I Might Be A Fake Cultivator

Chapter 1286: Explosive holy angel

Shelley was first dealt with in order to avoid her making a trick at a critical moment.

For example, like Cheng Ge, suddenly a king bombing can also become the key to reverse the battle.

Now only Michael is left, they can concentrate on the enemy!

Michael saw that Shirley was eliminated and his face did not change much.

As long as he is still here, the biggest hope of the white feathers to get the peaches still exists.

"I admit, I was a little bit stunned before."

"Although it is unfair to you, but then I will deal with you with the body of the Holy Spirit." The six wings behind Michael's body are fully stretched, releasing the sacred light, and each piece of feather is covered with pure white luster. Bright eyes.

The sacred voice began to appear, as if to attract the world to the gods of heaven.

At this moment, he seems to be the most sacred existence in the world.

Bang! Michael's breath began to climb, and it broke through the body of the Tao and entered an extremely mysterious state.

"Hey, this is a bit too much... you are hanging!" Anlin instinctively opened the distance, and some nervously opened.

The body of the Holy Spirit is a very rare natural body of the White Feather. Once it is fully motivated, it can display the Holy Spirit that is different from the vitality.

Michael had just wanted to do it casually, but after meeting Anlin, he wanted to do it seriously!

It is not a simple one plus one to use the power of the body of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of the Holy Spirit. When they are combined, they are equivalent to an alternative type of explosion, which maximizes the power!

Anlin perceives Michael's more and more horrible atmosphere, not to mention that the souls of the spiritual level can't win him, even if they are a god, they can fight!

Michael is likely to be the most powerful enemy he encountered in his trip.

On the main hall of the Scorpio.

The people of the White Feathers have already begun to get excited.

"Ah...! The Holy Day of Michael uses the power of the body of the Holy Spirit, so excited!" One beautiful white-beautiful woman repaired and shouted excitedly.

"If Anlin is strong, it will not be able to withstand the offensive of the Holy Angel. This time, it is finally to remove a strong competitor!"

"Even if the super powers of the rest of the world come, it is impossible to be the opponent of Michael San Angel in this state."

This scene, even the Bai Yu male repair is also very excited, hot talk.

The battle between Anlin and Michael attracted almost half of the power of the field. Almost no one thought that Anlin could win Michael in this state.

The emperors of the heavenly court also focused their attention on Anlin.

However, their views are different. They looked at Anlin with expectation and thought about how Anlin could defeat Michael in what way.

"Longevity, do you want to gamble, is this battle Anlin win or Michael win?" The Emperor squinted and whispered.

"Well, I bet on Anlin wins, five hundred years of peaches." The longevity of the Emperor caressed the white beard and said cheerfully.

Emperor: "..., Michael is so strong, do you even bet on Anlin?"

"Oh, I am not stupid. Is there anything that An Lingan has made us unexpected? If there are more accidents, there will be some inevitability." The longevity emperor's eyes are deep and seem to see through.

The Emperor of Heaven called a grievance, and originally wanted to take the opportunity to earn a few peaches.

"Bet who loses who wins no meaning, we bet on how long Anlin can beat Michael." Ziwei Emperor suddenly interjected, "five hundred years of peach, I bet he will solve the battle within ten minutes!"

The Ziwei Emperor, who was violently beaten by Anlin, was very confident in the strength of Anlin.

"I bet he can't do it." The Emperor thought for a moment and finally began.

Michael is a super power that can match his power. He has to give himself a face.


At this moment, Qiankun enlightened in a day.

"You will use a sword, then I will accompany you to play the sword."

Michael faintly opened, like a **** without emotions, a light sword does not know when, has already appeared in the hand.

"Prick!" The sharp air tears.

Behind him, there was a sound explosion, and the body rushed to Anlin at a terrible speed. The light sword in his hand made a pure and extremely powerful sword!

There is no need for a fancy sword, it is a simple fusion of the Holy Spirit and the spirit, a simple but sleek sword.

Anlin's body was blown up at that moment, and the dark sword was sprayed out. The night was full of no-night moves, and a sword fell as night fell, engulfing the surrounding light.

Next second.

The light will tear the darkness.

Michael's lightsaber and the sorcerer's sword slammed into each other, and the squeaking of the blade rang through the void!

Anlin only felt that the sacred light of the sacred light was like a tsunami. The horrible power made the tiger's mouth crack in an instant, and the body was also slammed into the ground by the sword.


A small hill was hit by half by Anlin.

A burst of blood leaked out of the corner of the mouth.

The power of the body of the **** of war was suppressed, and today's defense can't stop Michael's attack.

The first fight between Anlin and Michael, he fell in absolute disadvantage!

I haven't waited for Ann Lin to slow down. www.readwn.com~ Michael will once again rush to Anlin, and the Holy Light Sword will fall again.

Hey! The Holy Light Sword Mans tears the earth.

A white figure was smashed by swordsman and flew again.

Michael's white wings fluttered, swept through the sky, and continued to pursue.

Suddenly, his face changed and he immediately changed the flight path.

The original void of the flight track, suddenly appeared a golden ball, and then burst.


The explosion of energy, the hurricane madness, is actually a serial explosion that makes people scalp numb.

Michael breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he hid fast, otherwise he was really recruited.

He turned his gaze to a point, looking at another handsome man whose value could be comparable to him.

"It is possible to arrange the blasting together and use the array method to hide in advance in the void. I have to say that you are really a blasting ghost!" Michael praised.

Anlin was shocked.

What? Blasting ghosts?

Xuanyuan Cheng was quite annoyed to correct: "I am not a blasting ghost, this is not a blast, but the evolution of the power of the Tailing Taoist!"

"Oh." Michael nodded and nodded, and echoed, apparently not convinced.

Xuanyuan Cheng: "..."

Anlin benefited from the delay of Xuanyuan, and finally took a sigh of relief.

I am hesitant to use that trick, a beam of light with extremely powerful energy, traversing the sky and rushing toward Michael!

Michael reacted very quickly, and escaped the bombardment range of the light column in a very ghostly manner.

"Hold the grass, this trial angel Kyle's position is good, even escaped my ultimate flash!" A very crisp and sweet voice sounded.

Holy Angel Michael: "???"

Who is the trial angel Kyle?


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