asked.

The running red bucket suddenly stopped, and the chest burned infinite fighting spirit: "Mom, fight! Anlin Daoyou, I will join you!"

Anlin looked gratified: "I am very glad that you can make such a choice, let's go together!"

After all, his golden lotus flashed on his forehead, and the breath was even more terrifying.

The red bucket was not to be outdone, and it covered the red flame, and the five monks who rushed behind him screamed: "Red Lotus burst!"

The flame of the red bucket is like a red lotus, and then it explodes!


The atmosphere is distorted and the earth is cracked.

Its bombing, the single flame shock wave has spread to a hundred meters, the momentum is extremely large.

The five monks were not vegetarian. The body floated at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, the flames of the red bucket were resisted, and even after retreating, it was unharmed.

The red bucket was shocked, and the monks were stronger than they thought.

"Bound dragon!"

"One finger!"

"Golden Buddha Big Seal!"

The three monks also shot at the Red Bucket, and two others were alert to Ann Lin.

The golden vitality chain broke into the air, and the red bucket quickly escaped, but it was pierced by the sharpness of a magical power that broke through the chest, and the blood lava was shot.

"Ah...!" The red bucket screamed ~www.readwn.com~ The huge golden palm fell from the sky at this moment, pressing it to the ground.


The earth is cracked and the smoke is filled.

It was also at this moment that the smoke was slightly surging.

The oldest monk changed his face and shouted: "Be careful!"

"Ah...!" At this moment, the screams have already sounded.

A monk was pierced by a black blade with a white wind.

"It's too late, this is the first one." An Lin whispered.

The monk suddenly broke out of the golden body of the body and began to be recalled by the artifact, apparently losing his qualifications.

Anlin took out the sword and the body disappeared again.

He didn't expect the Red Fighter to win any monk. He let the Red Fight attack, just wanting the Red Fight to attract the firepower of the monk. He took the opportunity to attack, and that's it!


During the collision of the energy of the technique, another monk screamed out!

"The second one." The sound rang like a ghost.

The other three monks still dare to underestimate the enemy, and immediately transferred all their attention to Anlin's body!

"Bound dragon!"

A golden chain is sprayed out.

Anlin quickly escaped the entanglement of the chain, and his body was extremely flexible.

He used the wind sword twice in a row, and his body was running out of strength. He dared not continue to use this move. Nowadays, it is only the cultivation of the tenth section of the Tao. The energy that can be used is really not much. The six swords of the God of War can’t be eaten!

"Golden Wind Buddha Town."

"A thousand collapses."

The attack of the three monks began to flow.

Anlin suddenly began to be dangerous and could hardly find a chance to shoot.

(Ask the monthly ticket again, the monthly ticket is low until the snail wants to cry, hehe...)


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